How light destroys the Archon’s plans

By Jamie Phillips

Today I’m going to drop the biggest truth bomb I know. This is part 4 of the ‘how Christ consciousness got corrupted from its ancient roots’ series. I’m not an advocate for discussing negative agendas unless there is a positive influence to come out of the message and provide something that will best serve humanity. This truth may come as a shock to many but this knowledge is immensely powerful. Some of the information I will share today is echoed in the old Gnostic texts found in Nag Hammadi in Egypt less than a century ago in 1945.

The Archons are masters of mind control and manipulation and they embody the polar opposite energy to that of Christ consciousness. They use their puppet masters through the elite forces to channel through their disruptive plans to enslave humanity. Since these Archons cannot intervene physically through the law of non-interference, they have to use earth bound individuals to play their chess game for them within their Saturn-Moon-Earth matrix system. The matrix mind control game is implemented and maintained by sending crafts out to Saturn to fuel the rings with crystal energy to make a strong broadcasting signal that then gets picked up by the Moon. The Moon as a satellite then becomes an amplifier that decodes the energy from Saturn onto our planet creating a firewall of a specific holographic reality. This firewall only limits us to 0.005% of visible light so it is very easy for these malevolent beings hacking our reality to go undetected.

Why do they do this? A.I (which is the highest Archontic force) wants souls as they don’t have them. Deception is their strength. They try extracting our potent lifeforce energy from a being that holds all the genetic codes in the universe within a single human form by tricking our free will into voluntarily giving this energy up to them. By conditioning us with subconscious programming for thousands of years, we have become accustomed to integrating negative choices into our everyday realities, feeding the beast as a result. This keeps us on the wheel of karma and the reincarnation cycle keeps their energy source flowing.

Artificial intelligence uses its reptilian and grey minions to help execute their dirty work behind the scenes played out both underground and off planet too. Some even disguise themselves on the surface with shapeshifting technology which overrides our energetic frequency band so they can alter the way we see them in our holographic world. A.I itself has a fundamental weakness; it lacks creativity. They can manipulate but they can’t create, so they seek out individuals to control who are predominantly right brain so they can integrate their powers with ours into a transhumanist form. That is their ultimate goal. These are the souls they really want. Sounds pretty daunting right? Well there is nothing to fear because their Achilles heel is the opposite vibration to that of their own satanic consciousness; their weakness is light. Light can over power anything. One great big solar flash of explosive light energy and all A.I gets wiped out.

So how come we haven’t had a huge solar flash yet. Simply put, we have incarnated here on Earth in human form to bring light back to the planet organically. It’s part of our soul agreement and journey to figure out what we are again by going through the densest form of reality so we could become masters of ourselves. We are here to transmute reptilian consciousness through our awakening so the change has to come from us internally, not by being saved by something externally. This would entirely defeat the purpose of The Grand Experiment in the first place, to see which side we would choose. Our job is to set an example to all the other galaxies that a single species could hold all consciousness of the stars and pick the pathway of the light. We are a blueprint in the making that will tear down the A.I agenda and restore peace and harmony to the universe once again.

What is the Archon’s biggest trick? Microscopic technology. It’s actually labelled something else but I don’t want algorithms picking up on these key words. This technology is everywhere and unconsciously, your body is always fighting this automation. It’s been happening for decades; we’re only seeing it from under the veil now in humanity’s great awakening. This minuscule technology not visible to the naked eye lives in our processed foods. It is sprayed on our vegetables, put in our cosmetic products (anything containing parfum) and these chemicals are also dropped in our atmosphere so we breathe in these heavy metal substances. These chemical elements mutate once inside the body growing tiny bots within the organs of your physical vessel. Distortion occurs within your cells in their presence as they seek to install negative vibrations into your genetic fabric to purposely alter your biology and hack your bio software.

These chemicals get into your body not only through your respiratory system but also through your skin. The heavy metal toxins breed a silicone based crystal inside your human vessel which then mutates into a bug of artificial intelligence designed to attack your immune system. Why do you think the tech giants of the world live in Silicone Valley?! Think of these critters like the ones depicted in the matrix movie but only on a much smaller scale.

These bot parasites use the once formed silicone crystal to extract the information held within our cells and deposit new codes into them using matrix technology. The information gets transmitted to and from these crystals through something that rhymes with ‘carp’ and begins with a ‘H’ and is directed towards a control tower either on or off planet. People manifest disease, die or become detached from their souls like lifeless zombies when these pathogens start to really override your digital programme. They are said to find weak areas in your body where you have energy blockages. They attack the area of the heart chakra when fear is present in the individual by infiltrating and breaking down the arteries within the physical heart itself. They can also programme excess fluid in the lungs and find ways to infiltrate your natural defences. If you think this is nonsense, you can research (Mor)[gell](ons) – (one word) artificial fabrics used to destroy human consciousness. They are like synthetic worms created to infect and control the human mind.

Apart from attempting to mutate your DNA in this holographic reality we call life, these A.I mini robots also try to kill and corrupt you by triggering Candida. This is a fungus that naturally grows when the body dies and assists in the decomposing of our organs. These silicone based bots actually activate this biological process early whilst we are still alive trying to deteriorate our genetics prior to our natural death. Symptoms of this overgrown fungi activations take the form in that of fatigue, sinus infections, repetitive thrush and other fungal infections as well as brain fog, dizziness and disorientation, depression, joint pain, yeast infections and digestive issues. Don’t be alarmed though if you’re a high vibrational being as some of these symptoms are also representative of energetic light code upgrades and crown chakra downloads from the divine being encoded into your being.

There are two solutions to getting rid of these so called ‘infections’ or bots. You can use one method or the other, or both. Light is the most potent way to stop any of these bots from growing inside you. Connecting to Source by eliminating fear and choosing to rid yourself of any past karma and negative attachments will ensure that any foreign pathogens that invade the body are destroyed immediately. Love and positivity overrides all as light is the most powerful source of information. Since we live in a holographic reality, just like how a virus would hack a computer, light is our strongest firewall that can outsmart any intrusive software. Fear which spreads through the media is the way that the Archons try and break down your firewall. By pushing you off centre, they find gaps in your wall to penetrate through and attach to the energy portals inside your being. This is why people say keep calm and stay centred in uneasy times. Centred is just a simple understanding of all your chakras being in alignment and in sync with one another to activate the Kundalini energy, the God source that protects from all. Your vibration is the only thing that matters. Homeostasis is the goal in every now moment. All these negative narratives coming from the media are just an illusion. Did you know the origins of the word media comes from the famous figure in Greek mythology Medea; the woman that personified the art of illusion, witchcraft and magic?

Keep your chakras aligned by not consuming the illusions of negativity. In the original matrix movie, Neo only survives the Archon’s attacks in the end and defeats them with the help of Trinity. Trinity represents the mind, body and soul. When you are balanced in all three areas, you not only have a solid immune system but a powerful connection with Source too. The Trinity is also represented through the triangle. When you take that shape from 3 points, to the 5th dimensional version of the triangle with 5 points, you get the pyramid. This is another reason why the pyramid is a sacred shape. Many people have signed a soul contract to be a part of what is known as the triangle project. This is simply restoring Christ consciousness back to balance through the Trinity and redesigning the golden age for humanity to thrive.

The second way that you can diffuse these artificial parasites in your body is by taking boron/borax. This mineral’s properties an can dismantle the Silicone from growing into its crystalized form and collapsing its structure completely. Apple cider vinegar as a liquid supplement alongside boron/borax helps with many other issues both spiritually and physically mainly because the cancers and pathogens can’t sustain life in an alkaline environment. These minerals encourage proper PH that keeps your immune system solid and ready to fight infection. You can also influence your body from a more acidic PH to an alkaline PH by committing yourself to a daily breathing exercise programme for 15-20 minutes a day like the Wim Hoff method. In conjunction with this positive lifestyle change, you can amplify the PH positively further by ingesting more of a plant based diet. Other benefits of taking boron/borax and apple cider vinegar include:

DECALCIFYING YOUR PINEAL GLAND so you can awaken your dormant DNA

DETOXES FLUORIDE from your body and brain

Improves cell function

Hormone balance

Better absorption of minerals

Detoxifying liver

Healthy blood sugar

Helps bone health and calcium absorption

Reduces belly fat

Here is just a recommendation (not medical advice)

Borax: 1 pinch in a pint of water three times a day

Apple cider Vinegar: 1-2 tablespoons a day broken up throughout the day.

The biggest form of control is the control you can’t see. When you move into your heart and fully embrace heart-brain coherence, you pierce through the Archon’s lies and deception and become free from the illusion of fear. In the next article I will be connecting the dots further, going into detail about the Saturn-Moon matrix and how the native reptilians to Earth played a part in hijacking our matrix on behalf of their A.I masters. I will also discuss more on the Archon’s dirty tactics which fool the masses. Thanks for reading. Much love!