Greetings Dear Ones…

We are the Pleiadian Counsel and We come to you today to share a energetic update…

We like to ask you at this time to remain whole and grounded in your sovereign while integrating, forgiving and healing your shadow side. These dense energies many of you have carried on from previous generations. This is the time for radical for radical healing as you are transmuting pain, anxiety, doubt, fear, shame, judgment, anger and guilt. Dear Ones, we invite you to utilize and channel the Lions Gate energetics wisely.

In these moments of now, we are asking you to love all aspects of yourself unconditionally. Allow yourself forgiveness and open yourself up to the infinite universal abundance that is available for each and everyone of you. Use the Lions Gate activations to release limited beliefs you have about self, money, and relationships. Open your hearts and set your intentions to your deepest passions and desires. Remember your passion and mission go hand and hand. This Lions Gate portal gives you the perfect opportunity to successfully rise. Have the strength and courage to step into the unknown without the need to control or manipulate the energetics. We are always with you and guiding you…We Love you unconditionally and we hear you Roar. Stand up and rise, the time is now… We thank you for this opportunity to connect with you at this time.

-Pleiadian Counsel

-Channeled by, Parallel Brittnie