Is the flower of life the daisy of death?

Jamie Phillips

Awakening Your Soul

(Understanding creation through symbols and sacred geometry part 2)

The flower of life is simply a blueprint for all matter created within our universe. It makes up the construction of all the 5 elements throughout the cosmos. To call the flower of life ‘evil’ is simply labelling your own form as purely dark since we are all made up of matter. The negative label associated to the flower of life can also be referred to as the daisy of death, getting its negative associations from the subconscious trauma held within us from the Atlantean times from 14,000 BC. It was the knowledge of the flower of life’s wisdom which was used negatively that caused the collapse of society in which cataclysms followed like The Great Flood 11,600 years ago. The flower of life is neither good or bad. It is neutral between the polarities of both light and dark/ positive and negative. Since it is contained and made up of circles, the circle itself represents the cycle of life representing the two polarities of a waveform within its shape. The circle stands for both construction and destruction. The flower of life follows the exact form of the yin and yang symbol through which the two energies flow equally. As above, so below.

As discussed in my previous articles, the fall of Atlantis came about when the teachings of the universe got into the wrong hands. The blueprint of all creation and the ancient secrets of our world were originally protected by the kings, queens, high priests and priestesses of the Atlantean times and passed down to those committed and trusted with this information through the mystery schools. In the ancient times that echoed Egyptian culture and spiritual teachings, it was said that the flower of life occupies two rings outside of the original blueprint. This prevented anyone from decoding this wisdom that couldn’t be trusted as a form of protection, just like how we create metaphysical bubbles to protect our energy field from psychic/astral attacks. Students would have to prove their devotion to acquiring such potent knowledge through vigorous spiritual development and showing dutiful loyalty towards serving their fellow man. It was the disruption in the hierarchy of power that saw certain groups use this knowledge to cater to the negative polarity, branching off to create secret societies that would use this wisdom for their own benefit at the expense of everyone else.

Detrimental to the balance of civilization, many forms of energetic technology were created for war purposes using the flower of life wisdom with the aim in mind to divide and conquer for more territory and resources of the Earth. Examples include Protiktah which was used to fight the Lemurians for a portal in the mountains of the Himalayas. This was a sound technology that could turn people and cities into dust and has been recited in some biblical stories like ‘Gomorrah and the destruction of the cities of the Middle East by vibration.’ Others developed so called death rays and earlier forms of Harp technology for negative agendas also. It is said that the final straw came when scientists concentrated a huge charge of energy of giant crystals downwards towards the centre of the earth which caused the cataclysms that wiped out 80% of the global population at that time. The imbalance of the planet became too great and therefore destroyed much of the civilizations in that time period.

There are some people that say the flower of life stops us from ascending. Firstly, since the knowledge of the flower of life equates to the holographic projection of all matter within our matrix which includes us, those negative forces who have inherited the knowledge of our reality can use it to change the matrix. Examples include their grid of {fIvE JeE} (pronunciation) which takes the geometric form of the flower of life. Therefore, they can force upon the negative polarity within the geometrical constraints of our planetary grid. In this sense, these energetical distortions can inhibit our ability to raise our vibrations if we aren’t already balanced. However, the crystalline grid surrounding our planet is interchangeable hence why we can change our realities since we have access to both charges of vibration in our energetic spectrum. Our light sways the matrix back into our favour if enough of us choose the positive pole. If we were to do this, the flower of life would become positively charged once again.

The matrix is simply a tool to give us an experience of a certain reality. Since we are all co-creators, we all programme the matrix together. That’s why at this time, there is a so called battle for the matrix through the shift of vibrational density. We are not trying to destroy it, but reconfigure it to project out a new paradigm. At one point, the matrix made from the flower of life blueprint existed in 5D; a thriving heart centred global community before greed plagued the downfall of the Atlantean civilization. The misuse of the geometry of the Merkabah held within the flower of life and within Metatron’s cube collapsed unity consciousness and our connection with the crystalline grid of the Earth, plunging us back into the lower densities of existence.

The subconscious memories that lead us to think that the flower of life is the daisy of death also stem back past our earthly incarnations. Maldek was destroyed because of this unbalanced consciousness and Mars exploded the aether from the planet giving it the harsher terrains because of its reptilian influence. Both these planets were very similar to Earth before these negative charges of energy impacted these places. Our subconscious wounds for those who were impacted by these other planetary experiences derive from the negative polarity of choice that the flower of life offers to us as well as the positive one. Without these two, we would have no free will. Therefore, the flower of life offers us freedom rather than restriction to both create or destroy. The daisy of death is simply a choice in perception which latches on to a negative agenda and fearful thinking. We all can choose to use the flower of life for good or bad purposes. It is potent in both forms, hence why it was guarded in ancient times to prevent undeveloped consciousnesses from destabilizing the laws of the universe. Unfortunately, things did not go to plan and we are here 16,000 years later to rectify where it all went wrong.

How does the flower of life work? The secret to understanding this geometrical composition comes when we see its connections with Metatron’s cube. Firstly, the shape starts off with the circle of life in the centre; the cell and energy form that represents the one. In its second stage, the circle mirrors itself to form the vesica pisces just like how a cell duplicates. The vesica piscis reflects the law of attraction; you only create more of what you are. The vesica piscis is the formation of a new pattern and is also a reflection of the female Yoni (seed shape) in which life enters through. This is why the vagina gives birth to new life. The third stage duplicates stage 2 again to form the interlocking pattern of 3 equal circles that create the trinity and connection of mind, body and spirit. The triquetra symbol also is referred to as the trinity knot and stands for the law of threefold return through the representation of the three almond shapes formed together through the three overlapping circles in the seed of life developing sequence.

When you expand this mathematical formula you get the pattern which creates the seed of life (7 circles in total/6 on the outer layer). This formula follows the same principle of how a cells divides through its stages of mitosis. When you duplicate this pattern out further you get the blueprint for the flower of life made up of 19 circles. The real wow factor to this geometry comes when you duplicate two more rounds to the pattern; one round of 18 circles and another outer layer expanding up of a further 24 circles which all add up to 60 interlocking circles with an additional circle made up in the middle. 61 circles in total. What’s the big deal about that?

The circle in the middle is symbolising where creation started with 60 circles revolving around that one circle in the centre. This is the blueprint of time which is represented through this geometrical formation called the fruit of life. 60 seconds and 60 minutes defined by the one face of the clock. When you separate out the 13 circles which are shown in Metatron’s cube, this is the same blueprint as the fruit of life and of time too. 12 circles on the outside balanced by the 13th in the middle to create the ‘one’. Not only do we have 12 numbers on our clocks too but we also have 12 constellations that define the energy of the one within us as a complete unit. The fruit of life and Metatron’s cube is showing us that we can recognise ourselves as an expression of the one by living in the centre. Metatron simply means self-aware instrument. Meta suggesting an explicit awareness for oneself, and Tron derives from the Greek word instrument or device.

If we take the 7 chakras in our physical bodies represented through the 7 circles in the seed of life, the middle chakra of our body is the heart centre. The middle circle in the seed of life and Metatron’s cube is representative of the heart. It forms a six sided star with its almond intersections, that of a Merkabah which is the activation of heart energy that connects us to everything in the universe. Saturn controls our matrix and the hexagonal six sided shape on its north pole records its emitted frequency within cymatics to create a six pointed star, which is the Merkabah. This is the vehicle for ascension. When you connect the fruit of life circles from their middle points in both the inner and outer aspects in layers of the geometry (shown through Metatron’s cube) they both also form the same hexagonal shape of Saturn’s north pole. Within this hexagon, the five platonic shapes that make up all matter in the universe fit within this hexagon outline showing how everything is connected. These include the tetrahedron for fire, a cube for Earth, an octahedron for air, icosahedron for water and finally the Dodecahedron representing ether or the universe.

Saturn also rules time, just like how the fruit of life constructs time. Metatron’s cube is giving us the knowledge that everything comes from the heart by living in the centre; to not stray away from the connection to the heart. The ‘one’ in that of the Creator lives in the circle of the void in the 9th dimension. The heart frequency of 432hz when added up in numerology comes to 9 (4+3+2) representative of the connection to God through the 9th dimension.

The 13 circles in Metatron’s cube represent the 13 archangels that help with your earthly existence through your 13 combined chakra points and energy centres of our galaxy. Below our regular chakras we have both an Earth Star and Earth Gateway and above our crown we have the soul star (10), stellar gateway (11), universal gateway (12) and finally the cosmic gateway (13) which is occupied by Metatron himself. These are the gateways in which our soul is birthed into and ascends out from in our spiritual journey in and out of the lower dimensions. The ‘I am’ presence of your higher self lies in the soul star of the 10th energy centre. The Pleiades takes charge of the 11th energy centre or gateway and Sirius occupies the 12th energy centre of gateway.

To be continued in part 3 where I will go on to talk about the god source energy held within the geometry of the lotus of eternal life.

Thanks for reading.