Beautiful Light Workers and Being of Light

WE are rising from the 5D to the 12 D. Known to you all as the Great Event. We will be passing through the photon belt to rise into the New Earth that is created and waiting, in less then one year. Please be prepared for this Great event. Integrating your light body energies as the Earth frequencies continued to increase, it is important to rise with these frequencies.

Eating live foods and water, mediating daily and energetic responsibility. Clearing energy. Keeping your chakras balanced and clean energy that connects you to the divine. Now is the time to start fastening and go higher. Cleanse, detox and drink plenty of clean sources of water. The energies will continue to pick up and its our job is to integrate these new energies with our being that are hitting Planet Earth.

Moving your being daily, while spending time with Mother Earth is where you will feel the most energized. She can help you increase your frequencies, be with her. The collective needs to be 90% in the heart space and in higher vibrations before we go through the photon belt. When we go through the photon belt your being will merge into your higher self. “ascension”.

We are moving into a higher version of ourselves in less then one year. This time is to stay focused on what lays ahead and hold your faith. This is what you are all here to do is anchor your light into Mother Earth. Twins flames we are calling on your love to help increase the frequencies in the photon belt. Your missions are now. Shine your light. Anything that brings you joy surround yourself with those pleasures. Manifest greatness, open your arms and heart to the unconditional ways to higher forms of love.

You are love. It’s safe to love. You are the light. It’s safe to shine your light. Time to take your ascension to the next level. With love,

Your Jaguar High Priestess 🐆