Aurora Ray  · 2d  


The Galactic Federation: The Event Is Near

Dear Earthlings!

We are the Galactic Federation. Peace be with you. We are pleased to announce that the time has come to reveal ourselves to the people of Earth.

New Earth, a planet of new opportunities, of life without death and pain, a planet where everyone is a Galactic citizen. We are here to tell you that these things exist and can be yours if you open your hearts and minds to what’s right in front of you.

You are on the edge of an evolutionary shift on your planet, which will lead to the ascension process of the inhabitants on your planet. Soon your world will be cleansed of darkness and negative energies; resources will be released for people of this planet to ascend together. We have come to assist you in that moment of change, to announce that this Event is coming closer.

We see that you, the people on earth, are starting to wake up from your sleep and are starting to realize what is really going on. And we see that many of you who have started to wake up and raise your vibrations and consciousness levels are preparing yourselves for a great change.

The vast majority of you will view these revelations as an exciting step forward in unifying mankind, while some may feel trepidation, fear, and anger. For this reason, it is important for us to present ourselves in a way that allows you to understand who we are and why we’ve come.

You can see that we know and understand you and we deal with all the populations of the planet with respect, and we do not want anything from you – we just wish to help you, to protect your planet – it has always been our aim since the first day of the contact.

The long-awaited Disclosure is now represented as a reality and not as something difficult and even unthinkable. This breakthrough will completely change your understanding of yourself and your new world. It will lead to what we call Disclosure.

Well, prepare for the read of your life! We are here to burst your bubble with this amazing Disclosure.

When things are happening at the higher levels of the 5D Earth, you feel them much stronger at the human level. This, of course, is not new to you, and we have told you already about it in the past, so we won’t dwell on it here.

But there is one thing new: this time, what is happening in the higher levels will be so strong and so dominant that it will influence directly many key decisions on many key locations on your planet, and many key battles will be fought, and many key locations will see the people uniting with each other.

In addition, everything has been set for a global financial reset with the use of new tools and methods, which means that all old methods of creation and control of the economy will be abolished in a blink of an eye, and thus a lot of new technologies that were suppressed can finally emerge in full daylight!

We have prepared our plan so well, so smoothly, step-by-step, inch by inch, here one day, another day there. And we are about to achieve our final goal – the final liberation of planet Earth from the most brutal slavery in this universe.

The dark forces are keeping the world in bondage. The dark forces are controlled by demonic entities who interfere with your evolution which is for you to ascend to the next level of love, peace, and unity while they thrive upon your fear, anger, and sorrow.

This time, the struggle with the dark forces will not be at the astral level anymore; it will be at the surface of your planet, and many important key decisions will be made, and many key battles will be fought to make everything ready for the Event.

The third-dimensional world as it’s now is really going to start crumbling since it has completely had its days. We know there is a lot of trepidation and anxiety as this last part of the Earth is getting ready to shut down as the new Earth with a better, more peaceful reality is coming into form.

We are urging you to rise above fear and stop giving your energy to this old story by focusing on what you know to be true about yourself and your divine nature as a powerful creator being. We believe you, as lightworkers and Gaia guardians can do this together through your thoughts and actions.

The dark archonic forces will be defeated again. Now is the time for light to arise from the victorious fires of the underground bases all around the world and for energies to become more intense with fantastic surprises.

A new age is about to begin. Be ready to dance and sing and celebrate your new life and experience a new paradigm shift bringing with it a new beginning for Earth and everything on it.

We love you dearly.

We are here with you.

We are your family of light.


Aurora Ray

Ambassador of the Galactic Federation

Channel and Art by Aurora Ray