That’s not real, it’s just your imagination!! How many times have we all heard this statement from people before, only to respond with agonising frustration? The funny thing is, they are correct. They just don’t know how important their imagination is in influencing reality. How did we come into existence? We thought ourself into existence. The first consciousness asked, what could I be? This created the first dimension; it was essentially the idea of expanding out into multiple versions of self. It was then the imagination of the one mind that created the polarity of negative and positive energy spawning the concept of duality in the second dimension. Why on Earth did we come up with this; it creates so much drama? Simple, it gave us free will and choice. We took the idea of the first dimension and the plan of the second dimension before making it real through the formation of matter in the 3rd dimension 6000 million years ago. As souls, we wanted a challenge to recognise ourselves for who we really were at the hardest level of existence through duality. This journey would allow us to become masters of energy! Only through experiencing the dark could we then see ourselves as beings of the light again, returning back to place where we all originated from, Source. This is where the concept of “we are all one” comes from. One mind split up into many fragments to experience itself from multiple perspectives. When you understand this, you are the Creator, you are God! You are just a tiny neuron connection within that one brain that contains us all. Your soul family is a string of select connections all attached together exploring a new pathway, a new idea within that one mind. We are brains within one huge brain that holds every energetic vibration in existence. This is also why every truth is true; because there is only you and only you in other people. I am you and you are me. I AM EVERYTHING. Your brain is a decoding device. Based on our brain chemistry, influenced by energetic vibration, we see the same visuals as others in our world yet we process this data through entirely different perceptions because of our imagination. We were all built for the purpose of being different expressions of the one. When we argue and fight over our differences, we are simply attacking ourselves. Life is purely a mirror in which it only seeks to see its true reflection. If you attack the mirror, it fractures and you’re only left seeing a part of yourself which doesn’t encompass the whole. Judgement is simply seeing reality from your perspective, that one piece of the broken mirror. Our purpose is to reconstruct that mirror so we can see the full picture again. In higher dimensions we can manifest our reality out of our imagination instantly. Some people are able to do this consciously when lucid dreaming and just randomly decide they can fly, transform or manipulate their surroundings in ways that can’t be achieved in the 3D. Because the 3D is based on matter, people tend to disregard imagination for playing a vital part in our construction of reality because of our physical limitations. Although it is true that in the 3D we can’t just get up and fly with the power of thought alone, manifestation of your thoughts from your imagination do play out significantly in this reality. There is just a delay which makes people dismiss this connection. Although we live in the densest form of reality furthest away from the purest form of light, that light still exists; it has just been refracted heavily through 144,000 levels of distortion before it reaches us. The energy becomes lower in frequency because of these distortions making it vibrate slower, therefore making time slower. This is what causes the lag between thought through to manifestation in the physical realm. As your vibration increases, the quicker that light can travel through and give you what you want. Think smarter not harder, no. Think brighter!We are multi-dimensional beings. Imagination created the very storyline you exist in right now, designed by yourself in the realm of the architects of the sixth dimension. These light beings are referred to as the Elohim and are a version of your higher self. When you connect with Source, you can connect with that other version of you because you now recognise what you are. You know your higher self programmed your existing reality. Since you now know that you choose your reality based on the vibration you emit, you can programme your desires through them because you are connected once again through embracing light. The purpose of this life is to realise that everything comes from within because the universe is inside of you, in all of us. Your thoughts are an expression of the one in which you decide which reality you want to play out as a soul at all times. You are in control of the experiences you want to have. What you believe is what you are. The negative secret societies that dominate the world don’t want you to know this so they try and control your thoughts through the external world. They want you to desperately stay in 3D consciousness so they can exploit your untapped energy. When we fall victim to these tactics, we can’t ascend beyond the third dimension because our purpose here is to realise who we are. The one. There is no fear in the one because the one decides reality at every moment through choice of thought, through imagination. Every moment is a choice between separation consciousness and unity consciousness. The timelines are distancing themselves as the overlapping consciousnesses begin to split between dimensions. Which train are you jumping on. Choose wisely. Let’s begin our journey home.