Understanding creation through symbols and sacred geometry (Part 1)

Jamie PhillipsGalactic Federation Of Starseeds And Lightworkers

The circle shape defines the whole of creation through both the positive and negative polarities. It equally creates and destroys in the circle of life which is infinite. It is whole and yet also a hole. It is perfect and yet imperfect which keeps creation spiralling within a constant loop to redefine boundaries of ‘what could I be’. It defines everything and nothing simultaneously. Visually, we can identify this concept through the idea of a black hole contained within the ‘whole’ of our universal bubble representing both expansion and eradication. This dualistic analogy is contained within the structural blueprint of our own eyes and biology. This is why we see through the eyes of God as we hold the visual representation of the universe through this very organ. We are both the black hole of the void and creators of the divine represented through our light and shadow selves, forever transcending and rebirthing to a new paradigm for the sake of experience. In between the separation of light and dark lies the stage of the cosmos represented through the sclera (whites of our eyes), iris (cosmos) and the pupil (black hole) where the two opposing energies coexist and intermingle on this platform for new experimentations to unravel. We breakdown through the negative energies of the dark to enable to recreate again through light. Darkness helps us evolve and assists in avoiding stagnancy. Perfection is more terrifying than darkness, as it limits our experience as creators.The two circles of light and dark or the divide between the two realms of the physical material world and the divine coming together, intersect to create an almond shape known as the vesica piscis. This almond structure forms the seed for new life; an expansion upon an idea through a new mix of vibration. The vesica piscis stands for fertility and creation itself. It is also the shape that holds our eyeballs in place. Once we can see the connection between the material world and the divine, do we open up our third eye which is perfectly aligned in balance through the central portion of our body. It is the meeting between the right and left brain in harmony that unlocks the full potential of ‘I am’ as a multi-dimensional being of light through this very almond shape. The brain actually takes the form of the two circles forming the vesica piscis to create the two hemispheres of the brain in union with one another just like how a cell begins to duplicate through mitosis. The word vesica piscis also means fish bladder in Latin. This symbol that intersects the two circles of masculine and feminine balance is depicted through the ribbon shape that looks like a fish. This fish is the symbol defined by Jesus who came to Earth to help bridge the gap between male and female consciousnesses and connect people from the material world to the divine in the age of Pisces (the age of illusion and deception). Pisces represents the two fishes of balance like how yin and yang interact together to construct the positive and negative polarities found within a frequency wave. The zodiac sign Pisces has an ancient ruler, Jupiter and a modern day ruler, Neptune. Jupiter represents expansion and Neptune represents illusions. Jesus came to shatter illusions with the expansion of his divine knowledge of unconditional love through the forming vesica piscis consciousness. Jesus died at the age of 33 to show us love through the nurturing vibration of the number 6 (3+3 in numerology) all whilst displaying his qualities as a master number 33 as a divine enlightened teacher to humanity. It’s also not a coincidence that our eyeballs are round. The circle or sphere in 3D represents completion. Every platonic solid that makes up the formation of matter in our universe through the 5 elements: fire, water, earth, air and ether can be contained within the circle’s geometrical shape. I will expand upon this more in part two with Metatron’s cube. We were already born complete. The journey of the third dimension through to our ascension is realising that we were already made whole to start off with. Through healing your embedded traumas and releasing suppressed wounds of the past, can you surrender to the power that you are perfect as you are.The eyes are considered the window to the soul. We are light beings since all of our cells are constructed up of light. When we look at our primary source of light here on Earth, we look to the sun. The sun provides us with vitamin D, which really can be defined as vitamin ‘DNA’ as its light restores our genetics back to our most natural form of harmonic resonance and repairs defects within our system. The ancient name for the sun goes by the name of Sol. In astrology, the sun is also symbolised by the circle with the dot in the middle just like a simplified version of an eye. The eye of the ‘Sol’. Sol = soul as the sun helps us become lighter and triggers us in remembering who we really are again; a fraction of the one contained within everything like a star contained within the universe. No matter how small or insignificant you may feel, as a spec that makes up the one, you are the you-niverse. Uni-verse meaning all singing one song, the vibration of the heart that connects us all back to Source. The circle contains both the positive and negative polarities of energy through the number zero. 1(positive) + [-1]{negative) = 0. The two opposite frequencies cancel each other out. In fact, the 0 carries the blueprint of the only thing that ever exists, vibration. The bottom and top parts of the circle when split horizontally across the X axis show two halves of an energetic waveform. The zero simply identifies that the universe is defined by the law of balance because vibrations cannot exist without this wave form in equal measures. Since the zero is also a repetitive loop, it shows how energy cannot die and it is eternal. The zero also has connections to the number 8 as the eight figure is just a rotated version of the infinity sign. Comprised up of the waveforms of energy that loop back on itself, these two numbers represent the same thing. One could also suggest that since Saturn controls our matrix which is linked to the number 8 in numerology, you could also make the connection that the 8 stands for time like an ever repeating hour glass. When flipped, we constantly cycle the hour glass to go through both the lighter and darker ages in a repetitive dualistic nature on a constant carousel ride to reform ideals. Kronos is said to be the God of time and the fatherly figure of Saturn that holds the matrix programming. The Akashic records is linked with the Saturn matrix. These records are held in the 8th dimension. Interestingly enough, the infinity sign which looks like the number 8 is represented through the geometry of the torus ring which holds an infinitive amount of information as part of these records. This is the same torus ring which governs our own magnetic fields and helps us pass along and receive information within Saturn’s matrix. This data then regulates how our genetics are altered through our double helix DNA strands which is a never ending infinity sign when you view this structure in a 2D format. In 3D, the DNA conforms to the ‘golden spiral’ that follows the pathway structure of the torus through Fibonacci’s sequence called the golden ratio that has no ending. The torus also visually represents the 1 and 0. ‘We are all connected as one yet we are all nothing’ applies to this shape holding data. Nothing exists except thought, so the misconception that we are separate from one another is just an illusion since we are all contained and attached to the akashic records holding the information of the ‘one’. Source and its fragmented components within us through various forms are held within one shape. Zero is infinite because 0+0+0+0(etc) always equals zero. We are all connected as one through the quantum waves of the zero-point energy field.If we look at the torus’ connections to the number 8 further, we can see that the shape is similar to that of a cell. Since the torus is constantly updating its database, it mimics the same biological process of the human zygote with a cell division of 512. 5+1+2= 8. This data being stored in our cells is simultaneously recorded in the 8th dimension where the Akashic records are held for the ‘one’. When a cell first divides through mitosis, the point where the two cells duplicate creates an infinity sign showing how the circles of the cells are constantly reproducing and degenerating within the cycles of eternity. Life and death are merely just the balance to breed new experience. In part 2 I’ll look at how everything is created through oneness within Metatron’s cube. I will explore Fibonacci’s sequence and the golden ratio and how it applies to the sacred geometry held within the seed, flower, and fruit of life that connects us to the matrix and Saturn’s hexagonal north pole. Thanks for reading!