Andrew Charles  



The elite already knew about the quantum leap so they released that thing.

It is not fitting that we are free and cannot avoid it.

We are powerful in love and they underestimate us, which is why they are in a hurry to officially launch a new world order.


The dark elites are very scared, they knew that the human collective was reaching a very high vibration but they were not aware to what extent or of the amount of awake souls that there is now.

They no longer hide, their attacks are direct and frontal, there are still those who are not able to see it but this does not mean that it is not real.

The attacks will increase, they will try by all means that people do not wake up, that those who are awake cannot communicate so as not to wake the others and that those who are advanced are seen as crazy or delinquents.

Whatever you do, it doesn’t matter, the quantum leap has already taken place, it is unstoppable, humanity already contemplates animals as similar, already respects mother Earth, already understands that there is no separation.

The souls who embody already come as masters, not to experience, they embody out of love. We may be witnessing total change or not, the transition may take a week or 300 years, but it is unstoppable. Whatever happens during the transition, remember that you have offered yourselves to be here and now, you are the drivers of change, whatever happens, you see what you see, you have a responsibility.

There is only one thing required of you, only one, do not be fed. It’s the only thing you have to do, it’s that simple, don’t get fed.

The human being among other things, is one of the most powerful generators that exist, we are vortices, depending on the polarity in which you align yourself, you create one frequency or the other. These entities feed on the negative frequency, we feed them for millennia. The awakening of humanity has tilted the collective vortex towards the positive pole, from there they are attacking with such ferocity, they are starving. Surely you already knew it or maybe this is the first time you get this message, it doesn’t matter, ask yourself if it rings out, don’t believe anything.

Connect with your soul and see, if your soul tells you it’s true, don’t waste an extra second of your existence serving as food.

Eliminate the low passions of your life, hatred, resentment, envy, fear, vices, foods that come from the suffering of another being, lies, ambition, selfishness, sadness, distrust, all this generates dense energy, nourishment for the dark ones. Be aware of your emotions and if on some occasion you feel this way, ipso facto change your energy, play music that elevates you and sings, dance, breathe, light an incense, hug your cats, your dog or your family member. animal, go for a walk in nature or in the park, meditate, exercise, do what is necessary but immediately change that energy because you are serving as food. Always be aware, it is the only thing that is asked of you, do not feed the dark hordes.

Feed your soul with everything that helps you to elevate yourself, if you get used to living in the frequency of love, your reality will change to your will effortlessly, you are unstoppable, you are a powerful being. Fear not, free your mind from the matrix, focus your attention on what you want but above all, have fun, be happy, smile, sing, dance, love.