Dear Earth brothers!

I am Commander Kalighal, of the Pleiadian Fleet, who is around your planet.

The desire to come here, and give you some information is constant. Because we are on the other side of the veil, we are on the other side of the battle; another battle not seen by you. We, not only the Pleiadians, but all the brothers who are here, maintaining the balance of the energy of this planet, know exactly what is happening, on this side; and of course, it will never be explained or demonstrated by your media.Many see our ships in the sky. We are becoming extremely bright every day; so that more and more people can see us. Our appearances are not merely for display, but for the awareness of the human race, that you are not alone in the Universe. We are all here around you. Our daily life, as you say, is always full of surprises and news. The battles are not over, but coming here and telling you that what’s going on around your planet is pretty scary, it wouldn’t do any good. It would only cause more fear and more insecurity in your mind.We’ve been here for a long time, we know all the enemy’s tricks. There are no surprises, how they will behave; and we’ve always been one step ahead of what they’re planning. Each day, their number on the planet decreases. Some are letting themselves be captured, because they want to change their lives, they want to change their energy. And they are very well received and taken where the treatments are made. Changing a soul’s, created for evil, is not easy. It is not easy for them, because all the feelings, stored in each point, of each cell of their bodies, have to be destroyed, transformed into Light.So there is a need for liberation and a desire, very great on the part of these beings. Many went through this process, remained for a long time on the side of the Light. Fighting side by side with us, against their own brothers. However, many times, they end up returning to their soul essence. We don’t imprison anyone, who wants to leave, goes. And we cannot also affirm, that all our brothers, even Pleiadians, even Arcturians, Sirians, Andromedans, that there are no brothers who allow themselves to be attracted by non-light. They are souls who somehow have not fully learned what you are experiencing there in the lower dimensions. Something remained inside, that was not well cared for, that was not treated well; and even ascended souls, they may slip and return to lower dimensions.So we have our brothers, like that, too. It is very sad that we have to fight a brother of ours, in the same guise. But we see energy, we don’t see the outfit. And if that brother’s energy is going against this whole process, he must be removed from the battle; so that it can be treated again and can evolve again in the future. Being around your planet here is not boring or tiring for us. Most of us are warriors and enjoy battles; have improved over time in war strategies, in self-defense, and are very fond of participating in all types of liberation.So we can say, that we are a great army. Not specifically formed here, for your planet. Each race that is here is an army of combative beings, for a long time. We are not beings without experience, who came here, to play battle with the enemy. We know every step we take, and that is why we are being victorious. There is no fear of dying as you understand, because we already understand, that the greatest precious asset that we are is our soul. To lose the physical clothes is to free the soul, so that it can live as energy for a long time. Until it chooses again, to trap itself in a robe.Many choose to remain as souls for a long time, without incarnating more. This is a right of the soul and if it is for the good of the Whole, and if this decision is for its growth and evolution; it is a respected decision. The masters of that soul, will know how to guide it, so that it continues as a soul, being a being of light of great importance. Do not see us, as simple inhabitants of other planets, without experience and without intelligence. We have command, because there is an objective and the objective is not given by us. The objective is given by the great commanders of this process, but each of us is his own commander. We used to have this commander label, because we are responsible for a ship. The ship, to which I am this Commander, is one of the Pleiadian Mother ships around your planet.Not everyone feels at ease, to speak, to communicate with you. It is as if I have been chosen to be this spokesman and here I am. I didn’t choose that post, I was chosen; and I have proven to those superiors that our performance has been very successful. Because every time we go into battle, we don’t have the feeling of winning, of oppressing the enemy; we don’t have the feeling of destroying the enemy. Our great objective is to capture souls, so that they are taken from the path of non-light, to the Path of Light. Of course, we defend ourselves, because we are very attacked. But the love that we have in our hearts, gives us the necessary security, to know how to protect ourselves at every moment. I cannot deny that we have already had casualties; but not more recently. The casualties occurred in the initial battles, which were really very violent. We haven’t lost any more soldiers for some time; because the enemy’s forces are running out. The enemy has not been wiped off your planet yet. There is still a lot to do. Mainly because some are incarnated in positions of leader on your planet. And this is now, the biggest obstacle we have to move fast. Trust what is being done. You don’t need to love us, we just ask you for respect and a lot of gratitude. We don’t want recognition. These feelings are not part of our soul. We are over that a long time ago; and today, we only emanate love.We cannot demand love from you too. We would just like to be respected. Gratitude is your way of saying thanks; how you use it, to tell the other that what he did was good for you. But if there is no gratitude, nothing changes; we will continue here, until the end of this whole process. Now what we do not give up is to be respected. But we are also fully aware that not all of you will open our arms; We know that. But that at least, this great majority that says that they respect us, that they love us and that they want to be with us, effectively in reality, they do what they say.We are different, and you have a very serious problem with your appearance. So don’t expect us, beautiful beings, within the conceptual beauty on your planet. We think we’re beautiful. We think you are very funny, because your human clothes take different forms for each being. And this is very strange for us, because most of us are practically the same. We have already realized that, with some minor exceptions, there are no equal beings on your planet. And this is very strange to us. Of course, we have our differences, but not like you. Our outfit is unique, we don’t have different colors. But we understand that this planet was populated by many different races, and today you are a mix of us all. Your human bodies, we can say, which is a complex organism, which adds the genetic lines, of almost all the races in the Universe. That is why you are so peculiar, that is why the Universe observes you so much.You are being watched, all over the Universe right now. And when all this ends here on this planet, we already know where we are going, because many other planets will be released, just as you were here. So, we already know our next mission. And we are happy, because this is our nature. This is our soul mission, I speak for everyone who is here, within the Galactic Federation.Many think that we will not appear, that all this is to save time. We are not the ones who decide anything, but the moment is very close. Many changes will happen on your planet, by the end of this year 2020. You see nothing, but everything is happening. And the more secretly we can act, the faster and greater the success of our actions.As a representative of beings, who are here in your heavens; I would say that we are very excited. We will really enjoy contacting you physically. And that you can look into our eyes and see the immensity of the love we have for each one of you.

Through Anjoseluz Via Aurora Ray