Galactic Federation

Greetings Dear Ones… We are the Galactic Federation. We come to you with an important energy update to all Earths star seeded ground troops. Many of you are now experiencing time speeding up, timelines shifting, memory distortions followed by replacements of paralleled memories. There are High-precision photonic waves that are being directed straight to the […]

The Galactic Federation

Greetings Dear Ones… We are the Galactic Federation. We come to you with an important energy update to all Earths starseeded ground troops. Many of you are now experiencing time speeding up, timelines shifting, memory distortions followed by replacements of paralleled memories. There are High-precision photonic waves that are being directed straight to the Earth […]

Who steps forward with a message?

Greetings Dear one, it is I your Lakshmi with you once again to discuss Ascension. As more and more of you move towards that Light more and more is/will be brought up for release. As so many of you are receiving and integrating the new energies without fail, I need not say better than expected […]


My last communication to you was for the purpose of creating pure thinking individually. No other person can do your thinking for you. This you must do for yourself if you want to be free. If you accept what others say as an authority you conform to their thinking thus you no longer can think […]