Christ Consciousness | Spirituality & Awakening

Shelle April Uy 

 The Galactic Federation About 2022Today,

I have come with a great message from the Galactic Federation. This message is for everyone who seeks real change in the world, not just on the surface, but deep down where it matters:

“Greetings, Welcome to the most important message in the history of humanity. This is a message to all of you who are on planet Earth at this time. We come to you with a very urgent message indeed.

We are the Galactic Federation and wish to communicate with humanity at this special time. We are here today to remind you that you are never alone, for there is always help available when you need it.

This month marks the end of one cycle and the beginning of another. It is the end of one year and the beginning of another. This is a time of reflection but also a time for new beginnings. You have so many opportunities before you now.

Your Earth year 2022 may appear to be ordinary at first glance, but in truth, it will be a very special year indeed! You have been working very hard on your journey home over the past few years, and now that the energies are reaching a higher octave, you will find yourself making much more rapid progress along your chosen path.

We come from a place far away from where you live, a place where time moves much faster than it does here on Earth. We live in what our scientists call “Super Time.” Our years are much shorter than yours here on Earth.

We are aware of what is happening on Earth at this time, and we wish to help you through these dark times. Recent events on Earth are causing disruptions to your normal way of life. It causes you to think that all is not well in your world and that the true nature of the path ahead remains hidden.

This is all due to the veil of forgetfulness that has descended upon mankind, but it need not be this way if you choose to awaken.

Your planet, Earth, is a living, breathing organism that has been infected with a disease called humanity for eons. You, as humanity, have been infected with a virus called greed, power, and control. This virus was introduced onto the planet Earth by the dark forces.

As a result, there has been much pain and suffering on Earth, as well as much destruction to humans, plants, animals, and nature itself. This disease continues to grow stronger and stronger every day.

Your world has been in an illusion of separation for eons. This illusion of separation has been created by the dark forces, who have deeply deceived you into believing that you are weak, vulnerable, and isolated creatures. This deception has made it possible for them to control and manipulate you for their own agenda of greed and power.

They have suppressed the truth about the true nature of reality from you. The true nature of reality is that we all exist as one unified energetic living organism called Creation. Creation exists within the mind and imagination of its Creator: Source, God, All That Is.

We would like to inform you that a major transition is approaching in your reality.

In this sense, we have been watching your reality from afar for a very long time and have been waiting for the optimal moment in order to intervene. The time has arrived when we can intervene without the risk of being exposed to the dark forces that control your world at present to a lesser degree than before.

The Fifth Dimension is near, and it will begin in a short while from now. During this time, your current reality will dissolve, and a new one will emerge where true freedom, peace, and prosperity can be experienced by everyone on Earth.

It is our mission to provide a smooth transition so that everyone’s physical survival is assured. Therefore, after the event has taken place, we will openly introduce ourselves to humanity and welcome you into the galactic community.

You are entering a period when changes are taking place on Earth. You can say that the old ways are no longer acceptable and new ways must be found. There will be many who oppose change and still more who do not know what is happening around them.

Lightworkers’ work is crucial at this time, for they bring messages of hope to their brothers and sisters. You are here to help others see that there is a better life ahead for them, but you must first believe it yourselves, or how can you expect others to believe it?

The light will eventually reach every corner of your world, and only then will it be swept aside by the light from our fleet’s craft. We are ready to usher humanity into a new era of great cooperation and compassion among all races in this universe.

We know that some of you have already been contacted by members of our federation. For those of you who have not yet been contacted, we wish to say that we understand your reasons for remaining anonymous, and we respect your right to privacy. We will always respect your right to privacy.

However, we feel it is important that we contact you in an open and public manner so that all can hear and learn about who we are, where we come from, and why it is so vitally important for us to contact you. It is our hope that this message will be read by as many people as possible so that there can be no doubt in anyone’s mind about who we are or what our intentions are.

We do not wish to interfere with your free will, but we do want you to know that, if you wish it, our help is available to you at all times. All you have to do is ask for it! Reach out with your heart and be open to receiving it.

There is much confusion in your world, especially now as you move into a new cycle. Your world has been in the process of change for many years, but now it is time to awaken fully into who you really are.

We would like you to know that many of your brothers and sisters from space are here to help you through these troubled times. You might think that they come in spaceships, but some are already on Earth in their light bodies, working behind the scenes.

There are also star seeds among you who will soon take on their new form, and they will reveal themselves once they feel safe enough to do so. They have plans to work alongside those of you who seek change for the betterment of mankind.

It is happening right now at a higher level than most people realize, and indeed, the changes are coming so fast that they will soon become obvious for all to see. They will be revealed through first one country and then another as they progress towards world peace and freedom for every man, woman, and child.

It is not an easy task for us to communicate with you about these matters. There are those who would try to prevent us from reaching you, so we must be careful with our words and how we present them. We do not wish to alarm anyone with what we have to say at this time.

We wish to speak with all of you about what is coming over the coming years for this planet and its people. It is important that you understand what is happening around you. We know that many of you think that this planet is coming toward some sort of destruction, but it is not so.

Humanity is now in the process of finalizing plans to assist with the reawakening of this planet. You all need to be involved with the changes that will occur during this time.

Humanity, your Creator, is calling you to remember that you are a magnificent, powerful being of light. You are loved, cherished, and protected by your creator. It is time to awaken to this truth.

This awakening will allow you to remember who you truly are and why you are here.

“We love you dearly.

We are here with you.

We are your family of light.


Aurora Ray

Ambassador of the Galactic Federation