As we continue the path of ascension, we embrace our state of being, the cell walls of the human body began to crystallize to receive fifth and higher dimensional transmissions linked to the activation of the universal auric field.The human body is now connected to the multi-dimensional crystalline matrix through which higher dimensional frequency waves travel. As the crystallized human body is focused, ordered, and directed; it can receive and navigate through higher electromagnetic frequencies. This is the process of physical enlightenment that allows us multi-dimensional access through our physicality. Although crystallization can feel initially confining, our universal electromagnetic matrix can consciously take us anywhere throughout this universe. The crystallized human is a fifth-dimensional being whose physical body resonates with and participates in a multi-dimensional universal awareness of existence. The fifth-dimensional worldview of the crystallized human consists of: A complete balance in the kingdoms of nature, the byproduct being harmony. An inherent understanding of what it means to live harmlessly, yet interdependently, upon each other. Requires the understanding of the meaning and purpose of a life form in order to respectfully participate with it. Purity, clarity, balance, and harmony are the functional hallmarks of the evolved fifth-dimensional human being. No heroes are necessary in the fifth-dimensional world. There is no need for them. Although individuals may choose harmony, they cannot save the world. The civilization, collectively, must make this choice. As conscious receivers of fifth-dimensional realities, we are here now to light the way and chart a realistic course to the development of a new civilization of peace. This is Heaven on Earth Joy On Earth Harmony On Earth Peace On Earth Abundance On Earth Heaven On Earth Love On Earth Now & Always Huong Nguyen Keeper of The Golden Light Codes