Dear brothers and friends. Saint Germain speaking to you. I come to tell you that your long wait is OVER. Everything is coming out of the mouth and as planned… today the redistricting of Wealth on planet Earth BEgins. It is with immense Joy that I inform you that Nesara and Gesara are Fulfilled for […]

What Happen when you Die

What happens when you die? – (Part Two) The review is a process that every human soul has to face once it dies in its physical form on the 3D Earth plane when making its journey back up to heaven. There is no judgement here. There is no one sitting up on a throne deciding […]


  DIVINE HEALING Of Mind & Body The Jesus Lecturer  by                                     Murdo MacDonald-Bayne Forward It would be impossible for me to explain how these talks were given, for I would only be giving my opinion, which might […]


THERE is nothing in life you need fear. You will become sure that you are always safe and in every place. This realization will reveal to you how much you have understood of the truth of being. Nothing can affect your real individuality. Enter into  your own now. It is wrong to hope and expect […]


WE HEAL OURSELVES THROUGH THE TRUTH To apply the Healing Power effectively we must realize the fountain from which it pours forth. With this knowledge, confidence and faith will be built up. Knowledge is the key to most things for it fortifies the faith. Blind faith is often so weakened through lack of understanding that […]


Those who enter have no belief, they just enter into their inheritance, they have already tasted what separation means  and have learned now how to  love all their brothers and sisters. For only those who can love their neighbours as themselves can wear  the  Robe of Love


Lecture 1 (3rd February 1948) THE SILENT HEALING POWER In this communication I will direct you in the development of the Silent Healing Power. By understanding the action of thought you become aware of the action of your own thoughts. So you put upon them a greater value in regard to the kind of thoughts […]


ABSOLUTE LIBERTY OF THE INDIVIDUAL. Freedom of the individual must be in accordance with the will of the Creator. Simply by KNOWING THE TRUTH By KNOWING That this liberty, exists at this VERY MOMENT. (RIGTH NOW)! What is keeping us from enjoying this liberty?  Simply our ignorance of this fact, and this means that the […]