10 Things that will bring you peace in these chaotic times

1) Realise that your subconscious mind is being reprogrammed more so than ever to connect with your higher self and it’s booting out a portion of your ego that no longer serves you anymore. The hysteric part of you that is acting out and screaming inside your mind is a level of ‘ego death’ that is being told NO by a higher force to your old behaviours that are limited within your current comfort zone. Humans like routine as it’s predictable and safe. The 1-5% part of you that thinks you are in control is actually being run by the 95-99% of your subconscious mind. Fighting this aspect is a losing battle and will only cause more energetic blockages resulting in increased emotional and mental pain to yourself and to others in the transition period towards a better and more stable Earth. What you resist, persists. Survival is the ability to adapt as that is the purpose of evolution. Choosing not to evolve, is choosing to be left behind. You are not dying; you are just releasing old attachments and integrating more of who you really are to go on to have better experiences. Negative always leads to positive; it is the natural cycle and flow of life.

2) 22 degrees Neptune retrograde in Pisces. Translation- death and rebirth of the old patterns and behaviours looping in your subconscious mind. Illusions shattered with force (negative Capricorn degree that can be triggered by a negative authoritative system). We are forced to look at the lies and stories we have told to ourself in society that keeps us from loving ourselves and others. This is a collective wound and no one can escape this. Those that cannot accept the changes in consciousness will self-destruct. Doing the work on yourself is the only way to avoid suffering. Facing the pain that comes with change will lead to a consciousness shift where the phoenix rises out of the ashes and comes out stronger and lighter the other end. The heart energy is the timeline that will separate the dimensions here on Earth. To expand the heart energy is to let all the hurt within you die. This Neptune energy is showing us the way out of the labyrinth . All we need to do is follow the path.

3) Your boundaries are being crossed and tested purposefully to show you where you lack self-love. Unconditional love starts by loving yourself first.

4) Karmic patterns are surfacing to clear the wounds from your ancestral lines which are written into the ‘giving back’ part of your soul contracts. Many of us are choosing to work on releasing karma related to the cataclysms in Atlantis as well as on Mars and Maldek and other planets too where we bypassed our spiritual selves for service to self actions. This is huge and the humans on Earth who are assisting in clearing these blockages and negative energies will be commended, remembered and honoured for reaching one of the greatest achievements in the history of this universe. You will all wear a badge of honour for your commitment to this heavy duty task. Only the strongest souls were chosen to be here at this time. You wouldn’t be here if you weren’t capable of succeeding in this mission. You have more support than you are ever aware of. You are never alone.

5) To grow is to change and change is hard. To change is to add new perspectives to your consciousness by going through situations which put you in other people’s shoes. 5D sees all perspectives; that is what enlightenment is. If you still have negative energies to clear, you are being put in positions where you still lack perspective and maybe have to be on the other side of the coin so to speak in order to experience the lessons that are associated to the areas of your life where you are still choosing blame, negative judgement and separation. When you can see and understand there is a reason for every action (it’s purpose in learning in this journey) without labelling people’s responses, you will find unconditional love and compassion for the collective’s trauma regardless of what happens on Earth. When this mentality becomes you, you are no longer influenced by others and you have mastered energy. Peace becomes you. All lessons are a step further towards achieving inner peace and are not punishments. Shifting your thought process to what is this situation trying to teach me will take you out of victim mentality and accelerate you through the pain of that particular lesson.

Triggers are an opportunity to disrupt the old matrix patterns and present you with a choice to choose the higher timeline by replacing your negative 0s in your DNA code to 1s. With enough 1s you find peace. All information is simply a storage of ‘energy in motion’ or emotion in an energetic field. Think of all the things you’ve ever been told and what you can actually remember to date. The things that you never forget are the memories that hold strong emotional energies. When we are told the answers to a test, we haven’t truly learnt and we often forget that data fairly quickly. However, if we experience and feel it fully, the information becomes us. Think about this next time you get angry when someone doesn’t respond or change in the way you would like as a result of trying to wake someone else up or teach them another perespective. By telling them the answers, are they really learning? Some people must still experience the dark for themselves to rediscover the light by having an emotional experience so they can integrate it into their conscious mind.

6) Love is like muscle memory. You have to train it consistently for it to become instinct and automatic by response. This is what we are training for, except the difficulty level has increased. It is again programming. Testing times are a feedback mechanism to show you where you are lacking love. Tough situations are a gift and an opportunity to grow. Do not worry that you aren’t doing enough or giving enough back because you seem ‘all over the place’ right now. This is a wound in itself that we have to save others in order TO BE LOVED! We have to heal ourselves first to effectively heal others. You have no idea how potent and valuable the changes you make positively within yourself are contributing towards the genetic blueprint that will be used to heal the entire universe. You each are representing a multitude and mix of various other extra-terrestrials in various constellations via your unique genetic structures and are adding to the blueprint of how each of these species’ genetics can coexist together in one peaceful universe, rectifying one issue at a time. This is being worked on consciously and subconsciously, often through dreamtime too. This is why many of us feel rather fatigued as we are working tirelessly on the other side to release our trauma when we sleep at night through dream simulations and astral work, whilst transitioning our physical bodies from carbon to crystalline in our current third density.

The other positive to you going through these healing times alone is that the deep self-reflection away from the outside world is waking you up more to your mission every day. The way you heal yourself will lay the foundations to the processes in which you will strive forward to heal others in your future work practices and shift the responsibilities you direct towards making significant change on our planet.

7) Your powers increase when the illusions of yourself are shattered. Uncomfortable situations and emotions like what we are experiencing right now act as a catalyst for profound self-awareness. What beliefs you hold onto about yourself are merely a roadblock in discovering and connecting with your true divine powers. Picasso was an extraordinary painter who was technically gifted in the art of realism from a very early age. As he aged however, his paintings became more and more abstract; evolving the way we look at ourselves. He developed the courage over time to venture out of from what felt safe in the artist community, and with it the perceptions humans stubbornly tied to what good art was. He let go of a need to impress or to be anything other than what his true soul wanted to express and he was rewarded with great fame for pushing the boundaries of human expression. We all have suppressed talents but are often scared to expressed those talents out of fear of being judged. Often what we fear to be, is the very reason for our existence and place to make a difference in this world. Releasing wounds that are coming up now by confronting and scrapping the version of yourself that you have solidified out of a place of fear in the past, will allow your telepathic abilities to expand. Transitioning to the fourth and fifth densities is the transition to becoming a telepathic global civilisation here on Earth. It is the real reason why we are here. This means we can’t hide things from others and starts by not hiding things from ourselves first. Opening up to being vulnerable is the leap to expanding our telepathic abilities and unlocking more codons within our own biological structures. In doing so, we become channels for other connecting planetary entities. Honesty is the key to expansion of our spiritual abilities; not some sacred ritual.😎 Emotional instability shows you where your love was false to begin with and instead reveals your deepest fears and with it your hidden motives in your actions. We all do it. Awareness is the first step towards changing by seeing our shadow selves and habits of manipulation. It makes you question, did I only show my version of love and compassion to benefit from a situation, to get something in return? Love gives without expectation and yet our collective trauma is based on a lack of self-worth which has to come through an exchange of good energy.

9) The purge will show you that everyone has flaws, not just you. The perfect image that the human collective is trying to project and live up to is being shattered. We are all in the same storm but are responsible for our own boat.

10) Intense negative emotions are giving you the opportunity to speak to your inner child; the part of yourself that you suppressed earlier in your life that you thought wasn’t lovable. In any relationship, if you have an argument but do not get round to addressing the fundamental issue of your core wound, the relationship dynamic will still carry tension out of a fear of rejection still. The arising conflict within you is giving us the chance to be honest with both yourself and with others that you have karma to work through in order to settle your issues of either abandonment, co-dependency or worthiness. Bringing out the toxicity is far better than keeping the negative emotions inside you. Doing so only prolongs the same karmic lessons over and over in your life that we are supposed to learn out of avoidance. It is ok to express yourself to stop the cycle of pain from persisting. As long as we can do this in a healthy way without projecting blame onto others, we can truly heal and end the unconscious loop of torment we burden ourselves with.