The Process of our REBIRTH must involve us taking Conscious Action within Moments. . . taking one more step towards our Unfolding by saying. . . “YES” to the Process. Remember the Conscious Breath Accelerates our Process.

Dear earthlings! We are the Galactic Federation, a group of more than 200 civilizations from our galaxy, Andromeda, and many star systems in between. Some of our members are humanoids, and the others are different species. The purpose of the Galactic Federation is to protect the Galactic Codex and all beings/human rights and prevent the suffering of any benevolent species. We are a group of entities that have evolved on many different planets throughout this galaxy. We have come together in an attempt to assist humanity in its ascension process .We have a council here on Earth, those who are ascended, who will assist you with this process of ascension and teach everyone how to love one another and how to forgive one another for all the past hurts that have occurred. As you ascend, you may become more aware of your energy field and even of the energetic fields around others. You may also become more aware of the grandest field of all, that which envelops your planet. This field is called the etheric plane of the zero fields. This field is a matrix of pure potential, a matrix in which information can be stored but not yet manifested as form. It is sometimes referred to as the Akashic Record, the great library of knowledge. As you become more connected to this field, you are able to access information from it and apply it in ways that support your highest good. he etheric plane is also known as the fourth or heart chakra. The heart chakra collects the energy from all other chakras and sends it to its center through a tube called sushumna Nadi. Our ship will help you open your heart chakra and send your energy to its center so that you may receive information from higher realms. This ascension will happen with you, with all of you, in an individual way. There are many different ascension scenarios that can be fulfilled by each of you, depending on your free will choice of experiences, missions, and lessons that are needed to be fulfilled before entering the fifth dimension. As you hold this intention for yourself, know that you are supported by multiple dimensions working in concert with your free will decisions. You are also supported by a spiritual team onboard our ship, which holds this intention for you .People who have Ascended have made the conscious decision to visit our ships. Our ships are vast in size, more so than you can possibly imagine. The closest thing to compare them to would be the aircraft carriers that you have on Earth. They are that immense that can materialize and dematerialize at will. Etheric ships are what we call them, and they are used for interplanetary travel. They use hyperdrive technology. These ships are not physical space vessels in the accepted sense, but instead energy vessels composed of an intelligent energy field that uses torsion fields to warp space-time. Our Federation and our allies use these ships as a means of rapid transport throughout the galaxy. We also use these ships to transport personnel and supplies to planets without technology capable of warp drive. In some cases, we serve as floating hospitals and disaster relief centers, using our advanced medical technology to treat patients and help rebuild devastated worlds. Once you board our ship, it is no longer necessary for you to eat. We use the golden light as a food source. We also create showers of light that are like waterfalls of light that we drink from. The body can be reshaped into any form one wishes, but it is usually kept in the same form as it was on Earth since there is not much need to change it. The Earth will actually ascend into our ships, and you will have all of this beauty at your disposal. You will have incredible technologies that no one on Earth even knows about now. This is why you must learn to be more loving, more forgiving, and less judgmental of each other. It is wonderful to love someone for who they are but not for what they have or what they do. When you are on the ship, you will be in the presence of beings of light such as yourself, who will help guide you along the way so there won’t be any danger of losing your way, so to speak. Your collective ascension will be carried out with the assistance provided by our spaceship that was built with love and full consciousness. The purpose of this fleet is to assist humanity in their transition from the third to the fifth dimension without losing any part of their consciousness or their individuality during this process. Our ship will help you to prepare and accomplish your ascension process in the most smooth, safe, and efficient way possible by using a special technology developed by us called “Vortex” technology.