ARCTURIAN ENERGY REPORT / 2021-11-17 – 2021-11-22 Intensive DNA Upgrades + Strong energy boosts from Archangel Michael and Yeshua.

.Hey beautiful soul.

Currently very very strong energy pushes from the higher planes are taking place! Maybe you feel strong symptoms at the moment! Maybe you feel sick or dizzy! These energies come from Archangel Michael. He sends you his unconditional love and his power! Since a few days Archangel Michael is working more with us and also we the Arcturians feel his presence and receive new DNA upgrades..

Physical symptoms: Dizziness, Cold, Back Pain, Headache, Third Eye Pain Emotional symptoms: Deep gratitude, Deep unconditional love, Tears of joy, Strong emotional swings.

Archangel Michael is working very strongly at the moment and helps us to erase the last dark remnants. Since the dark instances have left our solar system and all dark portals around the earth have been closed, Archangel Michael is working to keep these portals closed and is sending a lot of light to the earth, also to our galactic brothers and sisters in lower dimensions. It is energy directly from the source – from the 13th dimension which flows down to us. .It serves that all receive new upgrades and we all work together even better! The earth takes this light from the 13th dimension into itself. For them it means a very strong healing and maybe you women will feel very strong fluctuations at the moment. The feminine elemental force is also being recoded and especially you women are even more connected to the ether of Mother Earth. .You feel even more sensitive how the earth is doing and she is currently experiencing a very strong healing. She takes the light from the 13th dimension and becomes even more permeable to light, it also serves to pull your vibration upwards..

Also for the men who want to bring the female energy even more into balance now have the opportunity to take this energy also strengthened. Perhaps you currently also feel strong energy surges in your heart! Yes, because also the Christ light is currently strongly sent to you. Yeshua who has also found his place in the angelic ranks is currently working strongly with Archangel Michael. He sends you a lot of unconditional love, directly into your hearts!.

Stay in your heart. Archangel Michael is here to protect you. Archangel Michael is very much protecting the newly built 5D portals at the moment. He defends them with his brothers and sisters and sends us a lot of light from the angelic realm to us. Yeshua is also currently working hard and sends us a lot of love. Take this chance and feel your heart, it will feel like it will explode when you get involved. Maybe you will also cry with joy because of this wonderful gift that you are allowed to be here! .Yeshua does it because he knows how it was on earth. He himself, like you, had taken a human body and he incarnated in a time quality which was very very dark. He remembers a time when people did not know who to believe either. People who were confused, no longer knew who they were…Yeshua knows this feeling very well and we are currently going through a similar time. Much confusion, many half-truths, many distortions, etc. Yeshua wants to tell you that you will always find the truth within yourself. It is first and foremost in your heart! You will always find the answer there!.

You as mankind on earth have only been so strongly conditioned to your mind that it likes to take over. Go into the silence and feel into your heart center. Do you feel what is actually happening right now? Do you feel how light the energy of the earth has already become? Do you feel how the contact with the spiritual world is becoming lighter and lighter?.

Do you see these beautiful events or do you still let the dark instances, which have taken on a human body, pull you into their dark timelines? You know when you feel in your heart that something wonderful is happening! You feel that something wonderful is coming, there has never been anything like it since the fall of Atlantis. .Rejoice in it! Stay focused on this path! Create this new world together with us! This happens best when you direct your energy into your heart center, then you feel that something great is coming. The dark forces which still work here as humans are already very weakened. They either have the choice to go along, to raise their vibration or they will not make it. Their bodies will collapse. Also their technology will not be able to protect them for it and also their technology will not be able to stop this ascent. It doesn’t work anymore, it only works when you direct your energy into the mind, then they can still work strong with you for the moment. .But they are getting weaker and weaker. Trust yourself, have compassion, forgive them, forgive yourself..

Each and every one of us is on this path. Every single one of us is in this process.

Not even the source wants you to worship it. We all want you to recognize us as part of the family, that we all help and support each other! We all belong to each other. Wear your uniqueness outside and forgive yourself. Practice humility, because you, like all of us, were wrong once. We learn together and all that remains is the connection to your heart.

.You are infinitely loved.

We love you

We see you