5D Technologies Are Coming

Dear sisters and brothers of planet Earth,

By thegalacticfederation.com

We are here to thank you for your step into the manifestation of your wish for freedom from the control through mind programming by the negative forces.

We are here to guide you to ascension in the fifth dimension, because you are ready to co-create with us a new reality. After many incarnations on earth, you have manifested the capacity to see beyond illusion and see the bigger picture behind what has been made to appear real.

Once you grow spiritually and can prepare yourself to help your friends in the 5th dimension, we will be able to communicate with you easily. However, until that time, we wish you progress in a scientific way as well, by sharing our advanced technologies.

The Supership Galactic Transporter, carrying Galactic Federation cargo and personnel, will arrive on your planet when the frequencies are stabilized, and if we can reach a mutual agreement, we may visit you for technology exchange.

There are two sciences: one is subjective science and the other one is objective science. Spirituality is to subjectivity what science is to objective actuality.

Spirituality (inner science) is used for inner progress. Technology (outer science) is used for external progress. Spirituality is discovered in the inner world, just as science is discovered in the outward world.

Their strategies are identical. It’s referred to as “observation” in science and “consciousness” in spirituality. It’s referred to as’ experiment ’in science and’ experience ’in spirituality.

Both sciences encourage you to enter the experiment without any preconceived notions or beliefs. You’ll simply be open to whatever reality arises, even if it contradicts your preconceived notions.

We encourage you to apply to both sciences. They are beneficial to both internal and exterior evolution.

The innovative technologies we will demonstrate will make your life much easier in ways you never imagined.

There’ll be limitless free stuff for you. Imagine a world where you won’t have to worry about paying bills, working hard, and living paycheck to paycheck. That’s the world we want to help you create today.

The robot revolution is inevitable. Robots do all the labor. Humans will only do creative jobs. The machines will do all the manual tasks. A lot of things will be automated, and the main work of humans will be creativity.

All citizens on the planet are welcome to have their own 3D printers so that they can create items for their own use and benefit from the manufacturing processes being developed all over the galaxy without having to travel to distant planets.You can’t imagine what it’s like here. So many books, foods, clothing, electronic gadgets, medicines, and more—you can just print them whenever you need them. You don’t have to use money for anything anymore.

Going to the grocery store to buy ingredients will be a thing of the past. 3D printers will simply print your food, no matter what it is you’d like to eat.

Purchasing homes and automobiles will be obsolete. The AI robots will print the house or cars that you desire from the CAD model.

You will be presented with a vast array of CAD model libraries from which to choose. You can also use voice commands to design your own customized model or make needed adjustments to an existing model.

To produce your desired things, there will be an endless supply of raw material from the galaxy along with a digital process card.

If the raw material is exhausted, an alert will be sent immediately from your end to the galaxy central logistics team, and the essential raw material will be delivered within seconds. We have an excellent supply chain management system. Everything will be automated.

We are proud to introduce our anti-gravitational technology that can transport any material through space at an incredible speed.Using this anti-gravitational technology, your essential raw materials will be delivered immediately. It works by using a system of powerful electromagnetic fields to attract or repel matter.

This technology was first discovered for transporting goods and raw materials. Later on, this is used for space travel. Anti-Gravitation technology not only makes long-distance voyages possible but also opens up new worlds for exploration and discovery.

That is the breathtaking power of Anti-Gravitation technology. A human could travel from Earth to an entirely new solar system in an instant!

We have discovered these technologies and put them to use in a constructive way. It’s possible that it might also be used negatively. So we want all the humans on earth to evolve spiritually by raising their consciousness as quickly as possible before we can release these powerful technologies into trustworthy hands with pure intentions.

Everyone will love one another as themselves once they have matured spiritually and entered the fifth dimension; there will be no more greed, hatred, wars, or anything else that produces unhappiness.

When everyone is united with the Source of Love, everything becomes one.

We love you dearly.

We are here with you.

We are your family of light.


Aurora Ray

Ambassador of the Galactic Federation