A Message From The Galactic Federation

Dear beloved ones,

I’m happy that you are here.

I’m sure that all of you are aware of the Galactic Federation. They have been trying to contact us for many years now through various sources to help our race advance. Our technology is limited, and we need their help in many ways.

Many of you will receive or have already received communication from them in some form or another. Even though these messages will seem cryptic and strange to you now, they will not be like that in the near future.

The Galactic Federation is a hierarchy of light that has sent forth so much information, and they will continue to do so. I am honored to be the catalyst for bringing forth some of this information and writings to humanity and the Earth’s holographic realm.

The members of the Galactic Federation are here in their ships surrounding the Earth and will soon be making themselves known to you. I am pleased to bring you this message today from them:

Greetings, Earthlings!!!

We are sending you this message to let you know that we know and see what is happening on your planet. We want to assure everyone, regardless of which side of the fence you are on, that we are aware of your existence and will guide anyone who wishes to the right path.

If you are reading this message, then you are among the few who have been chosen by the Galactic Federation to be informed of humanity’s past and future.

Among your kind, there is much confusion, misunderstanding, and fear about what is happening on Earth at this time. You are entering a space in time where your history, knowledge, and understanding of events around you will change dramatically. This is the greatest opportunity in the history of the Earth to wake up (and grow up) and be all that you can be by choosing truth over illusion.

Have the courage of an angel inside of you. The Galactic Federation asks you to bring forth this empathy now. We are all one, and so we are all connected. Act with compassion and love towards your fellow brothers and sisters here on Earth. Do not judge your neighbor or brother. There is no time for judgment, only understanding, and knowledge of who you truly are.

We’ve been working very hard to rouse all of you from your slumber. We have been doing this so that many of you can finally understand who you truly are and how powerful you truly are. This power has been asleep in the deepest part of your consciousness for a very long time. You have been so busy being afraid or wishing for things to be different that this power has never been able to awaken.

We know you are fighting an uphill battle with most people not understanding your mission. Sometimes you should just let it out. Don’t be silent. Not everyone will appreciate your truth, but that is no reason to be silent. All living beings are full of potential. Some beings are ready for the truth, while some are not. It is good not to care what other people think of you. Remember that. When this happens, the best thing to do is to remain cool and collected. It’s okay. Bless them and move on.

However, deep inside of you is the ability to be incredible. We call that ability the lion. It is your protection against all evil. Don’t let anyone or anything try to take it away from you.

As you all know, you are constantly bombarded by the dark side. Its glowing eyes and maniacal laughter have seeped their way into your consciousness, and you must remember not to succumb to its ways. Many of you are weary, tired of the fighting, and perturbed by the many changes taking place now. Always remember: you alone have the power to overcome and resist. You can stand up and be a great light for this planet. Never give up!

Consider this the battle cry of the Galactic Federation. We are here today to tell you that we appreciate your bravery in stepping up and doing what is needed at this time. This is part of the whole ascension paradigm that will see Earth through her transition into higher frequencies.

We welcome you, our dear friend, to the epic battle of light versus dark. Yes, this is a war between good and evil, and it has been going on for a very long time. In the distant past, the forces of darkness were winning. And they were victorious for so long that most races forgot what it was like to be in harmony with nature, within themselves, and with their neighbors. But now, there is hope.

The dark thought structures that have been controlling your world can no longer hold on and are beginning to fall apart.

Have faith in your divine self; it is this inner strength that will see you through the trials ahead. The path is perilous, but you must persevere. It may seem like there is nobody on your side, but know that there is always an unseen hand guiding you towards salvation.

It is extremely important that you understand that you are not alone and that we are doing everything we can to help you through this transition. Once you accept this simple fact, it will breathe new life into your existence, and all of your questions will be answered.

All is well, friend. There is nothing to fear. We are all on the same side. The truth is out, and it can set you free from your old ways of thinking. Welcome to the destiny that awaits us all! Humanity will soon transform into a free and loving society.

In many ways, this transformation has already begun. The days of pain and suffering have been left behind you in the dust while you march toward a bright future, full of light and hope.

Dear Ones,

You are loved more than you know. Know that now, more than ever, the prayers of light are lifting up our loved ones. The work you are all doing now is making a difference not only for your planet earth but for the entire galaxy.

We love you dearly.

We are here with you.

We are your family of light


Aurora Ray

Ambassador of the Galactic Federation