Feeling is the key to ascension

Knowledge is acquiring information, but wisdom is knowing how to apply it. Wisdom comes when allowing ourselves to FEEL authentically through life’s experiences. In these moments, when we give permission for these emotions to be felt wholly and understood is where we learn the most. No book can ever replicate the lessons we learn through feeling in the moment ourselves. All energy is emotion; energy in motion. To understand all and to become enlightened is to activate the full power of our hearts. Metatron explains in his geometry blueprint of the universe (Metatron’s cube) that the key to all life is to live in the centre. The centre of the universe and the centre within ourselves is the heart chakra energy. It is the centre of the web and the glue that holds and connects all the other strings together.

The heart understands the whole spectrum of human emotions by allowing them all to be felt and acknowledged without resistance. There are no ‘bad emotions’ as they are all consciousnesses from Source just trying to redirect us back to our truth. This is why the heart energy doesn’t judge because it sees the whole picture and understands that harsh experiences through intense emotions are needed to provoke a truth inside ourselves to open us up again to unconditional love. By destroying via negative emotions, we can see what we are not and open our eyes to love again. Negative always leads to positive as this is the energy flow of vibration. Destruction and recreation is the evolution of life and consciousness.

Each emotion serves a purpose for the sake of learning and shouldn’t be labelled or dismissed as each person’s experience is precious in their own individual journey towards rediscovering themselves once again. Everyone is at a different stage of that journey. Remember, you were once there. In this lifetime or a previous one. As a lightworker, your job is to help these very people access their heart energy by showing them the way of unconditional love (balance for love for oneself and for their fellow man). The world shifts with one reflection of kindness at a time.

The observed wounded or triggered person that chooses to attack their ‘enemy’ is only having a battle with themselves and the one that has their heart open knows this. The power of the heart IS to understand ourselves fully and that comes with embracing every aspect of the human blueprint that lies in ALL our emotions, not just the positive ones. That is what love is; acceptance. Love is actually balance by learning how to master energy which can only be levelled out when we’ve experienced the extremes of each emotion. Our incarnations are simply a fine tuning process of these emotional intensities. This is why the astrological sign Libra (ruled by Venus) stands for harmony, cooperation and balance through the scales. The abbreviation of pounds as lb is a shortened term for the word Libra. Anubis was said to judge the ascension process through the scales in Egyptian mythology, weighing up your heart alongside a feather.3D consciousness wants unconditional love but is holding a bag full of conditions. When we let go of the bag we find peace. Choosing to let go of control is choosing not to be burdened by the restrictions and demands of the ego to be anything other than the truest version of ourselves. This is scary for us all and the challenge of why we are all here is simply to release ourselves from the idea that we aren’t enough, otherwise like a virus, we project it on to others in this hall of mirrors. Through the emotions of fear that we need to embrace in order to release, we can choose to meet that fear head on, acknowledge it, speak with it so we can learn about it to finally let it pass. Problems of the mind are not problems of the heart.

Each one of our emotions teaches us how to love ourselves, both through the highs and lows of life. The more emotions you have learnt to handle through your life, the larger the consciousness waveform you create for yourself. As your vibration increases, so does the intensity of the highs and lows you experience as everything has a direct opposite. The higher you climb, the bigger the fall. Our job is to climb to the very top and also to fall to the very bottom (highest and lowest vibrations within our reality) only to realise that both ends are showing us the same thing. There is only you! Running away from your emotions is running from the truth, another aspect of yourself. Neutrality is respecting the flow of dark and light in balance and by not chasing or running away from either, you find peace within. This applies to people and situations. That is the goal of this existence. To experience simply what is, what we have all created for ourselves but simply haven’t yet remembered.

‘The devil’ is a part of God (Source) yet we obstruct this consciousness perceiving it as an external entity (through religion) separate from ourselves as an excuse to run away from our own shadow. This only keeps you in the dark longer by you pretending that you are only light. Bad things happen to “good people” because they haven’t understood that they came to Earth to have this human experience TO FEEL IT ALL. Religion keeps you in the reincarnation cycle by controlling your mind and emotional experiences. It limits your human journey and prevents you from feeling it all. It’s just a matrix programme.

Our truth flows when we become authentic in our emotions and start by letting out things which have been deemed socially unacceptable which in reality are perfectly normal since we all have and share them as a collective! The more we can explore and understand what has been labelled ‘taboo’ the more accepting, authentic and understanding our world becomes. This is where healing begins; when we are allow ourselves to explore our deepest emotions and fears without restrictions or labels.

Pain has something to teach us about love. Emotional pain is felt when we attach to an outcome which is outside of ourselves; a part of ourselves which we haven’t quite integrated into our consciousness of oneness. Pain is trying to steer us away from separation and towards unity by showing us that the lack we perceive occurs because we are trying to fill a void that the outside world has tested and conditioned us by. The purge that we are all going through now is releasing those illusions stored within our suppressed emotions of our physical bodies so we can all let go of judgement. That comes with releasing judgement about ourselves first. The primary goal of pain is to love ourselves first. That is what it is asking us to accept and we will keep lingering in this harsh energy until we learn this lesson. Pain may not be a choice but suffering certainly is. Only when we can use pain to learn to love ourselves can we open up to truly give and receive from others. This is how the energy chakras flow. If we don’t have self-love, no amount of love from others can be accepted into these energy portals. The narcissistic culture which has developed in mainstream society constantly brainwashes us as a consumer society that we aren’t good enough, pretty enough, smart enough, worthy enough. There’s no wonder why we have so many dysfunctional attention seeking relationships built upon false idealistic projections of how couples should be.

Women after ending a relationship are said to suffer more short term emotionally after heartbreak whereas men suffer long term and some never actually recover. Women (or the feminine energy) allows themselves to feel the negative emotions from this heart wrenching situation so it can be learnt and then released. The toxic masculinity culture of today teaches it is weak for men to feel and show emotions and that they must be strong all the time, embodied in the alpha male persona. By simply moving on after a traumatic breakup experience without crucial time of emotional self-reflection, these men are choosing to reject a part of themselves that is longing to understand itself. This has caused increasingly major psychological and insecurity issues within men today which are going undetected because they are afraid to open up on how they feel on the pain of their past. No wonder why so many men’s hearts are blocked!

All is balance since we need to go through it all. No one is exempt in this human experience and everyone must travel this path of dark and light through our various incarnation cycles. If we all go through it all, then why do we blame and point fingers? Because we can’t see the bigger picture. We aren’t tapped into our hearts to awaken that underneath the illusion, there is only ONE.

In order to love who you are, you cannot hate the experiences that shaped you.

Love is a flame that burns everything other than itself. It is the destruction of all that is false and the fulfilment of all that is true. Things fall away when we start to see with our hearts, not eyes. When everything around you is burnt to the ground, the flame that is left is the fire that will always exist inside of you.

A tree is a perfect illustration of the human journey. It appears separate from all the other trees in the forest above the surface, yet underneath is a vast network of intertwining roots within a complex ecological system that operates as one cohesive unit. Trees live by cooperation, not division. Life has never been about survival of the fittest, but elimination of the weakest. The trees amongst their compact surroundings adapt together, not compete with one another. Chaos, the so called first God designed our universe to test how we would respond amongst the ‘chaos’. Love or fear.

Cooperation or division. Nearing the end of a 26,000 year cycle the end game or apocalypse is testing us if we have learnt the true nature of love in this entire human experience. We are here to show others how to pass that test at this crucial stage of human evolution. The tree leaves grow. They expand, flourish until they fall. The trees then become bare, left naked and vulnerable in the cold winter months. All the trees go through the same process. Death and rebirth. We are no different. As we go through our own cycles of transformation through our highs and lows do we peel back another part of the human psyche which we’ve felt and understood bringing us closer to the centre of ourselves towards our hearts. And yet the dead leaves symbolic of our old skin which sheds like the snake gets absorbed back into the consciousness network of the ground. The fallen leaves biodegrade, enhancing the soil and feeding its microbes to encourage the roots to grow and expand further. The memories of our past serve as fuel to expand the neuro pathways in our brain just like the roots of the trees, forming new connections and upgrading our own databases from our learnt lessons here on this planet. Duality is the cycle of learning and growing. Life and death, pain and joy, good and evil, dark and light are all the same thing. All is learning. All is love. All is one. All is a mirror to see ourselves again. Energy is just emotion. When we conquer our emotions by feeling do we find ourselves again. Much love!

Jamie Phillips