Saint Germain – The Power Is Not In Us, The Power Is In You

Dear brothers of planet Earth!

I am SAINT GERMAIN! Being here once again is always a source of great joy, and my heart gets bigger and bigger, to the point of covering this entire planet. Changes are accelerating. A lot is already happening. For those who continue to insist on seeing only what happens in their world, to their eyes nothing happens; we are really concerned about anything but your planet. Now for those who see, hear, know everything that is happening, and that brings the feeling of imbalance, pain, suffering, but who trust and know that all this is part of a great theater and strategies for every time more, to show you otherwise, these things don’t seem to matter anymore. So I would say to each of you:

The journey continues. Each of you has a road to follow. Each one is at a point of it; some further ahead, others starting the road, others in the middle, others unaware of where they are, but they know they are on it. Some walk fast, others walk slowly, others crawl, others simply sit on the first obstacle and wonder what to do to overcome that problem. So each one of you is seeing, feeling, living, the ascension road in a different way. What is this journey for the “Road of Ascension”? It is made up of your actions, your thoughts, your words, your feelings. This set speeds up, slows down or stops the walk. There is no formula, there is nothing we can give you, for you to follow that script, because every soul is a soul. Each soul is going through its own clearing, its own deepening of what needs to be forgiven, what needs to be understood. So how to make a script? If each is at a point; if each one is in its own time, in its speed, getting rid of the chains and shackles conquered along the way?

So, I just tell you, we’re all doing it. What we can do and what we can do to help you, we will. If not, you could already be, yes, almost in the Fifth Dimension, but few would have made it there. We are not anxious, nor are we irresponsible. Our goal is that the entire population of Earth could reach the Fifth Dimension; and that’s what we’re doing. It does not matter if in this environment we have extremely negative souls, but they are also being given the right to evolve, to find the Path of Light. There is no judgment, no separation on our part, we treat all equally. So they all receive our help, the result is that it depends on each one’s choice.

Those who actually want to return to the Light will be very well received. Of course, we don’t treat everyone alike after this act. These same souls, who vibrated the non-light for so long and who decide to return to the Path of Light, need to go through a series of tests and cleansing, so that we can effectively say that they are on the side of the Light. But this is also done. So, when we don’t seem to do anything, or when we do, we do it very slowly, it’s so that we can raise as many souls as possible to the Fifth Dimension.

Each of us is doing our part; every being of light, every ascended master, within his range of functions is following that determined by Father/Mother God. It was up to me to keep the Violet Flame lit on this planet at this time. So that all that energy, which has been accumulated for so long, negative, can be effectively transmuted so that you ascend. We can say that just asking for forgiveness and forgiving would not be enough for the population of this planet, for there to be the ascension of every soul. Something else is needed; it takes the Violet Flame transmuting all that. So that their souls are effectively cleansed and can enter the Fifth Dimension in an easy and peaceful way. For this, I am preparing a series of short videos, so that you can get to know all my teachings and can effectively live them intensely. For those who already know my words, my teachings, it will be a good time to go deeper into them. For those who don’t know them yet, it will be time to learn them. And I would like you all to participate. We will take this journey together. Of course, we will have the support of the one who speaks, but we will make this journey together. So, shortly, you will receive instructions on what will actually happen and how to participate.

I hope you can enjoy these teachings and live intensely the transmutation of your negative energies, carried by your souls. We will be together, and I will lead you along this path, in order to clear you more and more. And that this way we can grow together, and walk together. To grow this great egregore of people ready for the Fifth Dimension and walk together towards it. Having the Violet Flame installed in the heart of each one of you will make you feel strength, confidence and faith in yourself in the first place. The power is not in us, the power is in you. And it is this power that I want to see grow and I want to bring forth, in the hearts of each one of you. See you soon! See you soon!

Channelled by: Anjos e Luz Terapias