To apply the Healing Power effectively we must realize the fountain from which it pours forth. With this knowledge, confidence and faith will be built up. Knowledge is the key to most things for it fortifies the faith. Blind faith is often so weakened through lack of understanding that it becomes useless and doubt takes its place. We must remember that every thought, every reaction, every movement causes a change in the body through chemical action. Unless we can discern our thinking and our emotional reactions we are bound to suffer. The main thing in healing is to know the Truth. Let us summaries what we mean about the Truth.

1. We must know that the Divine Spirit in man is inexhaustible and infallible. It is Perfect Intelligence, knows all and is able to restore even organs that have passed all artificial or material aid.

2. The Divine Spirit is perfect in its expression and is expressing itself continuously. It does not have to be urged it only needs our understanding and co-operation. The more we are aware of this the more powerful will it show itself in our minds and bodies.

The Life Principle is the only reality We must realize and recognize our oneness with the Infinite. There is no flaw in the Infinite, which is the foundation of our own existence.

Thoughts are things and are absorbed by the sufferer. The tongue of the wise is health.

We must realize that the Life itself is the builder of the body and this Life Intelligence is within.

There is but one Mind in which we all live and move and have our being. Each one of us is a cell in the Divine Mind imbued with the Divine Consciousness, which is the director of all things, and is also the source of our own thinking. So each one of us Is manifesting the Divine Intelligence under the direction of the one Divine Consciousness which makes us all individuals having the power of free will to think,