The frequency of earth is steadily rising and what we are witnessing now on the planet is a frequency divide. Meaning, there are those who have ascended and keep ascending with earth’s new vibratory level and there are those who keep choosing the density of the third-dimensional reality as their preferred place of residency. The infamous ‘Comfort Zone’.The only place where you exist is here and now. Every dimension has its own definition of here and now. That particular here and now makes up the reality of that dimension.

Two different definitions of here and now cannot exist together here and now. One will not be real to the other and usually, the situation blows up.

That’s when people do not understand each other, do not get along, and even fight. They are each in their own reality -in their own dimension, literally.

This is what’s playing out on earth at the moment.

A great part of the planet’s population is ascending into a higher frequency and then there are those who are terrified by the truth and cling to their cognitive dissonance as if there’s no tomorrow.

This creates the frequency divide I mentioned earlier. And since they are both simultaneously being played out on the same planet, it’s blowing up. Unrests, protests, and scarcity for some while others watch and follow the daily news with excitement, knowing everything is about to change for the highest and best good of humanity.

And of course, we know, there are also those who want to sabotage the people who are at peace… To say the least.It’s important to know that not all souls have chosen to ascend within this lifetime. They have come for other experiences of which they thought they would benefit in regards to their soul’s evolution.

This planet is inevitably ascending into the fifth-dimensional reality of unconditional love. Mother Goddess Gaia will shake off all that will not match her frequency -her reality of love.

Overnight the mystical creatures that were banned from the planet a long time ago will return to their rightful habitat. The same way Avalon vanished when human frequency had fallen so low that they couldn’t see it anymore, it will reappear and with it the magic, wisdom, and love of 5D Earth.

At the same time, a 3D version of Earth will continue to play out its dramas, fears, and system of control for those souls who need more time for their ascension process. Jesus said, “Many are chosen but only few will hear the call.”If you are reading this post, chances are high that you belong to the chosen ones. And before you ask, I’d like to emphasize that nobody has chosen you. YOU are the one who has chosen to do this. You’re all sovereign inhabitants of this universe.

But from the choice of participating in the greatest ascension of our universe and actually ascending with earth to 5D, it’s still a long way.

This unprecedented ascension process sets forth that you take your physical body with you, from 3D to 5D.Being positive and enlightened alone is not enough.

This is the time where you must start to love yourself unconditionally.

How do you do this?

• Breathe

• Meditate

• Laugh

• Listen to high-frequency tunes

• Dance, nobody needs to watch but this is a very high vibration tool

• Sing, nobody needs to listen but this is a very high vibration tool

• Exercise, support your body to be able to hold the higher frequencies

• Eat plenty of fresh raw food


• Educate yourself about nutrition and specifically veganism. I do not ask you to nor do I recommend to go 100% vegan forever but eating more vegan food and less animal products or flesh is a must

• Drink pure Water (find a source or buy source water in glass bottles, do not drink tab water)

• Spend time in Nature with Mother Gaia, connect to her

• Pets are little angels who are already in 5D

• Ground yourself daily, walk with your bare feet, lay with your naked skin on the sand, water, weeds, etc. or take a salt bathAnd most importantly:


When you have the chance to love someone, for god’s sake, leave all trickery, all negativity, all doubts, all fears behind and just love.

Love is the essence that facilitates ascension. We all need more of it, not less.

The higher you rise in frequency the more you wish for unconditional love to manifest itself in your life. And at this moment in evolution, we attract our primary soul mates and twin flames. When someone feels special in your heart, they are.

In case you haven’t noticed yet, things have changed on planet earth. Meetings are divinely orchestrated to fulfill their higher purpose…Grab them, love them, and don’t think so hard.


I love you.

We are family of light.


Content: Aurora Ray Ambassador of the Galactic Federation | Lyran High Council Elder | Emissary of the Goddess