Purging is bravery. It’s ok to not be ok

Shadow work is important because it allows us to manifest our desires by releasing our fears. People who force positivity from an inauthentic state of being are not vibrating at the frequency they are trying to put out. This is spiritual bypassing and a ‘trap’ in the form of escapism. These people can actually vibrate fairly low as their perceived positivity is governed by fear under the surface masked by their friendly smiles and pleasant smokescreen personalities. Their external image is more important than acknowledging their true identity which lies from within. A healed person radiates calmness and only upon acceptance of one’s self whole heartedly will project out true happiness to the world. Those of you who have been through the transformation process of accepting yourself fully can see this difference.Frequency expands from the heart and heart coherence comes when you accept the rhythm of life. For every high, there is an equal low which is installed in every energetic wave of existence. Respecting this balance is not fighting, escaping or trying to speed up the pain that comes with the lows. Allow these lows to be a part of our progression as souls, simply by understanding them as another tool to guide us on our spiritual journeys. To feel is to experience and to experience is to learn. Do not hide from these feelings as they only prolong the pain.

Reframe your mind to ‘what is this situation trying to teach me for my benefit’ rather than ‘why is this happening to me’ or ‘I don’t deserve this.’ Bear in mind, this constant state of highs and lows is happening with everyone on the planet and each individual is learning something different in accordance to their own soul contracts. It’s important to recognise that healing in yourself becomes prevalent when you stop putting labels on other people’s lows. If you are doing so, you are seeing a portion of yourself in them which you aren’t accepting yet. Some ‘nice people’ can’t manifest their dreams because they cover up their wounds with positivity and by doing so, restricts their range in vibration. Why do bad things happen to good people? You keep encountering the same lessons associated to pain until you acknowledge the darker aspects of yourself. A wounded person regardless of how ‘nice’ they are still sees themselves as separate from the collective which is what our Saturn matrix is trying to break up. This blocks their range in consciousness and keeps them stagnant. Disease manifests as a wake up call to get souls to ‘do the work’ on themselves that they’ve been sweeping under the rug. Pain is brought on by you so it is up to you to look at the lessons behind why you feel that pain. This comes with the self awareness that you create your reality from the inside first so you can redirect your life to the experiences you want. The ETs assisting in the growth of human consciousness within the grand experiment are using your thoughts and vibrations to bring you about opportunities that are aligned with these frequencies for your highest good. As your vibration increases, so does time and with it your energetic bandwidth meaning you can move on from a painful situation must quicker now that you can identify your own sticking points within your karmic lessons.

It’s better to purge the darker energies within now than to hold on to the past whilst putting on a brave face for the world. A warrior is not a worrier in the heart. A worrier is in the mind, trying to think their way out of the natural rhythm of the heart. A true warrior knows there is no one to fight but his or herself. The world heals when we collectively heal ourselves first. This is not selfishness but wisdom.

Fake it until you make it is only detrimental to yourself. You hold the law of light within you. Only you judge yourself.

Allow yourself to release, cry or vent to get out whatever has been lying dormant and trapped within your body for many lifetimes and no longer serves you. Your trauma is a part of your journey. It is not bad, but an essential part to your Earth school education. Releasing that trauma is accepting the past, learning and moving on to new and better experiences ahead. Evolution is the pinnacle of this mentality of integration formed from our past experiences. You are not weak for showing vulnerability through purging, but brave for admitting that you accept yourself for wherever you are on your current soul’s path.

You are releasing ancient wounds and healing your ancestral lines. This is service to the collective, to the universe! A hero is not thinking they have to save everyone, but instead surrendering to the process of their mission. To love in all forms which starts with loving you first. The work you do on yourself goes beyond what you can see in the physical.

Only hurt people hurt people so bare that in mind if you’re still neglecting a part of yourself that needs healing. People that trigger you are your greatest teachers as they are feedback mechanisms that will make you conscious of the aspect/s of yourself you still need healing within. Blame is direct reflection of you brought on by the law of attraction.

Everyone is releasing something or working on healing a part of themselves. We are all brave souls who signed up to feel this pain so we can transmute it. Only the strongest and most advanced souls were selected to do this, to come here and represent the universe. If you couldn’t fulfill this mission or it wasn’t your time then you wouldn’t be here. The ones who will leave the Earth in the following years to come are the ones who refuse to face and intergrate their shadows or are the brave souls who chose to stay asleep so they could expose the corruption by getting entangled in it. Whether we are asleep or awake, we all play our part to help the collective. Part of our shadow work is to see beyond blaming people who are asleep and instead approach these people from the mindset of‘ how can I help, how can I serve?’

Darkness that consumes consciousness grows with persistent ignorance. We all have the capacity to love as it exists within all but free will still plays a part in the ascension process.

Dark suppressed energies are contagious and if we can’t release them, then the perpetual loop of negativity will continue to cycle in the human collective like it has done for thousands of years. The fight stops when we stop pointing our swords at one another for our problems. Instead we should take that sword of truth to cut the chord of separation which acknowledges that we are fighting the same demons from a different set of physical eyes. Our suppressed trauma is carried in our energy fields. People who are in close proximity to you interact with these fields and pick up these trauma frequencies on an unconscious level. You can project outwardly as much love and light as you wish but the hidden darkness is still interacting with others’ torus fields under the surface if you have refused to look at your own shadow.

Darkness is encoded into the human form; it is part of our blueprint and collectively designed by all of us to have these third dimensional experiences. Therefore, it isn’t about shutting out darkess but being aware of it and being able to handle it. Beating addiction to any substance, situation or behaviour is awareness that you can control your urges and not to fall victim to the easy way out of your tough life lessons; ones that you chose to come here and conquer. These are supposed to be hard to achieve; we came here to be masters of energy. So, we must appreciate and understand the full spectrum of vibration that comes within this energetic bandwidth on Earth and to see realities from all perspectives which is what 5D consciousness stands for and embodies.

Darkness is needed for soul development. Without it, there would be no challenge and everything would be perfect.

You are stronger than you think. We are either addressing or suppressing. Mistakes are inevitable but prolonging suffering is a choice.

Choose love. Love comes when you love yourself first.

Thanks for reading. Much love