Lecture 1

(3rd February 1948)

THE SILENT HEALING POWER In this communication I will direct you in the development of the Silent Healing Power.

By understanding the action of thought you become aware of the action of your own thoughts. So you put upon them a greater value in regard to the kind of thoughts you think.

If you are ignorant of the law of thought

you place no value upon them and when you are affected by the result of their action you naturally rebel against the condition and in all probability place the cause at every other source except the right one.

Now by rebelling against these effects you only increase their intensity without gaining any understanding or relief.

The greatest battle in the world today is the battle between individuals. In every nation, in every group there is a conception of reality which they call God yet all their efforts and prayers and energies directed towards this Reality is dissipated.

Instead of individuals helping each other they become barriers to each other, because most people do

not approach Reality with affection

but only as a means of getting something from Reality for themselves.

In approaching Reality we must not merely discuss Reality without any value to our practical Life.

If you will look into your minds you will see that you have been discussing Reality as an idea, something outside yourselves. In all literature of this nature there is this same mistake made— the mind is directed to create an idea of Reality. Now Reality is not an idea nor a conception of something that the mind can grasp.

Reality is Life itself, the foundation of your own Being.

Reality must be the translation of that Reality into conduct in the individual Life.

 You must not lose yourselves in philosophies, in questioning something that can only be realized by oneself. If I begin to philosophise to you on the wonders of this Reality you only build up an idea of It.

through your own awareness you realize this Life,

this Pure Being,

then all conduct will ultimately lead towards that Pure Being.

So the question must not only be on that ultimate Reality, but on the practical way of translating that Reality into conduct. The Silent Healing Power is not obtained by your reaction to things or forms or conditions, but through your understanding of them. The Silent Healing Power is not obtained through a time or space factor but through the understanding that Life is one Whole, is omnipresent in its entirety.

Therefore at any moment of time all Life or Spirit is concentrated at any point in space that you may choose to fix your consciousness upon.

Pure Being,

Life or Spirit,

must of necessity continually subsist whether in a corporeal body or not and from It all phenomena of Being must flow whether in an Angelic, mental or physical plane. The knowledge of this fact is the basis upon which you can more easily develop the Silent Healing Power. You must not approach this question with the idea of how good a healer you may become for this is seeking something for yourself which is frustration. If you seek to corner the Infinite Being for your own welfare you will become antagonistic to others and this leads to frustration.

But if there is affection towards Reality

there is friendship for all those who are approaching Reality.

It is an opening up inwardly towards that Life

which is ever present Love.

It is not a looking at something that is external to the self but to find the self in that “Being” which is behind every other self.

all seeking Reality separately, individually, as separate entities, each elbowing the other out.

This is the cause of the contradictory spirit in the world today.

It sets up antagonism between religious groups and individuals who are all approaching the same Reality,

all trying to realize and understand It and instead of affection for all who are approaching it there is rivalry.

But to understand, to approach and to realize,

you must come with affection,

not in the sense of possession or competition

as to who is to understand more or who is to understand less.

Reality must become the dominant factor

and not individuals.

Reality must become a living

perceptible enthusiastic realization of Itself in activity, in conduct.

In this way you will not lose yourselves in theories,

beliefs or philosophies,

but you are all the time highly concentrated on translating your understanding into daily action, into conduct.

So your conduct in affection does not need the backing of a highly complicated philosophy or a ritual to which you have to conform.

True conduct is self-realized conduct through affection


understanding not based on any philosophy or religious belief but based on one’s own experience.

Hence your conduct becomes the translation of your realization into activity.

You are not judged by your philosophy or by your beliefs, but by what you are, by the manner of your treatment of others,

the manner of your friendship,

the manner of your speech.

If you are loving and kind to all and antagonistic to none

then you are translating Reality into action.

The Presence

is never antagonistic to Itself

in any individual.

Then what makes you antagonistic, competitive?

It is the idea of your approach in which all


energies are dissipated without result.

If you think that by your philosophy you may be thought intellectual then you have lost the real and see only the shadow.

As soon as you try


realize the Central Living Reality

in everyone

 and to which everyone however awkwardly is moving,

 then your affection,

your thought,

your whole enthusiasm is turned towards It.

 You cease to be antagonistic towards other individuals

who are also approaching It.

It is difficult for those who are approaching this mighty Reality for the first time because of the terms used,

which are words meant to convey a meaning.

Many terms are used such as



Universal Mind,

Divine Mind,



 Ether of Space,

 Essence of Substance,

 Matter, etc., etc.

 If the students will keep in mind the wholeness,

 the oneness of all there is

, seen or unseen,

 they will realize that the term used is the most suitable to convey the meaning

 or kind of manifestation which is referred to.

When we use Universal Mind or Divine Mind we mean that which comprehends

, that which embodies

, and includes all that we call consciousness

, individualized

 or otherwise.

 We mean all that is visible or invisible

 all that which is known or unknown

 all that can be seen



 or sensed

 all that can be apprehended

 and all that which is beyond apprehension

 All is God and there is no separation

 no division

 If I may put it this way to you the Universal Mind consists of the manifested and the unmanifested.

The manifested portion can be apprehended by the human mind but that which is unmanifested cannot be apprehended,

yet the manifest is in the unmanifested

 and of it,

there is no separation.

There is a plus element which is always above and beyond

 that which is manifested thus manifestation takes place within the unmanifested

 and that something—that plus within—brings forth the manifested

 and it is this ineffable, this indescribable this pure Being

that remains within its creation,

yet always transcending (beyond the limits)  it,

and it is this Reality which we approach with affection and Love.

 And as we realize it more and more

 we translate it into action for it is


 that is behind our own thinking.

 In this realization God alone lives,

God lives in you,

He guides all your actions,

He leads you where He would have you go,

to work in you,

to will and to do whatsoever He would have you do.

Then let the external manifestation be what it will,

 believing that it is just what Divine Mind would have it for the present,

even if it is exactly opposite to what you have planned.

This cessation of struggling

brings true expression and freedom.

Now let us consider the human mind.

Much conflict exists in your world today whether or not the mind is dual in nature, that is, two separate minds.

The difference of opinion is so great that it prevents the establishing of a true picture of what really exists.

Some say there are two minds,

one is conscious and the other is subconscious,

but in reality there is but one mind.

There is an outer and an inner function

and the Silent Healing Power can only be developed by a true understanding of the relation of each function.

Now the outer is associated with the relative world

 and reacts to the condition of the personal environment

 which is very much limited.

It takes into cognition time and space,

events etc and is influenced by them.

Therefore you will understand that this

outer consciousness

 is limited

 and reasons from the individual point of view.

That is to say,

it draws conclusions from supposed facts and effects

which are seen on the surface,

 (yet the real cause is hidden in the inner,)

or where a part only is seen

 while the whole is not recognised.

A good simile here would be the discernible part of an iceberg,

the sparkling pinnacles which are seen above the water

 are but a fraction of what is underneath the surface,

but the iceberg is one whole, that which is seen and that which is unseen is one and the same iceberg. So that which is seen on the surface is but a limitation by one’s opinion

of what one sees and with a lack of understanding

 of the seen and being unaware

of the unseen, fear, doubt and apprehension is caused

 by assuming that the limited opinions of what is seen

 on the surface are actually true

 while they may be entirely false.

Now I want to place before you the one who is wholly affected

 by what he sees, and the other who has

actually realized the Reality

and at the same time discerned that which is false and incomplete or limited.

You will see clearly that it is a state of consciousness or awareness.

When the consciousness becomes aware of Reality

 there is a sense of perception that

reveals that which is false,

or that which is only partially revealed

 on the surface and with this understanding there is at once a doubt,

a questioning of what is seen on the surface,

and this leads to reflection and discernment.

On the other hand with the unawakened consciousness

there is an acceptance of what is seen.

Therefore what is seen on the outer

 is believed in the inner

 and there is a reproduction

of what is seen faithfully and logically

 with all the details accurately produced

 whether the facts are true or not.

Thus it is most important that you must discern

that which is unreal and false

before you can know that which is true.

You are what you believe you are.

When the Truth of your true Being





that the eternal Life

 is ever rejuvenating

 the mind and body

that the Presence

 of the

 Eternal Presence

 is your Silent Partner

 you begin to understand



 of the

Silent Healing Power.

 But if your mind is full of falsehood



 which make you


 to others

 then you will

 only create inharmony.

When this inharmony is dealt

 with by yourself alone

 you will then have

revealed to your consciousness something

 of the real which is


(Love, Wisdom, and Healing).

To establish this

Truth in your

outer consciousness

 is the solid foundation

 upon which to develop


 Silent Healing Power.

 When we begin

 to see that

the outer

 is but a

state of consciousness

 unaware of Reality

 and that

which it is


 that it is effects

 of what is created

 from within,

 and not knowing the true facts,

 we react to what we
believe to be true.

But immediately you identify yourselves

 with the

ever-present Intelligent Spirit

 which prevails throughout the whole Universe

 you see clearly that the inner consciousness

 is that which is one

 with the Universal Consciousness,

the Creative Power,

throughout all nature.

 It is this

understanding transferred

 to the outer

 that gives you dominion over all things.

This creative power gives rise to all forms

which also give rise to the

outer consciousness

 as the external manifestation

 of that

which is within.

The Reality is that creative power,

 that Love,

Wisdom and Healing

 that is always at work


 regardless of time

 and space,

for time and space

do not exist in the

Eternal Ever-Present.

But if you are lost in the outer

and cannot discern what you see,

then you will only create sorrow

and conflict because

with your feeling of limitation,

your feeling of insecurity,

your feeling of inward poverty,

you will crave

and this craving

leads to frustration,

sorrow and conflict.

To attain to that which is true

 you must think in the Absolute

 and not in the relative

which is but a restrictive

state of consciousness.

Now a final word to you in the

developing of the Silent Healing Power.

Take your realization out

 of the

relative where it is restricted

and surrounded by beliefs

and opinions

which are false and

transfer it to the Absolute Reality

 where it is not thus

limited and approach this

Reality with Love and Affection

so that you will externalize

 in conduct this

Reality in your daily Living.

The blessing of the

Angel of Light

is upon your work

of the Sanctuary of the Silent Healing Power.

BENEDICTION O, Love of my Heart, I open my soul to Thee so that all the fragrant musk of Thy Love will scent the atmosphere that surrounds me. O Blessed One, sing in my heart, “I shall be Thine for ever.” I will laugh at all dangers for I will always hold Thy protecting Love in my constant remembrance of Thee. In Thy Blessed Light dissolve all shadows and fears of my imagination so that in Thy Blessed Light I shall remain awake for ever. May Thy Love shine for ever on the shrine of my Devotion and may I be able to awaken that Love in all hearts. SO MOTE IT BE