M.C, Ph.D., D.D.

November, 1947.


The work accomplished by the Sanctuary of the Silent Healing Power since its inception has passed all expectations. A host of letters has been received telling of many encouraging stories of cures, both physical and mental, and of spiritual help received in business worries and domestic troubles. Hundreds of names have been added to the Register not only for aid but also of people who are desirous of helping with this grand work for humanity.

Here are a few of the many healings that have taken place in the last month:

A little girl was given up completely with no hope for her a recovery. Her name was placed on the Register of the Sanctuary, and then this wonderful thing happened—she became completely well. (You can realize how happy and grateful her parents are.)

Another one said: “Since I have been tuning in to the times indicated I have benefited beyond all expectations.”

There is the case of a man who was paralyzed by a stroke. Immediate aid was sought from the Sanctuary and within three days there was complete recovery. Of course, the thanks showered upon the Sanctuary can be imagined. Those of you who are tuning in at the specified times must therefore realize how much you are helping in this great work.

Another says, “Since tuning in to the Sanctuary I have derived so much benefit that I feel it will help others to know that not only has my health improved but through a changed outlook on life my business is succeeding, and my home life has become a joy instead of one of strained and unhappy relationships.” A child 8 years old had been suffering agony off and on for three years. Only three weeks ago the parents were told that she could not live. Never the less her name was placed on the Register. You can imagine the joy and amazement of these parents when their child recovered completely. The doctors could hardly believe that this was possible for they knew that nothing they had done had brought about this recovery.


As you are aware this work is being done in conjunction with the great Spiritual Forces who are co-operating for the betterment of the world at large, as well as for the individual who is co-operating in this work. The world is the individual multiplied millions of times, I do hope you can realize this, then you will not add to the misery of the world but aid it in its Spiritual regeneration.

In this letter I want to show you more clearly how you can help yourself and others.

If you have any friends who are suffering give this letter to them to read and I am sure it will help them more than anything else can.

I want you to realize that if you are suffering it is not repeating phrases daily that can be of any help; but by understanding the condition and the cause of it. If you rebel against these conditions, you only increase their effects without gaining any understanding or relief.

God alone lives, there is no other living Being. You live because God lives in and through you. God is the Presence that is Ever-present in every individual and this Presence is never antagonistic or in opposition to Itself in any individual when you begin to discern this, then you begin to understand the causes of separation. Always remember that God is your Silent Partner.

Now, you will not understand the true significance of this great truth till you have recognized the falseness that surrounds.

In every nation, in every group there is a conception of Reality which they call God. Instead of individuals helping each other they become barriers to each other because they do not approach Reality with affection for Reality, but only as a means of getting something from Reality for themselves.

If you look into your mind you will see that you have been discussing Reality as an idea, something outside yourselves.

In all literature of this nature there is some mistake made—the mind is directed to create an idea of Reality. Now Reality is neither an idea nor a concept or something that the mind can grasp. Reality is Life itself, the foundation of your own being, so the question is not what Reality is but must be the translation of Reality into your daily living, and this is obtained by opening up inwardly towards that Life which is Ever-present Love, Wisdom and Healing. It is not looking at something that is external to the self but to find yourself in that Being that is Ever-present and also the Presence in every other being as well as yourself. To understand, to approach, to realize you must come with affection not in a sense of possession or competition or to merely demonstrate your ability to acquire through demonstration.

It is not that one understands more than another, but that Reality must become that central Living and Loving Attraction towards which all are moving.

In this way you will not lose yourselves in theories, beliefs and philosophies, but you are all the time translating your understanding into daily conduct. You are not judged by your philosophy or by your beliefs but by what you are, by the manner of your treatment of others, the manner of your friendship, the manner of your speech.

If you are loving and kind to all, and you are antagonistic to none, then you are translating Reality into action.

In this then you will find that, that Reality being what it is, Infinite in nature, will express Itself in your life without any effort on your part, the only effort required is for you to discern that which is false so that you can dissolve it away for you will note that that which is false is the self-created prison in which you have lived.

If I merely gave you an idea of Reality and you did not discern that which was false you would only take the idea into your own prison. It may help you for a time but you could not truly understand until you had dealt boldly with that which caused you to be a prisoner.

The Presence is never antagonistic to Itself in any individual. Then what makes you antagonistic, competitive? It is the way in which you approach Reality and all your efforts are without result.

When you become aware of Reality there is a sense of perception that reveals that which is false and with the understanding there is immediately a doubt, a questioning of what is seen on the surface, this lead store flection and discernment of the false. On the other hand if you are not awakened to that Divine Nature within, there is an acceptance of what is seen on the surface. This acceptance causes fear and apprehension not understanding the cause, and the false is reproduced with greater vigour. Thus it is most important that you discern that which is false before you can realize that which is true. To attain to that which is true you must think in that which is true and not think in the relative which is but a restricted state of consciousness. Then take your realization out of the relative where it is restricted and surrounded by beliefs and opinions which are but half-truths and transfer it to the Absolute Reality where it is free and unlimited and approach this Reality with Love and Affection so that you will externalize this Reality in your daily living, for it is this Reality, that alone lives—in this way you will be free.

Jesus said, “It is the Father who ever remained within me who is performing His own deeds.”

The Blessing of the Angel of Light is upon your work of the Sanctuary of the Silent Healing Power.


Oh, Beloved One, Thy Love is like a balm that ever increases as we adore Thee. Thy Presence spreads through all minds in all lands and as we learn to love Thee first and most above all else Thy Spirit manifests Itself in all Its Divine qualities through us for the benefit of all. Let Thy Kingdom, which is within, manifest Itself without, and when we look upon the face of our brothers and sisters we shall see Thee. No need to plead, no need to struggle for the comfort and Joy of Thy Divine Nearness and Companionship. We only have to know that nearness that brings quietness into Life, confidence and peace in the heart. It is Thy presence alone that transform conditions and lives ringing harmony and beauty, peace and love. From the countries which are in the grip of a deadly Spiritual and mental depression, the aftermath of war, letters indicate that those individuals who are tuning into the Sanctuary are already feeling more optimistic and cheerful, which is making their daily living more hopeful and bearable because they have come to realize that the Presence is within themselves and aiding them through all their experiences “…..Yea, unto the end of the world.” I wish to thank all those who have this gift to help carry on this splendid sent in donations for this work and I am sure they are already blessed for work for humanity.


December 1947

The work of the Sanctuary of the Silent Healing Power has gone on by leaps and bounds. Letters are coming in daily from all over the world telling of many wonderful things where cures have been effected both mental and physical and Spiritual aid received in many perplexing worries, both business and domestic. Names from all over the world are rolling in to be added to the Register for help in every way. The following are a few of the many healings that have taken place during the month:


Another member asked that his brother’s name be placed on the Register. He had continuous headaches and blackouts (as a result of the war). In the matter of a few days he reported that all the Headache’s had completely disappeared and he had no more blackouts. Up to the present, that is over a month, he has been entirely free.


One reported to us of her servant, the soles of his feet were covered with warts and he could only walk with great pain. This condition persisted even after all kinds of treatment covering a period of 12 months. His name was placed on the Sanctuary Register and his feet were entirely healed within a few days.


Another remarkable case: A member phoned for help for his wife’s stepfather who had been given up by the doctors. All relatives were sent for to come to the deathbed. Immediately help was given through the Sanctuary and instead of being on his deathbed as expected, they found him hale and hearty, The doctors could not account for the miraculous recovery.

Here is another—A lady was X-rayed and tests were taken for

Tuberculosis which were found to be definitely positive. She was taken to hospital for further tests. Her name was placed on the Register and a week later tests were again taken when it was found that there was no trace of the disease left. She has now left the hospital fit and well, giving praise to this invisible Power that heals all conditions.

A cable came from Switzerland the other day stating, “complete recovery, many thanks.” Many others too numerous to mention have received helpin different ways. You should all read the instructions sent out detailing the times when to tune in to the Silent Healing Power and it is wonderful to know that thousands of Spiritual healers of the inner Realm are assisting in this work.

The Letter this month is on Love and Service. I do hope you will read it carefully and apply this in your own Life. If you have any friends suffering give them the letter to read and send their names for registration in the Sanctuary.

*“Real” success, health and happiness is derived from a “real” attitude of mind. The full significance of this statement does not reveal itself all at once because the mind is caught up with the things of the world and is lost in fear, in desire and reaction to the external world, thereby losing sight of the unseen source of all things which are made.

We must clearly see that right thinking is necessary for right action; to know that the universal Mind and the individual mind are one, herein lies the creative power of man, the source of will, imagination, visualization and thought.

To know this Truth of our “Being” enables us to perform every transaction according to the nature that will bring forth right conditions in life. Therefore we can tell the result of any action that is based upon a true foundation. Happiness, success and good health do not just happen, they are not accidents, they are the working of the natural Law which all must discover to be able to co-operate.

This Law exists for mankind for the happiness of all people, for perfect health; for an abundance of all our needs. It is natural for the Universal Mind to produce what we decree, but before we can successfully decree anything we must first know the truth about ourselves.

We read in John 1: 1-3, 14 “In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God and the word was God.” “All things were made by him and without him was not anything made that was made.”

“The word was made flesh and dwelt amongst us.”

Now this Word is the Divine Nature in us.

“The Christ,”

 that inner realm from which all real things must come forth. Man is made in the image and likeness of God and that image must contain the Divine Essence of God Himself.

Therefore we know we have the attributes of the Divine Nature and it is for us to bring these forth from the inner realm, so that this Divine Nature can become our human nature.

If we realize, as we must, that nothing happens without definite cause,then we shall be able to formulate our plans in accordance with the exactknowledge. We can control any situation by bringing our true nature into play and when we accomplish we shall know how exactly we did accomplish.

Desire is an attractive force and fear is the enemy. Both are active in the mind that is not matured through real knowledge and understanding.

When we realize that Love and Service are the two pillars of the temple of real success, health and happiness, we will not give service only when we want something in return as the ignorant person does, but with our new understanding which leads us into pure action, we will serve continually with integrity and justice The person that is not fair in his intention is simply ignorant of the  fundamental law of the science of living. He may think he is winning but he is doomed to disappointment. You cannot cheat the Infinite, the Law of Compensation is always in operation and this is what the majority are unaware of. Some try to “corner” the Infinite for their own benefit but this often carries an individual responsibility, more than the individual is able tobear, because of the ignorant misapplication of the Law.

If you look into your minds you will see that your prayers have been mostly for your own benefit. Yet your faith was ever strong enough to overcome the fear you had in your mind before and after your prayer, because of the fact that you lived in the outer or material plane and looked away from the Presence within yourself for your aid.

Paul says faith is the substance of things hoped for “the evidence of

things not seen. But even this is inadequate unless we become aware of the Presence within which alone gives us the right to that perfect happiness which is promised to all mankind when we listen to that Silent Voice that always guides aright. For if we ignorantly react to conditions in the outer, which are but the effects of previous causes, we establish the errors we are ignorantly unaware of with the result that we defeat our own purpose. Paul again says that, “things seen are not made of things visible but of things unseen.” But this again is inadequate when we are not acquainted with the Creative Law and its operation.

The Forces of Life are responsive to our deepest thoughts whether

they be in fear or in faith, they are turned into form. All depends upon the attitude of mind you have.

Generous thoughts are filled with strength and vitally while selfish thoughts contain the germ of dissolution. If we recognize the Presence asthe Source of all things and adjust our consciousness to this Presence then through our united consciousness in the Presence will flow the supply not only to fulfill our own needs but we should seek also to fulfill the needs of others. Real success, health and happiness will come as we begin to help others.

It is because the ordinary man has no definite knowledge of this Law that he becomes a slave to his fears, emotions, and reactions. If he fails as a businessman he says luck is against him. If he lacks friends, he excuses himself by saying he is too fine in nature to be appreciated. When he becomes ill he blames everything and every person but himself. He seeks to console himself with explanations and excuses which only make, things worse. Our happiness and misery are of our own making.

If our knowledge is founded upon opinions of other’s we are liable to build our lives upon the shifting sands. We must be able to separate truth from error through the wisdom that is based upon true facts. We must not spend our time in mere affirmations of our oneness with God, we must establish the Divine Presence through our action, we must translate the Divine Nature into our daily living, by relieving the sick of their error, by adjusting the lives of those whose lives are barren and wasted into a profitable experience through the Truth of Being.

So long as we limit the Presence within ourselves to the narrow boundaries of the conditions in which we are involved we will never know the real truth of “Being,” we must know ourselves to be united in the Presence, “The One” and the only “One” out of which and by which all are created and in which we live and move and have our being. In Romans 8:38-39, it says, “I am persuaded that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature shall be able to separate me from the Love of God which is in Jesus Christ our Lord.” Paul saw clearly that this Love which was in Jesus was Gods Love for all mankind. “Son, thou art always with me and what is mine is thine.”

We must realize that the transcendent Forces of the Spirit of the

Cosmos—the Presence—is within each one of us and we will know that there is no privileged few. We are all progressively moving forward towards the inner realms of the Universe of which the outer is but a school for experience in which God is no respecter of persons. All human beings, no matter what station or position they hold, will eventually come to realize that Love and Service is the Law of the Cosmos underlying all creation which includes man, and that there is no separation between one and another and that the apparent separation in the mind of man is but an illusion which must be dissolved away through Love and Understanding. In this way only shall we find that real state of mind which leads to that freedom which gives us that real happiness we so much desire.

The Blessing of the Angel of Light is upon your work of the Sanctuary of the Silent Healing Power.



The fortunate that care not for the unfortunate cannot feel Thy Omnipresence. Those blinded by selfishness cannot see Thy abiding Presence in others.

The unfeeling rich are poor in heart, their comforts are but pangs of ignorance.

Blessed are those who serve others knowing that they serve Thee.

To die rich without giving service is to die poor.

To pass through the portals of death serving others is to be truly rich.

I know that Health and Sickness, Life and Death, are but dreams, and when I finish my work of Love and Service and awake behind the world painted screen of illusion I shall behold Thee as the abiding Presence in all, and I shall hear Thy Voice saying sweetly in my heart, “as much as you have done unto one of these so have you done unto me.”

Yours Sincerely,





























FOR 1948-1955


 The following Monthly Newsletters for the period 1948-1955 contain only the foreword, the monthly essay and the Benediction. The header illustration, lecture meeting times, book advertisements and Sanctuary donation thanks have been removed as being not being relevant now.




January 1948



 During this month the Sanctuary has received hundreds of letters of thanks for the help received from lasts month’s letter and many letters telling of healings in every way. We are indeed delighted to know that in such a short space of time so much has been accomplished with the result that further staff have been added to the Sanctuary to cope with the ever-growing work.

 The value of it lies in the fact that it is spreading from one person to another with the result we are inundated with request for names to be replaced on the register. This is taking place all over the world. Every month there are hundreds of names added to the register.

 The durability of it lies in the fact that the Sanctuary is so extremely effective. Comfort and joy are being created in many hearts and in the lives of those who read these letters, bring them into contact with a power that although known has not really been understood.

 Below are just a few of the results obtained and we are always grateful to those who take the trouble to advise us of what the Sanctuary has done for them.  One Lady writes to say that for many years she had two growths on her neck and now since she has tuned in to the Sanctuary they have dissolved away while previously they had resisted all types of treatment.

 A man who had come out from England some months ago could find no home and no employment. The little capital he had brought with him was fast dwindling when he asked for his name to be placed on the Sanctuary Register. The following is an extract from a letter received from him: “You will be glad to hear that I have been granted a beautiful home and employment and we are very happy and grateful.”

 Another young lad who had a diseased bone in the leg which had been suppurating for years and was steadily getting worse had his name placed on the Register of the Sanctuary when immediately a distinct improvement was noticed. Now after a few weeks the pain and discharge has disappeared and he is able to put his foot on the ground and is beginning to walk.

          The Letter this month is on Prayer and I am sure it will lead to good results.



  In this letter I want to bring to your notice the great truth about prayer. Now prayer is the most common thing in the world yet it is the least understood. All people engage in it no matter what creed on color. It is unfortunate however that the masses are still steeped in idolatry and superstition and have no real understanding of what they are worshipping or praying to and this is mainly the cause why prayers are not answered. 

 Jesus said, You are worshipping something you do not know; we are worshipping what we do know. …The real worshippers will worship the Father in Spirit and in Truth. …God is Spirit and his worshippers must worship him in Spirit and in Reality.

 There is only one Creator, Life. And we are told that in the Beginning there was only God. “I am the only One and there is none other beside Me.” St. John tells us that “The word was in the beginning, that the very word was with God, and God was that word….and the word was made flesh.” When we begin to think we see clearly that there is only one infinite Mind that fills boundless space and there can be no outside this mind, all must be in it and of it. Paul says, “We live and move and have our being in him.”

 This is very difficult for those who are steeped in idolatry to comprehend yet it is an absolute Truth. The similarity is seen in electricity—the electric current that leaves the powerhouse at a tremendous voltage is the same electricity that reveals itself in light and power, the only difference is the degree, the quality is the same. So is the same Life in God expressed in us proving the inseparable link we have with our Father-Mother-God, the supreme Power of the Universe.  So in seeking to understand prayer we must realize the fundamental unity relating us with God, and without this permanent unity God would not be infinite. Therefore we identify ourselves “One” Life that is all, in all.  It has been the lack of this understanding that has led to doubts and the varying beliefs which causes separation and strife and therefore makes prayer futile and ineffective.

 Science has proved that matter or solid substance can be dissolved into energy and becomes invisible and this energy fills all space. Commonly called “ether of space” which permeates everything and out of this invisible substance “ether” all things are made. Now this ether of space can be none other: than an expression of the Infinite Mind which fills boundless space and the final conclusion all thinking minds must come to, is that Spirit creates the world and flesh by becoming the world and flesh; that is why the prophet told us that the Word was with God and God was the Word and the word was made flesh. We see clearly that the word is the presence of God in us and that the body is the substance of God for we are also told that the body is the Temple of the Living God.

 Now prayer to be effective must be expressed with this understanding, that is why Jesus said “You are worshipping something you do not know but we are worshipping what we do know,” therefore prayer is not a petition, a demand or a command but is a process of Divine co-operation opening up to receive the Divine Blessings that are ever being mediated to every living soul from the great source of life and love.

 It will be observed that to repeat a prayer or read one parrot fashion is of little value in gaining this blessing when the essential thing is that the heart should feel Truth, for where the heart is set the mind does not wander.   If your prayer is to be effective you must realize that God is not a deity that is external to yourself and far from your reach and that you have to beseech him to come from a great distance and with the doubt that he may ever reach you. You must realize that God is your Father and Mother, the very essence of the one Life that sustains you and makes you a conscious Living Being. To become conscious of this essence of Love redeems us all.

 Jesus was the greatest exponent of the power of prayer and his attitude gives us the key. “The Father and I are one.” “It is the Father who ever remaineth in me who is performing his own deeds.” “No ye not that I am in the Father and the Father is in me.”

 The eternal fundamental principle inherent in all things is attraction. Love attracts Love, hate attracts hate, thoughts attract their kind. It is because of this great principle that every philosophy, every religion and every science has proclaimed “Love” the highest attainment because through it all things are possible, it being the only Reality. To love is to feel and to feel is the moving force behind thought. Hate carried the germ of its own destruction but in its destruction it carries with it sorrow and misery. But thoughts impregnated with love become invincible, and it is this principle that gives us the dynamic power and mastery over every adverse human experience.

 Paul tells us above all else to make love our aim for it overcomes all things.

 Jesus said, “as the Father hath Life then in Himself, so He grants the son to have life in himself.” This is the all-Creative Life in us. To become aware of this enables us to pray with understanding and through our awareness of

the Father united in ourselves whatever we ask the Father will produce. But this law is to be applied otherwise it will not work. “Ye ask and receive not because ye ask amiss.” James the apostle also says in similar words that we must use faith with never a doubt for the doubtful (double-minded) person can never get anything from the Lord.

 There are too many organizations that thrive on ‘sin’ and too many preachers concentrating on the evil in the world. We want an abundance of preachers who can love only the good and preach it, then evil, having no substantiality, will fade into nothingness.

 Jesus says to us, “ye have heard that it hath been said, thou shalt love thy neighbor and hate thine enemies but I say unto you Love your enemies and bless them that curse you, do good unto them that hate you and pray for them that despitefully use you and persecute you that ye may be children of your Father which is in heaven.”

 Evil is in man’s mind and those who dwell upon it reap plenty of it. How can you pray to a Father of Love if you have hate in your heart and evil in your eyes? To approach the Father you must approach him in Spirit and in Truth.

 One must look into one’s own heart and there discern the cause of one’s own misery. Are you generous and big or are you selfish and small? You cannot be a kind person if you are kind to one and unkind to another. You cannot be a loving person if you love one and hate another. Listen to what the man of Galilee says to you, “give and it shall be given unto you, good measure pressed down and shaken together and running over shall men give unto your bosom, for with the same measure that ye mete withal shall it be measured to you again.” And again, “if you only love those who love you what credit is that to you.”

          The simple fact that two and two makes four is an eternal truth. The Spiritual and Mental Laws are fixed with the same exactitude, they are as simple and accurate as the Laws of Mathematics. Your attitude of mind will produce similar results, the two are inseparable.

 So when you pray, pray with understanding, knowing that the Presence that dwells within is eternally linked with the Eternal Presence that created the Universe “who” has become what He made. 

 Within ourselves then are the attributes of God and before you come into communication with this Divine Presence dwell upon the love, the wisdom and the greatness of this Presence, then identify yourself with It and as you raise your consciousness to the Christ Level there shall you find Him in all His glory and Power within yourself.

 “Riches and honor are with me, then yea durable riches and righteousness. My fruit is better than gold, yea, than fine gold; and my revenue than choice silver.” Prov. 8: 18-19.




 O Divine Essence of Love, Wisdom and Healing, we have attuned ourselves to Thee thus making our life a continuous source of joy to ourselves and pleasure to others.

 Thy Fountain of Eternal Bliss intoxicates us day and night and as we dissolve into Thy Presence to become Thy Presence, so do we feel Thy indescribable Beauty and Love. 

 As we inhale and exhale Thy Divine Breath so do we receive and give to others Thy healing balm. O Divine Nectar, we have found you at last and shall now and forever task Thy Sweetness.



Yours sincerely,

  1. MacDonald-Bayne


February 1948           

 It is lovely to see so many letters coming in from all over the world, grateful letters for the help received in sickness and trouble. Contributions are coming in from those who are desirous that the work may go on expanding more and more. Hundreds of names have been placed on the Register this month for help and guidance in all phases of life.

   Here are extracts from Just a few of the letters received.

 One person writes: “Many thanks for your wonderfully inspiring monthly letter. Our lives have been completely changed. The home is a happy one now; different to what it was before we registered with the Sanctuary of the Silent Healing Power. My husband and I have read all kinds of literature, magazines and papers sent to us but never struck the note that could give us that true understanding like your letters do. God bless you.”

 Another person writes: (this was a case of infantile paralysis) “R.S. recovered miraculously. The doctor said he was now out of danger while 48 hours before he had very little hope of living, this most amazing recovery all in two days. Doctor and nurse are amazed beyond words.”

 Another “This letter is to thank you for the most remarkable recovery of my mother whose name I sent in to you. No human ingenuity can contemplate so great an achievement. Praise be to God for his Almighty Power.  “I wrote to you a week ago asking you to put my sisters name on the Register. She was given up by the doctors. Today my sister came to see me hale and hearty. She told me that she seemed to recover quite suddenly….with grateful thanks for the help I myself have received from your book and from the Sanctuary letters. Blessings.”

 *Paul says, “Let the mind be in us that was in Jesus Christ.” When we are able to discern the cause of our trouble we will see that we ourselves are responsible and in this letter we will look into the mind of the man of Galilee and there find the secret of peace, freedom and power.

 Fear in one’s heart is but the absence of Reality or Truth of being and some fear more than others but when we begin to discern the cause of our fears they disappear. For we will see that fear is always the result of some false movement in the mind, a belief, a superstition, or lack of faith. Yet faith is not so easily acquired as many people think. Faith is the result of understanding

and what I wish to do in this letter is to look into the mind of the Master and there see why there was no fear and why there was an abundance of faith.   The world today is living in fear, fear of one thing or another. The history of man contains much slavery, brutality and injustice. Someone a little cleverer, a little stronger, than the rest enslaved his fellows for his own selfish ends. Man in the past has been the sport of kings, priests and dictators. Through fear of starvation he was forced to cringe at the foot of the tyrant and through fear of the unknown he was bound to the authority of his religious belief to which he was forced to conform and through his ignorant craving he brought into being dictatorships based upon the policy that the State is all important and the individual is of no consequence, but history has shown that no form of government can be lasting unless there is true Justice for all.  Individuals and groups of individuals can live comfortably in complete absence of the State. All the necessary work in the world is performed by individuals and not by the State. The State should be and is but a social department intended to secure and protect mankind, whereas dictators have reversed the natural order and imposed upon their victim a tyranny called the State, which has enslaved and tortured them.

 The Man of Galilee showed that mankind was not here to be downtrodden, he showed as all other prophets did, that understanding gives all the opportunity of becoming equal and those with finer minds will always take the lead.  Now the world is trying to right itself through conferences, and through  economics and other means but this will surely fail for not until the world will accept the fundamental realities of Love, Wisdom and Service and translate these into daily living can there be peace, freedom and plenty. There is no use in crying “Peace! Peace!” when there is no foundation for a lasting peace. Jesus said to his disciples, “My peace I give to you, I give it not as the world gives its peace,” and it is this peace that I want to show you and how it can be acquired in a world in chaos.

 In your work in the world of trade and commerce and in your association with others you must not confuse the issue, for Jesus gave to the world a way of life if it had been followed wou1d have saved millions from suffering and misery and, in Robert Burns’ words the cause is well portrayed, “man’s inhumanity to man makes countless thousands mourn.”

 Now, let us look into the mind of the Man of Galilee: He was aware that no mental theories had any fundamental importance in the life of the individual, and that belief or imitation of others was also useless for he knew that there was a Supreme Existence, a consciousness and bliss which was not merely a negative thing, neither was it a static or featureless Absolute, but a dynamic and complete Reality which was the only truth underlying the whole of humanity.

 In his recognition of this Divine Consciousness he realized it not only beyond but here, and the acceptance of this Divine guidance was his aim. It was not a mere mental theory for by his own experience he knew that one who is in contact with the higher light can follow the way no matter how difficult it may be for the lower nature to follow.

 This was the basis of his teaching so that all, no matter what or who they were or what they had done in their lives, good or bad, could come into this blessed realization of the Presence of the Divine within them and with this understanding all that was false would be discerned and dissolved away. His parable of the Prodigal Son was the evidence of this fact. His reason and devotion was the way to implicit faith and surrender to the Divine and everlasting Presence. He showed that reliance, surrender and self-giving to the Divine Power was necessary and indispensable, but he also showed that reliance upon the Divine must not be made an excuse for indolence, weakness and surrender to every whim of the mind, but it must move along with untiring aspiration and persistent discernment, and the dissolving of all that comes in the way of Divine Truth, nor does it mean that one can become idle waiting for the Lord to act for them.

 The individual is the channel through which action must come. In his own words, “I must be about my Father’s business,” he showed that we had only to aspire to keep ourselves open to the Divine, so that the Divine should work in and through us doing our work no matter in what capacity. And if we remain open, in this way, the knowledge and realization would come.  If the mind is full of theories and the heart full of antagonism these have to be abandoned before the true light can dawn upon you. Therefore patience is required to rid yourselves of these things; otherwise the effort may be abandoned owing to difficulty at the beginning.

 It is not easy to throw out of the mind ideas that have grown up with you since infancy but if you look into your mind and heart you will see what it is that hinders you from accepting that Divine Nature that is present in everyone and antagonistic to none.

 So first of all look into your heart and mind and see if there is anything there that in any way separates you from anyone, any enmity, envy, jealousy, any antagonism, any belief, religious or otherwise, that hinders your acceptance  FEBRUARY 1948   of this blessed thing that can alone free you and give you peace, freedom and power. Are you antagonistic to anyone because of his or her belief? Are you envious of position and rank? Are you jealous of and hateful to others?

 When you can discern these movements and know these monsters for what they are—your own creation—and then call the power and the Presence of that Love of the Divine to take its abode, then this Divine will work in you to transform the consciousness for its own true expression which is the only power there is.

 The more the faith is turned towards the Divine presence the quicker you can effect a change. Success at the beginning may be slow and chequered by many failures, but this should not daunt you. Be patient and persevering and success is assured.

 Now this cannot be done by thought-control alone for thought-control is a contraction and not an expansion, neither is it understanding. You must reason with faith, and with a strong aspiration in the heart, which will bring about realization and a feeling in the heart of that Living presence that is all power, Love and Wisdom. Neither must you rely on your own power alone but on the grace and power of the Divine presence you adore.

 The cause of most failures is because one places too much reliance on one’s own mind and will. If you can get the habit of silent reliance on the power of the presence at all times not merely calling it in to support your own efforts when you need its support most of your difficulties would diminish and eventually disappear. “It is the Father who ever remained within me who is performing his own deeds.” It is this attitude you must adopt and when thoroughly understood becomes the habitual thought behind all your doings, then a new Life will open before you with a confidence that nothing can shake.

 The Christ Consciousness is not attained all at once but if you aspire at all times calling on the Divine presence, that is Ever-present, with a true heart and straightforward will and well-defined thought, you will grow more and more into this consciousness. Then the personal effort will be transformed into a movement of the Divine Force that will astonish all who witness It.  Hypocrisy must be uprooted and this is not easy to do at first, because the mind is chained to the personality, which is full of defects and pettiness. It delights itself in social inaccuracies and vain platitudes and repetitions and when you see what your own mind contains, you will not be so ready to condemn or criticize others. Criticism should be turned first upon the self as a light for self-examination, for the Divine Nature cannot manifest in a mind that is full of contradiction.

 The Divine Nature always lies hidden, buried in the falseness of the mind and heart, yet the Divine presence holds nothing against you. So when the mind and heart are cleansed of all the rubble that hinders its true expression, this Presence will take up Its abode in you for you are Its dwelling place, and  as the mental poise and quiet is established, there will come a peace and a silence and faith that nothing can change, for that which is Itself complete will be established in its own Temple,—“for ye are the Temple of the Living God” “I have overcome the world.”

 It is this Presence that is established in the Sanctuary of the Silent Healing Power and as you get more and more into the understanding of the great work that is being done you will appreciate more and more these letters that are sent out to you.

          The Blessing of the Angel of Light is upon your work in the Sanctuary of the Silent Healing Power.

 This is the peace that the world needs and you are helping to give it to the world.





 Oh, Beloved One, through the door of my aspiration the imprisoned fragrance of Thy Omnipresence was released on the wings of Thy Love. It spread over Infinite space carrying Thy blessing of peace to every being, turning unhappiness into Joy.

 I have broken the cage of past memories and habits that held my wings fast in the bars of my false beliefs and the hypocrisy of my personality.  The eternal Presence has revealed to me it was but a torturing cage of dreams and now I am soaring in the Presence of Thy Love that unites me with all Thy creation. 


Yours sincerely,


March 1948

Grateful letters are coming in every day from all over the world and we express our appreciation to those who take the trouble to advise us of their wonderful cures through the Sanctuary. During this month we have added more and, more names to the Register and it is growing at such a pace that we feel happy that such good work is being done.

Here are a few extracts from letters received:

“I thank you with all my heart for I am now completely cured. I also thank you so much for the literature you send each month, it is most helpful and uplifting. God bless you.”

“I am writing to tell you how happy I am that my boy is doing so very well at school now, beyond all expectorations. Please continue to help him. Enclosed find a contribution for the help of the Sanctuary. Ever so many thanks.”

“Once again many thanks for your monthly letters; they are most heartening and helpful. I must report to you that my eyesight is ever so much better and my memory completely restored again. The dull pain I used to experience is completely gone and I feel so much happier and contented. Thank you and all the staff who help to send out the letters of comfort to us over here.”

“It is with the greatest pleasure to me to inform you that my wife has been completely healed. God works wonders through your Sanctuary. A million thanks.”

In this letter I want to show you that faith itself is of an inconsistent nature, depending upon your understanding.

You have all experienced the result of impressions that you have accumulated in the past and stored away in your minds. If your minds have been filled with erroneous ideas and fears that have kept you from really living—impressions of fear, worry, anxiety, disease, despondency that give rise  to a doubtful attitude of mind, this then leads to failure, ill-health and unhappiness.

When the dominant idea in the mind is fear this brings about a life of impotency, inferiority and insecurity because everything moves round the dominant attitude which is out-pictured in the life and circumstances. This negative attitude instead of being of any value to you brings more and more of its kind and you are forever trying to patch up your lives without result.

The majority of people have allowed this state to exist not only with themselves but have imparted it to their children and those in close association with them. This is the cause of many being unable to realize or express their true nature. It is only when you begin to learn something of the Truth about yourselves “your real self,” and identify yourselves with this reality “your Creator” you refuse to be associated with the prevailing negative attitude which alone makes you slaves, you thus need have no anxiety about the future.

The Master’s teaching and works showed the natural outcome of his perfect recognition of the Divine Principles within himself. He recognized that it was utterly impossible for him to be separated from the Father of “All” and it was this attitude of mind that made him what he was. And he never set up his power as a proof of a nature different from ours. On the contrary,  he said that those who learned what he taught would eventually be able to do greater things.

There was no theory or guess-work about what he taught and when we begin to understand the fundamentals underlying what he taught, the true meaning of his teachings will be a guard against any negative kind of thinking 

“If you have faith as a grain of mustard seed ye will say unto the mountain remove hence to yonder place, and it shall remove and nothing shall be impossible to you.” Matt. 18: 20.

Now when we begin to consider faith it appears to have a very inconsistent nature. It is determined and affected by the kind of understanding you have and this determines the degree and quality of your faith. If you can grasp the mighty truth the Master did, it will place you beyond the destructive attacks of doubt, fear, worry, apprehension and place you in a position to operate upon the Law to fulfil its promises of satisfactorily producing, “whatever ye ask in my name it shall be done unto you.”

When you acquire the right attitude of mind through the realizations that you are heir to all the Father has, you will realize the meaning of son, “thou art ever with me and all that is mine is thine.” Therefore the practical application  of the power of the Spirit can produce for you an abundance of any good thing, health, happiness and a successful life.

Now to understand fully let me make it plain to you in as few words as possible.

There is only one Mind in the whole Universe—the Infinite Mind—and this must fill boundless space for to be Infinite It must include all and there cannot be anything outside it. Therefore we are all in the infinite Mind and there is no other substance to use—the animating power in that Mind is the Conscious Life that creates all and is capable of expressing Itself in a variety of forms and is the only Creative Power there is and this Creative Power is individualized in us and is capable of realizing Itself.

Science has proved that matter separate from energy does not exist and changes into other forms of energy without loss of the original force, which originates in the Infinite Mind. Therefore matter is mind materialized. When this is grasped by the Consciousness you will see that whatever you create in fear is just as real as what you create in faith for whatever is dominant in the mind reproduces itself in the personal Life and circumstance as a natural sequence of the Law of Cause and Effect.

In the Bible we are shown the allegory of the two trees, which grow in the Garden of Eden. The Garden of Eden is the soul of man where these two trees grow—one is the Tree of Life, the Christ in you, and the other is the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, otherwise the intellect which is speculative. It is made plain that man must not eat of the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil or he would die in his trouble and this is man’s reaction to the condition he himself creates through his lack of understanding that the Tree of Life is the only Creative Power.

Eve and Adam, are so closely related as to be represented, as a wedded pair. This is the soul and body and whatever the soul realized so would it be produced upon the body. The Tree of Life is the Life of God the only Creative Power and known to man as the Christ, “I am the Life.” And the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil was man’s conception of things through the intellect and because he was not aware of the Tree of Life he created for himself  in his ignorance all his own misfortune because of his misconception and so he fell.

To be free then you must see that there can be no separation between you and the Father and that you possess the Father’s gifts and nothing can be accomplished without Him, for we are told that we are made in His image and likeness.

The trouble with most people is that they do not take this great Truth into consideration and if they did they fear that they might be considered foolish, but this is the stupid intellect at work.

The intellectuals you will notice are mostly devoid of wisdom and are self-opinionated in their own ignorance.

The only requirement of the Creative Mind is that we include It in all our plans and schemes, even though its activities are unseen, they become known only through the results. But one thing you can be sure of is whatever is dominant in your consciousness so it must come forth because of the Law of the Creative Power inherent in you.

The formula is, “whatever you are aware of so the Active Principle of Life will bring it forth in the substance, and the only substance is the Universal Mind.”

Therefore you must use the faculties that God has placed in you by virtue of His Presence and with the will of God intelligently play your part in His predetermined Scheme of Creation, consciously co-operating with Him, thereby fulfilling your own Spiritual and material needs, “what is mine is thine.” And because there are different degrees of understanding so are there varying degrees of faith and consequently corresponding degrees of success.

The Christ is your pattern and if you will look into your mind in the light of what I have said you will see what is hindering you. Great work lies before you, and you are assured that you are not alone for God and you are working together, and it cannot be otherwise, for without Him you could not exist and if you were in any way separate from Him He could not be Infinite and this is proof of what Jesus said when he saw this Truth, “the Father and I are one.”

This offers to you peace, power, strength, and beauty, and to assert your claim you must take possession of your inheritance. 

Refuse to accept the heredity of the habitual erroneous thinking, a legacy left by the intellect of your forefathers, and claim the heredity of your Divine Nature which is urging you continually to accept your share of the unlimited resources which are ready to flow into everyone capable of receiving. The doorway is the consciousness—the individualization of the Conscious Life of God—and is capable of realizing and recognizing itself. This is your creative Power and through this alone flows the inexhaustible resources of the Almighty.

This is what is meant by the words, “take hold of this Tree of Life and it will become a Spring of Living Water rising up to Eternal Life to all those who realize it.”




Oh, Everlasting Presence, Thy ecstasy is in the Breath of Thy Creation. The stricken have heard of Thy Healing Power and have come to Thy door and find it ajar. Printed in Lettering of Love they saw “Enter in.”

Those whose hearts are breaking with despair and sadness Thy Invisible Hand has dried away their scalding tears. 

Those who are lost in illusion, to whom shall they turn but to Thee alone Who is seated upon the Throne of Love and Wisdom and as the dawn of Thy Presence appears upon their Consciousness their troubles will take wings.

We rejoice in Thy quiet Silent Voice forever singing in our Souls: “Wilt thou be mine, for whatever is mine is also thine.”




Yours Sincerely,




April 1948

My dear friends,

This month has been a glorious month, hundreds of names have been added to the Sanctuary and the work done has been phenomenal. We are indeed glad to report this to you, because of the fact that you are tuning in to these Sanctuary times which is on every three-hour period from 12 o’clock noon right round the clock (some are tuning in at one period and others at another), therefore we have a complete Healing Force in operation all the time with the result that many letters have been received and I am quoting just a few here.

“I am happy now to say I am perfectly well and back at school with a strange new happiness in my heart. I am deeply grateful for the wonderful healing received through the Sanctuary.”

“My mother and father are now in the best of health and spirits. My father’s leg is stronger than ever, his appetite has returned and he is now a new man. Thank you.”

“My hearing has improved enormously. I am so thankful that I put my name down on the Sanctuary Register for your marvelous help. I am most grateful for all you did. It is lovely to think that I am privileged to belong to the Sanctuary of the Silent Healing Power. God bless you.”

“Ever so many thanks for your monthly letter which I love to receive. They have been a source of inspiration and I am looking forward to them now each month. I pass them along to my friends and they are enjoying them immensely. In fact both their outlook and health have greatly improved. I am teaching mentally  deficient children and with the Sanctuary help they are slowly and surely improving every day. Many are learning to read and write and all are learning to be sociable and co-operative and to love life. Thank you ever so much.”

“I want to report to the Sanctuary that my boy of five years is now perfectly well again and taking his food without any trouble whatsoever.”

“My little son became suddenly very ill with a temperature of 105.

We were distracted, the Doctor wanted to wait further developments. When  I telephoned for help a miracle happened, fifteen minutes afterwards the boy was completely well.”

“My little daughter was to me exceedingly ill with a temperature of 103 and I telephoned you. After treatment she recovered miraculously. You can well understand our anxiety at this time.”

These are only a few of the many cases that have been aided during this period.

Jesus taught us a definite system of logical reasoning, which would produce in us Divine inspiration and the experience in the mode of action through which God finds expression through the individual. He taught that God and the individual are one, impossible of separation (“The Father and I are one”) and this was the perfect expression of the individual who realized it and what keeps us from enjoying it is simply our ignorance of this fact. Our ignorance of this truth keeps us in bondage to all sorts of limitations.

If we live in our past experiences and fear the future we will never know the eternal Present, which is now and always will be now. The great truth that we must see and realize, not just as a mental concept but as a living Reality, is that the Divine mind makes things by becoming these things. Then it follows that Divine Mind must become the individual for it cannot be other than its own natural expression.

In the individual and through the individual the Divine is pressing forward into fuller and fuller expression of Itself, therefore becomes fuller and fuller in the life of the individual who realizes it. And anything that limits the expression of the Divine Nature in the individual must also be retarding the progress of the individual, and this retarding progress can only come about by the individual who is ignorant of the great “truth that sets you free,” the individual being the universal in “Individuality” 

The question that rises in the mind of many is how can this great truth become a reality, how can it be acquired. The way is so simple that it baffles most and the way is that we have only to fully realize it by continuous realization.

Now some will exclaim that it is beyond their comprehension and if they did comprehend it, it was far beyond the quality of their faith. Yet it is through this understanding that our faith grows. 

We take for granted the Life Principle working through our physical organism. We trust Nature’s working laws but when we learn the truth the Master taught we will use our inherent powers by assuming them to be as natural as any other.

The Infinite to be Infinite must include all, there cannot be any outside. All must be in the Infinite and all must be Infinite, every particle of substance we see or feel and that which is beyond our sight and touch must be Infinite in nature, therefore there is not one particle of the Universe, not one particle of substance, that can be destroyed. It may change its form and in so doing, we, being ignorant of the Law of Transition (changing from one form to another) call this “death and decay” and many other names, but science has proved to us that all matter is energy and has an atomic base and is indestructible in nature. Solids may turn to fluids, fluids may turn to vapor and vapor to the ether of space yet the same base that made solid matter still remains and this fills boundless space. Only the vibration is changed, therefore the Life Consciousness or Infinite which  becomes all forms is eternal in nature, expressing itself in a variety of forms, then we realize that the individual consciousness can be none other than the Infinite Consciousness itself individualized. That is why you and I are indestructible, our consciousness will remain to unfold in the Eternal Infinite Being by giving greater and fuller expression to the Infinite Life as we realize it more and more.

Jesus taught in parables as it was impossible to unveil the Truth to the masses. Although he taught his disciples the inner working of the Laws yet he told them that the real significance of what he taught would be revealed by the Spirit within themselves. The time would come when the inner meaning of his words would dawn upon them and so it is with us, and when this happens we wonder why we did not discern his true meaning long ago.

The trouble is that most people cling to their experiences and disregard the truth of their being with the result that they ignorantly use the creative power to produce more and more negative experiences and then rebel, not knowing that they themselves are the creators. This discovery cannot be made for us; we must find it ourselves.

This is shown clearly in the parable of the prodigal Son. The state of sonship had never altered for either of the two brothers but in different ways they each missed the true position as sons. One limited himself by separating off a particular share of the Fathers goods for himself and because he accepted his portion as a limited share instead of the whole, his share was speedily exhausted leaving him in misery and want. He went off on his own into the wilderness of his intellect and lost sight of the Father who was his very life and substance. The other brother limited himself by supposing that he had no power to draw upon his Father’s stores but must wait until some specific occasion arose so that he may ask permission to do so, not realizing that it was his inherent right to partake of all that he needed and it was the Father’s pleasure to give

“All that is mine is thine.”

The younger son took up the false idea of independence, thinking that he could do well on his own, while the other although staying in the Father’s house thought he had no independence at all. The younger son finds his dependence on his own resources fail him miserably so he returns to find that he still has a position of honor and is capable of receiving all in the Father’s house.

The other son rebuked by the simple words “All that is mine is thine, why wait for me to give you what is yours already.”

You see it is impossible to make a more clear statement of the relations between the universal and the individual mind, both are interlocked together and are impossible of separation. The Universal gives rise to the individual and the individual expression to the Universal, therefore the individual acting Universal can draw whatever the individual requires but before this can be done the true relationship must be rea1ized. This is the birthright given to us by our Father. We live in the Father and there can be no other home for He is Infinite and the only way the Father can express Himself through us is our awareness of the Father united in us, and whatever we ask the Father will provide. But this law of recognition must be maintained against all doubt or against disappointment for the Father’s ways are not ours. He knows best and the way is found when we hold on. “What man is there of you when if his son asks bread will give him a serpent. If ye then being ignorant know how to give good things unto your children, how much shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to those who ask him.”

We now see clearly the simple fact that the only possible action of the Universal Mind or Life Principal must be to always press upon us a fuller and fuller expression of Itself in strict accordance with the condition each individual provides for its manifestation. When we realize that the foundation of His expression rests in a harmonious state of mind, we can easily grasp the condition we have to maintain so that this expression shall be complete. If there are conditions in your life that prevent this true expression, discern then quietly, do not struggle with them but see that they can have no place in the scheme of things. You will find very soon that fear, anger, jealousy, possessiveness, anxiety, sickness, and want, all these things will die at the roots because you will no longer feed them.

When we begin to express from moment to moment through our doing we will be giving expression to that Life which is behind all things, which is impersonal in nature and thus we can use it for any purpose of our  individual needs. But we can only do this by abiding in the Father’s house and conforming to the law of that House which is LOVE.

There can be no envy or Jealousy in the Father’s House, no antagonisms, no differing creeds, all are of the one family feasting at the Father’s table, loving one another. Therefore Love is the very thing that puts us in possession of this Limitless power of drawing from the Infinite Source which is Love itself. “Ye have heard it hath been said Thou shalt love thy neighbor and hate thine enemies but I say unto you love your enemies. Bless them that curse you, do good unto them that despitefully use you and persecute you that ye may be children of your Father which is in Heaven.”

We are all children of the same family, recognizing one Father-Mother God. We are no longer limited by creeds and orthodoxy and all sorts of conditions imposed upon us by ourselves and others “Son thou art ever with me and all that I have is thine.”

So as soon as we are enlightened as the elder brother was, that there is no other restriction except the Law of Love, we enter into the house of the Lord and Join in the festival of everlasting Joy. This is the teaching of the great Master who left us a Legacy, no treasure is like unto it.




O, Divine Presence, unite our hearts with Thine to rest in Thee forever. Teach us to hold ourselves open to Thy Divine expression. 

Let the flame of Thy Love in our hearts soar triumphantly above the din of social problems and differing creeds until the light of Thy Love has swallowed up everything. 

May I see myself always one with Thee. I pray Thee I may behold Thy Love in others and in the light of that great Love may I behold Thy unveiled face.



Yours Sincerely,



May 1948


My dear friends,

The Sanctuary of the Silent Healing Power has taken another leap forward this month. Owing to the anxiety during the prevalent epidemic we have had a shower of requests for help from all over the country. Our overseas mail is also piling up and we thank all those who sent in letters of grateful thanks for the help received. We also thank you for your great help in the realization of the Divine Nature through your daily meditations which are of great help in aiding people throughout the world. This invisible power is not only helping them Spiritually, mentally, and physically but also showing the world that peace is a Divine blessing.

I am just giving you a few extracts from letters received this month.

“All my life I have suffered from asthma but since I have placed my name on the Sanctuary Register I have not had one attack. I am indeed grateful for this wonderful help.”

“Sometime ago I fell and broke my hip. At the time I was suffering from cancer of the bone. The Doctor told my husband that it was doubtful if the leg would ever heal, but when the Sanctuary got to work on me my leg healed in double-quick time to the amazement of the medical profession. They then also pronounced the verdict that the cancer had left the bone  altogether. This is a extraordinary and wonderful demonstration.”

“In December last year I took very ill with stomach trouble which was diagnosed as a duodenal ulcer. I could not eat anything and the pain was excruciating. From the moment my name was placed on the Sanctuary Register  I have felt no pain and am now eating normally. The Sanctuary is a blessing to mankind.”

“My mother has fully recovered. Thanks so much for your help.”

“My baby is now well: wonderful to say the least. God bless the Sanctuary.”

There are many, many more letters, all of a like nature and we will continue to publish a few of those that arrive every month. As you will understand, space is limited and we only describe a few of them although we would like to describe hundreds to you.

 The other day I was in the company of several people, all animated with a friendly spirit, there was perfect harmony until one said he was of a certain religious faith. Immediately there was a coldness and the spirit of happiness disappeared because of the struggle to conform to certain beliefs.

This happy group of people were on the verge of breaking up when I stepped into the breach, and I want to tell you of this experience because it is a common occurrence with most people. I am sure this experience will help you also to help others to see beyond beliefs. For this is most important to us all in the Sanctuary of the Silent Healing Power.

I spoke to them and explained that we were first of all human beings in whom the one Life is the only Reality and which we all depend upon for our existence and if we would take a few minutes to think we would see that beliefs were utterly false if they caused antagonisms and separation. If our beliefs divided us then we could not live in that “One Presence” of God inherent in each one and which was never antagonistic to Itself in any individual.

This was the only truth and there could be no other and we must learn to think purely from the Presence within, for in this Presence there is no separation, no religions or differing cults or organizations, no nationally, or anything else that separated one Spiritual being from another.

Now this is a tremendous truth and requires our earnest consideration.

If we try to conform to a particular belief there is a constant struggle, but there is no need to struggle to “live”. We live without struggle, but when we struggle to conform we put Life in a prison of our own making.

Perhaps you grew up with your beliefs, but since then you never questioned them to see if they were true or not, and all your efforts were merely to adjust your actions to the dictates of another.

You will see that this struggle, this effort to conform, to imitate does not lead to understanding but makes you a hypocrite and insincere to yourself and others.

Hence you do not know what you really think, what you really feel, because you never doubt the pattern you are trying to conform to. To think clearly you must be free from prejudices, attachments, and the ideas of others.

You know that God is Love, Wisdom, Healing and is omnipresent. You accept this is true, yet you will not discern that which is untrue, with the result that you perpetuate that which is false.

If you will adhere to your divisions in nationality, in religion, and the  differing creeds and cults, politics, etc., then you cannot think purely, for you will only think in accordance with your belief which separates you and this is utterly false, for the “Presence” cannot be divided against Itself.

The “Presence” is indescribable and that which can be described is not the truth. But by becoming aware of the hindrances to your understanding, by discerning them, by confronting them, by penetrating them with pure thought, you will free yourself from them, and thereby realize the Presence that is harmony, poise, love, understanding, wisdom, healing. Then you will become conscious of the falseness of all things that separate one from another.

You will see these hindrances with their subtle variations that prevent you from living in the “Presence” that is Omnipresent and Eternal.

The present is immortality, there is neither past nor future in the “Presence” for the “Presence” is always present and to live in the Present is Reality. The past is but experience and the future but hope tinged with apprehension. 

The “Presence” is the only “Life,” the “One” and only Reality which gives rise to the individuality, and the individual who realizes this gives expression to the “Ever-present Presence” which is all there is.

This is Infinity and Infinity must include all as there is no outside It. The mind has a tendency to divide Spirit from matter, but when we look deeper  we see that matter separate from energy does not exist and energy separate from  Intelligence cannot exist, and this Intelligence is the Spirit which is not only the “Presence” but is the Omnipresence. It makes things by becoming the things It makes.

So you see that all your hindrances are self-created through the illusion of separation, therefore they have no power except the power you give them. Therefore do not fight them, nor pacifically endure them, but become conscious that they are false.

You become free by examining them, free from all attachments, free from all belief, free from all prejudices, free from all comparisons. If your mind is suffocated with these there cannot be true understanding of the “Truth that sets you free.”

The “Presence” requires no effort to express Itself. It Itself is pure action and in this there is freedom in the individual who realizes it and this is “the Christ in you” the only begotten Son of God.

I want you to realize that you are being used by the Presence in giving to the world the invisible Influence it needs by your realization of the Presence in your moments of meditation. With the result that bundles of letters are coming in daily with grateful thanks for help received, even from those who have only recently heard of this work done by you all over the world through the Sanctuary of the Silent Healing Power, for the world is you multiplied millions of times.

As you grasp this truth you will realize it is the greatest thing that ever came into your life.

When you look around you, you will see a world in ignorance but that should not discourage you for it cannot affect the final issue. The world, ignorant of the truth, becomes an arena of competitive systems of material and spiritual conflicts which create quarrels.

In the material sense there is the desire for security and this leads to a means of piling up wealth and possessions which only bring sorrow and conflict which lead to war between individuals and between nations. And in the spiritual sense there is the desire for immortality and this leads to the acquisition of virtue which leads to antagonism and separation thus virtue becomes a vice.

Man has separated the world into the material and the Spiritual, but there is no separation anywhere, the one is but the expression of the other. The visible is but the expression of the invisible, what we see on the objective plane is but the result of the conscious manifestation of the Infinite, therefore every particle we see or feel is Infinite.

Man, made in the image and likeness of God, is given power to discern the true nature of God. By this understanding we are able to see that which is false and a hindrance to the true expression of God in man. The more this is realized the greater is the awareness of God’s manifestations.

I want you to think, firstly, are you aware of the fact that you are conscious, and that this consciousness can be none other than the Infinite Consciousness individualized in you? For there can be no other Consciousness, the Infinite being all there is, and from this center of Consciousness in you all thought and action must flow.

I want you to think, secondly, are you aware of your thoughts? or are you just reacting to things as they come to you?

If you are just reacting then you are controlled by your environment, but if you can discern your thinking you can control your environment. You can become the active positive center around which everything must move. It is your duty to become this positive center not only to yourself but to God.

Realize that the ether of space is the unparticle sea of Divine Mind and flows according to the direction given to it both by God and by you. It moves in the direction in which it is sent. This ether is the medium in which all things are created and through which all things are connected. It does not impair or retard the force you send into it, and it brings back to you precisely what you send forth. It transmits all mental currents from one to another, from Angels to men and from men to Angels. No wave or thought vibration can be impaired. Through the ether we can contact anyone, to heal or help those who ask. Through the ether we can contact spiritual forces in a fraction of a second and their aid is given immediately. Jesus said, “I have only to ask and legions will come to mine aid.” Now try to realize what I have given you. It is better than rare sliver and the rarest of gold, for no treasure is like unto it.

“Reverence for the Eternal trains man to be wise, and to be humble is the way to honor.”

Jesus says to us, in other words to his disciples, “As the Father hath loved me so have I Loved you, that ye love one another as I have loved you that ye also love one another.” 




O, Christ, thou rarest of hearts, thou didst sail on the stormy sea of prejudiced minds, yet thou shed the aroma of goodness and forgiveness, so helping all through example to become like thee, and now we know that our Father in Heaven is the only Father of all. For thou didst say, “For whosoever does the will of the Father in heaven is my brother, my sister and my mother” showing that there is but one “Presence” in all.

The mighty miracle of love is established in our hearts when we realize the magical words, “Forgive them for they know not what they do” “as much as ye do unto one of these so do you unto me.”

Oh, Beloved One, wandering hearts are seeking the one fold of Thy Divine Love that heals all, and have heard Thee ever calling with Thy Infinite Kindness to be at home with Thee in our Fathers house of Love where we all rejoice together. There we shall know Thee to be our brother who showed us that Love is the only way to everlasting happiness.


Yours sincerely,




June, 1948

My dear friends,

Every month there seems to be a greater expansion of the Sanctuary of the Silent Healing Power. This month has been phenomenal, hundreds of names have been added to the Register and the work done has been beyond all our expectations. From all over the world we are receiving calls for help and this is given immediately with the result that instantaneous cures have been effected, and some of the most difficult cases which are supposed to be beyond medical help have responded amazingly. For instance here is a letter I would like to give  in full, but as space is limited the main points will be given.

“God bless you always for the help you have given us all through Sanctuary. Conditions in my home have changed wonderfully since I wrote for  assistance. It is as if the whole world of beauty, love and harmony has been opened to me. My little son is very happy at school and last Wednesday when I met all the teachers and masters they were full of praise for him about the lovely work he does and his fine behavior. I owe all this to the Sanctuary.”

“A little boy I wrote to you about—with pain in his legs which is supposed to be T.B. is ever so much better. All the pain is gone. I am sure this little boy will get entirely well. Thank you too for the beautiful monthly letter which is a inspiration to us all.”

“I wish to tell you this wonderful story: my leg was broken and in great pain. I tuned in to the sanctuary at 12 noon, and immediately the soreness disappeared and I felt as if the bones were being put into the correct position, the surprising thing is now when the X-rays were taken there could not have been a more perfect setting of the bones. It was a great surprise to me that you took all this trouble to help a person like me and, to think that it could have been done from such a long distance away. Again I wish to thank you most sincerely.”

“Your monthly Letters are the most inspiring reading we have ever had. A number of our friends come to the house and we read the letter together. That such wonderful truths could be revealed through reading these letters is beyond our comprehension, yet we are stirred within when we read these

Letters. God bless you for the work you are doing.” 

There are bundles of these letters. The above few have been taken at random, and we thank all those who have sent in such letters.

Remember that we are all tuning in at the various times indicated and your help is doing a tremendous amount of good throughout the world. Keep it up, there is no room for slackers in this work! You will realize how important it is, for the world needs you now.

Read this letter aloud to yourselves and others and you will find greater benefit.

The great majority of people do not realize the fact that Spiritual and material or mind and matter are ingredients of one single system.

Now this is not the product of the imagination nor is it an idea that we have to accept. It is a living reality, which Jesus the Master truly demonstrated, and which modern science and physics have also proved to be true. Therefore there is no room for the dualism that has haunted philosophy throughout the centuries.

When this truth is grasped by the individual, the world will enter into a new age of realism and when fully realized, this realization leaves us virtually spellbound.

If you can grasp the full significance that this means to you here and now you will make every effort to make this truth your own in such a way as to manifest it in this life, not only for your own benefit but for the benefit of others.

The mistaken dualism of mind and matter or spiritual and material has confused the minds of many people, were they try to prove that matter does not exist because there exists a condition that affects them negatively. But I have already shown to you that whatever we think in fear or in faith will equally reproduce their kind. Therefore denying a condition that may exist does not accomplish a healing but only leads to confusion.

Denying a condition is blind ignorance which may or may not give temporary relief is through the understanding of the fundamental truth that we can consciously or unconsciously act upon matter to change, dissolve or create, that gives us power over any condition that may exist.

If any error in a sum exists you do not say that the law of mathematics is at fault but when the error is discerned, it is corrected and it disappears. The Law of Life is similar, and it is stated that we are made in the image and likeness of God with dominion over all things. Now I hope that you will no longer be confused in your mind in regard to a condition.

Most people have a belief that matter is fundamental and the effects which they see expressed are permanent. There is nothing permanent in nature, there is a continual flux or change taking place; the only thing that seems permanent is change, for the simple reason that nature is continually making and remaking, tearing down and building up better and better forms, and all this change has its origin in the inner world of which the outer is but the reflection. So there is no use in denying the effects we see; we must find the cause and that cause is within ourselves, in our own inner world and this leads us to that great and significant truth, that whatever we identify ourselves with determines what we shall be.

The greatest teacher in the world identified himself with the Father of Love, the “Infinite Being” who alone exists, and there can be no other,—no other power but His, no other Life but His, no other Intelligence but His, in fact all must be Infinite for there can be no outside Him otherwise He could not be Infinite. This leads us to seek within, for the truth of our own Being, Jesus said the Kingdom of Heaven is within you and as we become more acquainted with his scientific mind so we will realize that He is still the worlds greatest leader in modern thought, for modern science and modern thinking today reveal this fact, and we are finding out more and more that that he said and demonstrated is actually true. 

Man may for a time please himself but in the end he can only please God, as the law relentlessly brings home to him, what he sows so shall he reap.

We play a part in the great scheme of creation according to the nature or inclination of the Infinite creative principle, through the Divine thought operating through mankind as a means of bringing about “thy will be done on earth as it is done in heaven.”

Jesus was an international figure and his teaching is proof of this fact. He made us beware, lest we be caught up in the net of race thought, nationalities, creeds, politics, disease, ignorance and death. He showed that we must refuse to identify ourselves with family, tradition, state or church for none is your “Father which is in Heaven.” This alone can give us power over the things of this world, and with the true vision of our Divine potentialities we are able to move forward into a new world proving that we are really the sons and daughters of God. “Know ye not that ye have the things before ye ask”

The great mass struggle that we see going on everywhere is the result of the inner struggle of the individual. In the midst of amazing scientific achievements we find ourselves in a world torn by craving for things of this world, a world sick and disabled and depressed. Anyone can see that the ravaging effects are world wide, revealing a deep underlying error in our whole civilization. Yet we know that this will eat itself out in the end, and will be the means of mankind discerning his own mistakes, that man may please himself for a while but in the end he finds that the only way to peace and happiness is to please God. “For he makes the sun to rise on the evil and on the good and sendeth the rain to the Just and the unjust.”

True statesmanship requires clear thinking from cause to effect and this cannot be done by those who are merely politicians, who make vain attempts  to solve problems without understanding the fundamental laws governing human life. So the masses become the victims of their own ignorance, being unaware of the power of the law of properly directed thought, they hold on to their old fixed mental habits and become deceived by propaganda.

Our habits of thought must be studied, understood and corrected; not until our thoughts become truly intelligent can we have results that will satisfy the human heart.

We place our confidence in those who are ignorant of the true law of Life, we ignorantly pin our faith in the power of things seen, the power of things already created, remaining blind to the fact that these things are but effects of thought and ideas in the mind of man. These things are not the source from which we should draw to “live” to “think” to “reason”, being effects and not causes and have no power except the power we give them.

On account of our lack of understanding the truth that we must identify ourselves with our Creator first of all, we have become the victim of our own creation. Yet through this state of things we will be led through discernment into the true Law of Life which is the only sure foundation for the assurance of health, happiness, and prosperity and a civilized civilization, for you cannot say that we are civilized in the face of what is happening in the world today.

If our civilization with its rail roads, steamship, airships, great cities and modern inventions is to evade the fate of bygone civilizations we must at once recognize the importance of the spiritual as the source of material things and that correct thinking in accordance with the Higher Intelligence will bring fruitful results. We will then be true instruments in the hands of an Intelligence that is all-Intelligent and He makes His wishes known to us through our understanding that we are made in His likeness. “For if you 1ove only those who love you what credit is that to you.” These are the words of the Master whose ideas were the essence of logic. He showed the meaning and purpose of man’s inner struggle as the way leading him to the source of all life in order he might consciously co-operate with this all-originating Life intelligence in creating for himself what was his own. “Son, thou art ever with me and all that I have is thine.” Luke 15: 31.

We must help our leaders with all the power we possess to carry our civilization on to a more magnificent proof of the Eternal Creative Power of God revealed in us. This power was revealed to the Master who discovered the power within himself and he gave us the method to direct and control the forces manifesting in all nature. By drawing on this power as individuals we can draw upon the unlimited resources of the universe to build and maintain a greater civilization.

As individuals in the Sanctuary of the Silent Healing Power, we are imbued with the creative power in action through us, and there is nothing to stop this progress we have set in motion for we know that the source of all power lies in God within ourselves, and there is no separation.

We can influence the minds of individuals who are at the head of affairs to bring about the desired results. “Where two or three are gathered together “in my name” and consciously transcend the mortal sense they can bring about things beyond the understanding of the mortal sense. “For there I am in their midst.”




Dearly Beloved One, dressed in Thy Beauty clean and holy, Thou didst send me to play in the fields Thou hast prepared for me.

But I played in the darkness with ignorance and lost myself in the mire of suffering. I went out clean and came back to Thee besmirched with mud of illusion.

O Divine Presence, wash with thy Love and Wisdom and make me clean again. I lost everything while roaming in the darkness.

O Adorable One, Love of my heart, the tiny candle of light of my remembrance of Thee was not wholly extinguished by the gusts of disbelief. 

I loved all things only to find that I needed thee alone.

Come with me, O Beloved—Be with me always.



Yours sincerely,



July 1948

My dear Friends,

 The Sanctuary is extremely proud this month to announce that hundreds  of cases have been healed instantaneously. The work is expanding so rapidly that we feel grateful to those who are tuning in at the regular times for the help given by them to the Healing Forces, who are able to perform such wonderful feats of healing.

 Quoted hereunder are a few only of the letters received and we thank all those who have sent in similar letters.

 “I wrote to you a week ago asking for help for a patient of mine who was suffering from a hopeless malignant breast. These last two days she has been absolutely free from pain and has slept peacefully, not only at night but also throughout most of the day. She has not required her usual dose of morphine sulphate. I am deeply grateful for this help.”

 “Thank you for your letter. I am very glad to be able to report a wonderful healing for Roy, one of the friends I asked you to help; his relations are very grateful.”

 “I want to thank you with all my heart for your prompt answer to my call for help for my niece, who was so ill with bronchial pneumonia. I felt from my past nursing experience that she had not much hope of recovery—her temperature was 104° and she was so blue in the face. So immediately phoned you for help and she intermediately got better.”

 “Thanks ever so much for your help given to my husband, as he is changed and is wonderful towards the home and is very friendly towards people nowadays. People can’t believe it is the same man they knew a few months ago—I send my greatest thanks to the Sanctuary.”

 “ I cannot lose this opportunity of extending my gratitude to the Sanctuary for the divine help you so kindly rendered to my sister-in-Law and have pleasure in informing you that she is completely recovered since you registered her name on the Register.”

 *In this letter we will do some clear thinking for this alone can lead us to the understanding of the Truth.

 Through the Sanctuary of the Silent Healing power wonderful results have been obtained already, because of the fact that you who are working in the Sanctuary all over the world have brought into being Divine reasoning and with this, Divine feeling. These two are the essence of Divine action and Divine action leads the way to a better world, a greater and finer world which we are all helping to build.

 When we consider that the Sanctuary started only a few months ago, and since then the numbers have run into thousands, we expected such phenomenal results, as we knew that success was assured because of the exalted Spiritual Forces which are behind this great movement.  We are told that thousands of Spiritual Beings are working in the Sanctuary in conjunction with us on this plane. It would be helpful if you would read the particulars again, which were sent out in the beginning so as to grasp the great significance of this work.

 It is desirable that you get a true understanding and this is mainly why in this letter we will do some clear thinking.

 I have stated to you before that unless we can discern the false we will not understand the true. If we live in a limited state of mind, brought about by submission and imitation through education religious beliefs, philosophy, public opinion and tradition, we will not escape the miseries that we ourselves create.

 We may seek an escape from the prison of our own making by accepting the idea that The Divine Nature can and will release us from our prison. Yet if we do not discover the cause of our miseries we only bring the idea into our prison and we are still bound by it.

 If we have a belief that we feel binds us through fear, and someone comes along with a similar belief which gives greater freedom and we accept this belief in place of the old we are only enticed into their prison and we are still bound. We are not thinking for ourselves, we are only caught-up in the net of their belief. Anything that separates us from our brothers and sisters is a falsehood and a prison.

 In our previous letter we were shown that God is Infinite and to be so He must be everything and there cannot be anything that is not infinite, and the only living presence in everyone must be the Infinite Presence because God alone lives. But we cannot realize this feeling until we discern the falseness that surrounds us, and in which we are submerged. Rebelling against conditions does not remove them, we must know them for what they are and understand the cause, and as these causes are discerned and dissolved the true shall appear because it is always there, only hidden by our beliefs of that which is false.  We do not disagree over the fact that we are alive, that we are human beings, we only disagree over our beliefs. We never disagree over that which is true we only disagree on that which is false, and when we look into the matter deeply enough, we will see how true it is.

 With reference to disease most people cling to the name of a disease giving it an identity; by giving it an identity we are merely accepting another’s opinion or belief, and we will observe that this is not thinking nor understanding.

 The happiness of mankind is not increased by opinions founded upon ignorance and beliefs in theories of those who cannot heal the sick or relieve the troubled mind which is caught up in the net of emotion, imitation and craving. The sick in mind and body are cured by giving them the Bread of Life. Jesus says, “Man is himself the field, his deeds are seeds and what he does to others grows apace. The harvest is sure and he must reap what he has sown.” “The fruit of peace and love can never spring from noxious weeds, the fruit is like the seed.” “Each one has problems to be solved, he must solve them for himself.”

 The individual begins to solve his problems when he begins to think. When we begin to discern our beliefs, thought, emotions, reactions that hinder the expression of the “Presence,” then the Presence begins to flood the consciousness.

 Through the neurons of the brain, through the nervous system, through the whole cell structure of the body the presence makes Itself felt. But if our mind is caught up in greed, craving, names of diseases, caught up in beliefs, hell, the devil and good and evil, we are sowing the seeds of our own misery.  We are instructed not to eat of the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil but to take hold of the Tree of Life and this shall be our salvation.  The only value criticism has is when it is directed towards the self, thus we are better able to see how to help others. “How can you see the splinter in your brother’s eye when you have chunks within your own.” “And while your eyes are full of foreign things you cannot see the way for you are blind.” If you would lead the way to God you must be clear in sight as well as pure in heart.

 We must wipe away everything that hinders, by discerning everything that hides the glorious Presence that dwells in every soul.

 I am repeating these words of the Master to show that he did not merely give us a theory, but made it exceeding plain that we must see that which is false, so as to clear the sight to see the way. Another statement which throws light on the path is, “The treasures of Earth are but illusive things and pass away.” “Be not deceived! Your treasures are the anchor of the soul and where your treasures are so your heart will be.” “Things that man see not with eyes of flesh, are of more worth than the things that man can see.”  Most of us are full of defects and it is necessary to discern them and not merely deny them, for this does not help matters. To shrug our shoulders or cringe at the sight of our thoughts is of no value. What is needed is to be quiet and more quiet, to look at these things as something, not your real self, for the real self is the presence of the presence and to abide in its quiet confidence is Divine Power.

 If the soul asks for the Divine and our minds are sincere and calls for liberation from these influences, by calling the presence into the heart and relying upon it more and more than our own strength we will be able to end this “siege” and peace would take its place. We will break down the prison bars that hold us in the prison of our own making.

 The material world less the revelation of the Creative power manifested thorough the mind. Visible things are the representation of the invisible. If we can comprehend this truth we can rise above the effects we see around us, and by understanding them we will no Longer be afraid of them. We will discern the false, then we will know the true.

 We are made in the image and likeness of God living in a material world over which we have been given dominion. A world so constituted that if we will use it intelligently, it will lift us to spiritual heights yet unknown. With this knowledge our experiences in this world will lift us to the mountain tops of achievement. If we feel a sense of frustration when we neglect to use wisdom, worrying about the matter will not help. We will know how to deal with our troubles through the discerning of our own thoughts, cravings and emotions.  The realization of truth lies in our self-conscious completeness sustained in our own uprightness, free from all conformity, public opinion, tradition, nationality or creed. Through the self-conscious completeness we arrive at full responsibility, in the recognition of this completeness, and this completeness is true freedom.

 This is not an escape nor is it flight from conditions around us, but it will lead to a gradual discontinuance of unconscious action through lack of discernment which leads to misery.

 When we act consciously understanding the law, this leads to pure thought which leads to pure action. This understanding is the beginning of true action which will expand our consciousness and practical knowledge of our oneness with the creative source of all things—the Presence that is within ourselves.

 And as we acquire this knowledge through practice we will by conscious use of the Creative Laws, have revealed to us a deeper significance of our own creative power than the mere intrinsic value of material possessions; they will represent to us the extent of our Spiritual understanding and ability to co-operate with the Creator of all things.

 Material is but a name we give to a substance of which we know very little. But when we see that the material, the “visible” and the “invisible” are one and the same thing, we will appreciate that the invisible is the cause and the material or visible is the effect.

 When we see that the visible is the result of the invisible, we will know that in the invisible is the cause and that cause is thought-action, then we are aware of the cause of misery. Then there is no longer any fear in regard to it for we will know we are the creators of our own misery.

 We will see with clear sight, freed from illusion, that we are one with the Creator of the Universe; we will also see that it is impossible for us to be otherwise. Then the presence that is Ever-present and Eternal in us will bring forth, “that which is acceptable to God.” But if we fail to understand these things we will create a series of causes and effects in which will become enmeshed, caught in their net. And there can no escape until the truth which we have had revealed to us fully dawn upon us. “God Himself has made it plain—for ever since the world was created, His invisible Nature, His Everlasting Power and Divine Being have been quite perceptible in what

He has made.”


 O Fountain of love, flood us with Thy omnipresent Love so that our hearts will be filled with thy love for others. Exalt the rivers of our desires and cravings from the lowlands to the heights of humbleness and self-sacrifice and consideration for others, reinforced from Thy fountain of Love, we unite in the ocean of fulfilment in Thee.

 Increase our affection for all, so that we do not lose in drought-stricken selfishness, which is waste. But let the lonely separate streamlets of Love coming from Thee at Last merge into the vastness of thy presence, revealing Thy Omnipresence of Love, Wisdom and Healing for all who will receive.

My faith in Thee has made me “whole.”




Yours sincerely


*  Edited version of Lecture #8 ‘Discern All that is False’ (28th September 1948) in the book “Cosmic       Consciousness: Your Silent Partner.”

August 1948

My dear friends,

 Yes, the Sanctuary of the Silent Healing Power is always at your service twenty-four hours of the day around the world.

 From Czechoslovakia we received this letter: “I revert to my letter of the 16th June and herewith beg to express my sincere thanks for your healing help to my father. He feels himself again and now very well. I wish to thank you very much.”

 From Rome, Italy, “when we cabled you for help our son was so ill that the physician gave us no hope. On receipt of your cable our son was recovering  rapidly and now is fit and well, a most remarkable demonstration of the Healing Power of the Sanctuary of the Silent Healing Power.”

 From New York, “grateful thanks for your wonderful help I am now completely recovered and feeling better than I have for years.”

 From Scotland, “many, many thanks for your letter of instruction on receipt of my request for help. I am feeling so much better now, in fact don’t feel anything wrong at all. The bowel condition has cleared up. Such a thing has never happened for over thirty years. Your monthly letters are a great inspiration to us. We look forward to them so much each month.”

 From Cape Provence, “for the past four years I have suffered from bronchial asthma and had come to the end of my endurance. Since your monthly letter arrived a miracle has taken place, my bronchitis has disappeared and I can assure you I am deeply grateful for the help I have received.”

 From Johannesburg, “once again I wish to express my deep and sincere gratitude for all your wonderful kindness. I do so appreciate all you do. It is so wonderful to receive these monthly letters, they are more valuable than all the gold in the world.”

 From Johannesburg, “A friend of my husband’s handed his name to you for healing. At the time he was very ill and in hospital. I must tell you that he recovered marvelously and is now back at work. Please add my name and our babies to your list. 

 From Los Angeles, California, USA, “the whole family eagerly waits for the next Monthly letter to come. We have never read anything so inspiring and helpful. We have a party of our friends about fifty come to the house when the letter arrives and we read it to them. They are just as eager as we are for the next letter to arrive. Thanks ever so much for the help given to the friends we asked for help for; their recovery was beyond our expectation.”

 These are a few of the many letters we have received this month from all over the world. Thanks ever so much for writing to me. It makes me feel that our work is being appreciated and this makes me very happy indeed. Naturally I cannot include all your letters, these have been taken at random, to be included in this months letter. Many thanks.

 A personal letter of thanks is sent out to all those who donate to this work. If you have not received such a letter please communicate with us as it may have been over looked. 

 In this letter I will deal with healing because we have had many hundreds of letters asking for healings of all, kinds, and there has been many wonderful results. I feel that a letter to you on this subject will be helpful.

 To apply the healing power effectively we must realize the fountain from which it pours forth; with this knowledge courage and faith is built up. Knowledge is the key to this most wonderful power and thus fortifies the faith. Blind faith is so often weakened through lack of understanding and doubt takes its place. That is why I have in the past gone into details with reference to truth as it really is, and I would suggest to you to keep all these monthly letters and have them bound at the end of the year so as to preserve them, then go back and read them over again and I am sure that you will get a greater understanding.  Remember that every thought, every reaction, every movement causes a change in the body through a chemical reaction. Unless we can discern our thinking and our emotional reactions we are bound to suffer. If we can become aware of our thoughts, what they are and the motives behind them, our fears, and discern the cause of them, they will loosen their hold on us. Yet the main thing in healing is to know the truth that will set you free.

 In the first place we must know that the Divine Spirit in man is inexhaustible and infallible. It is Ever-present in the NOW and not only some future time. Spirit is always active in the Ever-present now. It is perfect Intelligence and is out picturing at all times the Divine Design, “made from his image and likeness,” It knows all and is able to restore organs even when they have passed all artificial or material aid. The fact that there is no separation between us and the Divine Ever-present, this life is forever being mediated

to us from it’s Source and if we can be aware of it in every cell in our bodies, It is there according to our awareness of It.

 Secondly, Divine Spirit is perfect in its expression and is expressing itself continually through us. It does not have to be urged, It only needs our understanding and co-operation, the more we are aware of this the more powerful will It show Itself in our minds and bodies. The most practical application of the Healing Power is to understand that pure Spirit is present in Its entirety at any point simultaneously, that is to say that in me and in you this Spirit is in Its entirety now and is pure and perfect. When I am aware of this, and as there is no separation between us, it must affect you as well as it affects me. If you consciously become aware of this then you will help everyone whom you think of at that moment.

 Thirdly, Spiritual Forces come to our aid immediately we ask for help, because when a call goes out to God it reaches the very center of His Being and is returned outwardly to us through His administering Angels similarly as when for instance you cut your finger, a message reaches your brain immediately and then from the brain messages are sent all over the body to bring aid and healing to the part affected. There is an Intelligence at work all the time for our benefit, this Intelligence is the predetermined knowing of the Infinite,

“the knowing how.”

 The fourth part I wish to point out to you is that suggestion has a  tremendous effect upon our minds and bodies. The most wonderful forces are set in operation through this agency also the same agency can do untold harm. The majority of people are malpractice themselves and others. What I mean by malpractice is if you see someone suffering from a disease that is considered incurable you think of the disease and forget that pure Spirit is present in its entirety at every point simultaneously, thus you are malpractice. By thinking of a disease as permanent, people condemn themselves and others. Thoughts are things and are absorbed by the minds of others, especially the sufferers, the very expression on your face reveals what you are thinking. Remember the tongue of the wise is health.

 If you have an illness or others are affected you must see at once your Divine Nature and that same Divine Nature in others. Free your own minds from disease and you will free others also. Unless your mind is clear in regard to this you will still be in the prison of your own making.

  We heal through the truth that God is Life and He alone lives and He is living in you now in all his completeness. The Life Principle is the only Reality and disease has no power of its own. To help us to help you, you must realize your unity with the Source of all Life and that this Life is being mediated to you eternally.

 Electricity is continually present, when we put on the switch we make the connection and we get the light or power, whatever the mechanism is suited to. It is the mechanic that determines the kind of manifestation that will take place. The electricity is always the same. The same is with us, the infinite Life is always the same, It flows into us when we become aware of It, according to our awareness of it so shall It manifest.

 When we recognize this we will not malpractice others or ourselves.  It has been proved thousands, yes millions of times that conditions that have resisted all other means have responded to the Life Forces directed by a faithful consciousness, aware of the truth of Being.

 We must realize that the Life is the builder of the body. There is but one mind in which we move and have our being. We think in this Mind, our bodies and minds are made up of this mind we cannot get out of this mind, therefore you see that this Mind responds to your thought if you are aware of the truth of your, Being. “Call no man your Father on earth for one is your Father which is in Heaven,” thus proving that you are a child of God made in His Mind because you cannot be made anywhere else as there cannot be any outside the Mind of God otherwise He could not be infinite.  Each one of us is a cell as it were in the Mind of God, imbued with His Divine Consciousness, which is the source of our thinking. Each one of us is manifesting the Divine Intelligence under the direction of the Divine consciousness when we are aware of our unity. Every cell in our body is linked up with that Divine cell within us and through the nervous and circulatory system that is why every thought or action affects the body through clericalization.  Conditions dissolve away when harmony in the consciousness is established by the recognition of the fact that pure spirit exists as the only Reality. This body is the Temple of the Living God. It was this mighty truth of the Eternal Ever-present Living God that the Master knew and understood, “stretch forth thine hand.” “Take up your bed and walk.” “Your faith hath made thee whole.”  Now let us contrast this with the way we mostly think and act in our daily life. Can you discern your daily reactions, your emotions and know them for what they are? Remember that our various mental states and emotions produce in time their effects in time on mind and body. I have seen people faint when adverse news reaches them. I have seen people unable to eat their food when some remark was made at the table. I know that many illnesses are caused in this way. I meet it every day in my work of healing. For most cases the doctor prescribes medicines, which have little or no effect, yet how easy these people are healed by relieving their minds through the truth of their Divine Nature. “Our Father who art in Heaven.” This is the common ground upon which we all stand. The Master said this when he prayed. He also said, “He who doeth the will of my Father is my mother, my sister, my brother.”

 Fear has the effect of closing up the channels of the body so that the Life Forces flow in a slow and sluggish manner. Understanding, faith and hope open up the channels of the body and the Life Forces go bounding through and disease is cleared away.

 People who have no forgiveness in their hearts create disease in themselves. I have known people who suffered from unknown diseases being speedily cured by forgiving all, and expressing love to all especially those who had done them an injury. The path of Love through the soul is a builder of good health and happiness.

 Kindness, Love, Goodwill, Faith, Hope, Cheerfulness, etc, create a harmonious clericalization of the mind and body, excites the healthy flow of all the secretions and opens up the nervous system so that the Life Forces reach throughout the whole organism.

 A method that I have advocated with unbounded success to many people with so-called incurable troubles is to lie down in the open air and breathe repeating the words, “Divine Life fills me.” Say it so often that it becomes an actual fact. What we say with conviction is out pictured in action. The reason is that the physical body is a mechanism specially adapted for the transmission of the inner or mental action into modes of external actively, the whole body is traversed by a network of nerves which serve as channels of communication between the indwelling Spiritual life Consciousness and the function of the external organism.

  In my next letter I will continue further explanation of the healing power.  Remember that at all times the Sanctuary of the Silent Healing Power is at your service. The many healings done through this agency are remarkable. Hundreds of names are added to our register each month. God has blessed our work, and to Him alone we dedicate ourselves so that the Almighty power will manifest through the sanctuary in all its power and glory.


 Blessed are those who serve others knowing that they serve Thee. Thy Presence is the balm of love that settles every heart in the quietude of Thy everlasting glory. To die without giving service is to die poor. To pass through the portals of death serving others with Thy whisper in my heart, “well done, good and faithful servant” then I am truly rich.

 I know that health and sickness, birth and death are but dreams and when I finish my dreams of Love and service and awaken behind the world painted screen of illusion I shall behold Thee as the only Reality, the Presence that ever was since time began, and when I hear Thy voice I say, sweetly in my heart, “As much as ye have done unto one of these (my children) so have ye done unto Me,” my dream will become the vision of my oneness with Thee in all. 




Yours sincerely


September 1948

My dear friends, 

You will be delighted to hear how wonderful the results have been this month with your help. Over five hundred people have asked for help and this has been given through the Sanctuary with astounding results.  T.R.C. writes, “God is wonderful, am feeling a different man altogether. The rupture and kidney trouble have gone. I have put away the truss I was wearing night and day. I thank God for the Sanctuary of the Silent Healing Power.”

 K.G. writes, “we thank God for His tremendous power.  A deaf sister through the Healing Power of the Sanctuary can now hear.  With my sincere love to you.”

          B.J. writes, “thank you so much for your monthly letter. I look forward to it. It is such a help to me, and a great inspiration. My arm is so much better and I feel the Silent Healing Power at work. May God bless you and all in the Sanctuary of the Silent Healing Power.”  

writes, “thanks for the wondrous work done for the four of us. We are spreading the good news.”

 L.A. writes, “immediately I rang for help the temperature that was 105 degrees reduced in half an hour to normal and the child is now perfectly well. To us it is a miracle.”

 E.P. writes, “I thank you for the monthly letters. I must assure you that they are giving me wonderful help and inspiration. I could not do without them now.”

 M.H. writes, “I have never read anything to compare with the Monthly Letters, Those who have read them with us have derived great benefit, beyond their expectation. I could write pages about the wonderful work that the

Sanctuary has done for us.”


  These are only a few of the many letters received this month and 

I wish to thank all those who have sent in letters. I appreciate the fact that you have taken the trouble to write a letter of thanks for the help received.

 I wish to speak to you again in this letter about healing, as so many people appeal for help in overcoming their troubles.

 Nervous condition is one of the most prevalent causes of disease in the human body, for whenever the nervous system is upset it causes inharmony throughout. I will explain briefly the source of the main cause of nervous disorders.

 To do so, I must give you a brief outline of the common theories, which one knows in general practice, and which are used extensively by psychiatrists although not always with success.

 There is a fundamental basis upon which they do get a degree of success in some cases yet in most cases they fail, showing that their methods are limited in scope. 

 If one has not a knowledge of the truth of “Being,” that is, that there is no separation between God and man as the only true foundation upon which to build a new and free life, nervous conditions are liable to return, because the victim is not fortified with this truth which will stand him or her in good stead, when other distressing events occur. 

          In ordinary life we meet with bottled-up emotions and physical symptoms caused by emotional stress and fear, which becomes a subconscious or conscious stream seeking release, and this, seems to be more prevalent since the First World War.

 These symptoms may occur instantly or they may take some time to develop. Frequently they are not strong enough to push outwardly just when the event occurs. But by repeated distressing events in life this fear and emotion is added to, and eventually a true case of neurosis is established.

          We see here that it is not always the distressing event at the moment that is the root, but that which has occurred previously. This root takes growth through lack of understanding of the self, fertilized by repeated negative reactions and produces a complex situation.

 It is clearly seen then that a search is not always successful in gaining a release from the prison the victim has created for him or herself, through the lack of discerning the cause. For when one is awakened to the truth there is always a discerning of the thought or reaction, and the motive behind them. Thus there is perpetual freedom through this awareness.

 When the symptoms appear instantly it is comparatively easy to remove the condition. But when through a series of negative reactions, the symptoms appear some years after the initial cause, it is sometimes very difficult to search out the main cause. That is why analysis has so often failed, while a knowledge of the truth can completely revolutionize the victim’s life and release fears and phobias on a higher level.

 They completely disappear as one gets a better understanding of Life. The submerged stream in the subconscious or the unconscious, if you like the term better, is sublimated and freedom is obtained.

 In many cases which fail through analysis I find it easy to establish a state of balance by showing that the victims are the object of their own illusions, and when they get a complete view of themselves being one with God, impossible of separation, there is a distinct relief. This relief often enables them to speak or talk about themselves. I do not attach great importance to what they say except when something appears vividly to me.

 For instance, in a lady who suffered with a severe skin trouble for many years, which baffled all medical science as well as psychiatrists, I noted a strain of antagonism in her make-up against a near relative. I told her that when she forgave this relative and made amends and accepted the injustice done to her and she herself became unselfish, a perfect balance would be established and she would become whole.

 She immediately went away and made amends and returned in a week to me perfectly whole.

 Now this lady through her own experience has helped hundreds of people who suffered in the same way, not always with the same symptoms but nevertheless the same cause. Hundreds of other similar cases I could mention of so-called incurable troubles, these troubles vanish as by magic when a true state of harmony is established within.

 Many cases are the result of a desire to forget all about a distressing incident. A large amount of nervous energy is used up in holding back this distressing experience from the notice of the personal consciousness. By forcing the memory up to the conscious, the cordon of repressing energy is broken through, this energy is no longer required and is released for constructive  action in the body.

 When we face awful facts fairly and squarely, they become harmless. But the great danger with ordinary psychiatry is to allow the patient to go without giving him or her a true foundation of his or her spiritual self, thus the cure is only half done. The complete cure comes through the understanding of the truth about themselves.

 If one is in constant fear of exposure this fear causes a condition to reveal itself in the tissue structure through the nervous tension, which becomes habitual. When one is strong enough to face the matter boldly through the truth of their oneness with God then the nervous tension soon disappears and the mind and body become balanced. 

 When trouble comes upon most people they allow fear to enter which leads to further darkness. For when this crude form of dissociation occurs there is a mental conflict and repression added to by bad auto-suggestion which puts the victim in a state of prostration and fear, and later appears upon the physical organism.

 There is also the theory of perverted sex development. Sex life is both spiritual and physical, and in early life this dual action tends to appear in a number of ways such as sex curiosity, exhibitionism, masochism, sadism, etc. These tendencies disappear under normal development when the sex energies are used in the normal way, and the excess transformed into higher forms of social, intellectual, and spiritual services.

 The danger lies only when this creative force is looked upon as evil and then repressed with its evil association we create in our minds, with the result that it rises to the consciousness in the symptoms of psycho-neurosis yet the exaggeration of the importance of suppressed sexual complexes can become a dangerous falsehood. It can have a nasty influence and tend to make the mind more fundamentally impure than before.

 Sex impulse has been looked upon as a danger to nature. When it is looked upon as an evil and negative thing, it imposes upon the nature and mind an impurity that does not really exist.

 We must not look from down up, but from above down, and see the glory of Gods creative work in mankind. When we free our minds from these repressed falsehoods created through ignorance by continually stamping the Creative Power as an evil in our midst we will find a better race, free from the immoral practices we see today.

 We can separate the people in the world into three categories. There are those who lower their ideals to make the way easy for surrender to temptation. The result is not harmful to the body because there is no repressed emotion attached to it, therefore there is no conflict in the mind. But this is unhealthy as far as the soul is concerned; this type is general in the world today.

          The next type is those who, through compromise and cowardice when the mind works upon such cravings turn away in horror, fear and emotion. This grips the personality with the result that these experiences are repressed and produce stress and strain in the nervous system, causing tension through lack of understanding. And ultimately produces an outbreak of physical or mental symptoms.

 The next type, is those who have gained balanced state of mind through understanding the truth about themselves. They deal with things face to face, and consider carefully the whole situation in relation to their ideals by true reason. Here the normal solution of the conflict is freed from morbid symptoms and the personally emerges from the conflict with added power. 

 When we become aware of nature as a whole and begin to understand the higher nature, we will be much more able to understand the lower. Wisdom comes from above and not from below. When we understand ourselves we will understand our emotions as well. The result will be not repression but a glorious  release with added strength. From victory to victory, from glory to glory, to become as we are the children of God. For in God we live and move and have our being, knowing that the Christ of God dwells in every living soul “the Conqueror.” “I have overcome the world” not through the fear of God and repression of our guilt, but by understanding that we have been given dominion over all things.

 Love and service is the keynote to permanent recovery. Many a disorder  has been permanently cured through the delight of a service in love to others.  Forget yourselves in service to others, understanding the truth that the law is—to Love the lord thy God who is “one” Lord, and to Love him with all thy heart, with all thy soul, with all thy mind, and with all thy strength, and to love thy neighbor as thy self. This then is the cure for all ills of the flesh and the mind.



 O Loving Father, teach me to comprehend the utter uselessness of being afraid.

 Help me to remember that though death do come to all I am always alive in Thee.

  Teach me not to paralyze my nerves through the dread of my imagination.

As thy child I am born to overcome all trials of Life fearlessly.

 Awaken me to Thy all-protecting Presence that surrounds me.  Although I may be clad in armor I am vulnerable to disease. But with thee I am protected by Thy loving care for thy art always with me.   May the peace and love of God dwell in our souls to free us from all that assails us from without.

Yours sincerely,


October 1948

My dear friends, 

 Blessings have rained on the Sanctuary last month. Again hundreds of letters have come from all parts of the world. 

 From England—A.E.G. writes: “I followed your instructions tuning in at the given times. I am a new person to look at, radiant within and without. Indeed I tell many and have the privilege of showing the infallibility of your, teachings. May every blessing be upon you in this wonderful work.”

 From Spain—F.S. writes: “Your monthly letters have been sent to me by a friend. Since reading and studying them I have recovered completely from an incurable illness. Please send me your letters every month. God bless you for what you have done for me and mine.”

  From S.A. Transvaal—J.C. writes: “I thank you with all my heart for your wonderful lectures and monthly Letters. I read and reread their many times. I also thank you for your love and understanding. May God bless you in your work.”

 East London—D.M. writes: “I do not know how to thank you for your wonderful help, my trouble has completely disappeared two days after I asked you for help, while doctors pronounced me incurable. May God rain His Divine blessings on your work.” 

 From O.F.S.—A.B. writes: “It is with great Joy that I am writing to you to tell you that my husband is making excellent progress. It is a pleasure to see him enjoying, life again. He could not lie down. He had to sit to sleep, now he can lie down like anyone else. I can’t thank God in words but I know He knows how we feel. Your monthly letters are so inspiring and we always look forward to the next one. May God bless you in your work.” 

 Johannesburg—M.C.D. writes: “The boy you put in the Sanctuary can now use both his legs like a normal child. He is the picture of happiness and joy. God bless the Sanctuary.” 

 The Sanctuary has been blessed this month with many blessings.  I thank you with all my heart and may God bless you all for your blessings upon the good work. We are trying our best to help mankind. I thank you all for tuning in at the times, this helps greatly. Thank you ever so much. 

 I have been asked to write on the causes of separation in the world and what is true Spirituality. 

  When we realize the “Presence” that is Eternal and Ever-present and

which is the only living, existing and Creative Force in all Nature we readily see  that the divisions in humanity have their roots in the different creeds, systems and nationalities, and not in the “Presence” where there can be no division.   For instance if you were born a Hindu or a Chinese you would probably follow the Buddhist religion. If you were born an Arab you would become a Mohammedan. If you were born a Jew You would follow Judaism. If born a European you would probably follow the Christian religion. 

 Because of the rigid orthodoxy of these differing creeds the unity of the masses is prevented. Only those who have thought for themselves, and have advanced beyond the antagonisms of the differing cults can see the fundamental unity of all humanity at the root. As more and more people begin to think for themselves, so will the true expression of the Divine Spirit in man manifest.

 Figures mean the same thing in all languages, the problem when correctly worked out must come to the same conclusion. So it is the same with the Truth, there can be no duality in the conclusion, there can be no distinction in the result.  

 We are not separated in Truth, we are separated only by the different theories held in regard to it. We do not quarrel over the fact that we are alive, that we are human beings so when we are able to reason to the ultimate we escape the limitations created by false doctrines. Any doctrine that creates antagonisms and separation between one person and another must necessarily be false, when we realize the source of all Life is ‘ONE’.

 It is only in the completeness of our understanding of ourselves, in our relation to the Creator and our relation to others, that gives us the freedom of Truth. We must discern deeply our thoughts! Are they moving towards beliefs and opinions of others, or are they deeply concerned with Reality? We are only able to free ourselves from limitation when we are deeply concerned with Reality. But if we are caught up in the different creeds, nationalities, beliefs and imitations or become dependent on others for our thinking, we bring separation, sorrow and conflict into the world. 

 Therefore our freedom comes through our own self-reliance in the awareness of our oneness with God the Creator of All, and on the other hand to be able to discern that which is false, that which separates us from one another. 

 There is a common ground upon which all thinking people can agree that is that there cannot be any outside of God otherwise God could not be infinite, and that there can be no division in the mind of God therefore no distinction. Science has proved to us that the whole Universe is a compact form of electronic substance, incapable of division, and only in this substance can form take place. There never has been any separation nor can we be divided in it. This separation, this division is but a concept born in ignorance. 

 We cannot escape our relation to people and things. Through them we gain experience but we only begin to know ourselves when we discern our thoughts and reactions. For freedom is a state of consciousness, an awareness  of unlimited Realty in which we live and move and have our being and in which everyone is the same. 

 The time is soon coming when science and religion will move forward hand in hand. When this takes place then fear and death, the last enemies in man’s consciousness will disappear. As truth is revealed so will the mind of man change accordingly, and only in the quietness of the mind can this Truth be unfolded.  

 There is a sense of freedom with the study of Science of this new age, and many people all over the world are beginning to question separation and religion as it is taught today. If religion is to survive it must be streamlined, brought up to date to coincide with facts of science and Nature. For there can only be one religion, the Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of man in the light of our new knowledge. If this fundamental truth is rejected then there can only be sorrow and conflict for the world. 

 There are some who think they live a Spiritual Life so they despise the materialist. Are we not all materialistic in one sense or another? Do not think that by giving names such as “material” or “spiritual” we are going to solve the problem. By labelling this group or that group, this person or that person, we are not going to find the truth. Many people who profess God are unkind to others; this can never be Truth. On the other hand if a person has real affection, loves people, is impersonal in thought and action, he is often looked upon as not Spiritual, yet this person is much nearer the mark than one who professes to love God and is unkind to others. We show our love for God by our affection for our fellows.  First we must find out what being Spiritual means. Now Spirituality does not consist of intellectual theology. Spirituality does not consist of examination of phenomena in other planes. Spirituality is not the exclusive worship by any sect whether it is Christianity, Hinduism, Mohammedanism or Judaism. Spirituality does not consist of distinctions whether a man is a bishop, a priest, cardinal, a pope, a rabbi, a king or a tramp.

 True Spirituality is to be all-inclusive without any distinctions. This can be arrived at, and it is not very difficult. But it can be difficult, even impossible, through distinctions and the majority choose this way. True Spirituality is also an awareness of the true values. Our sense of values is upside down, and unless we can get a true sense of values we cannot arrive at a state of mind enabling us to act without distinction, without craving, without antagonism, which can only bring sorrow and conflict. 

 Therefore true Spirituality is to be all-inclusive without distinctions, with a sense of true values, and the expression of affection, wisdom and healing to all in thought and action. This alone brings us true happiness, for the law never fails to attract to us that which is expressed in ourselves with sincerity. 

 When you begin to understand this, the distinction between material and spiritual disappears. We will no longer separate ourselves as superior beings  because we think ourselves more spiritual. 

 When we understand the laughter and tears of Life with others who have the same laughter and tears hidden in them. When we have understood this, then we will not divide up Life, saying this one is Spiritual and this one is material or this one is spiritual and this one is not spiritual. 

 The world is ourselves multiplied millions of times and any result must be from a change in ourselves. But we must not be caught in the effect, lest we lose the substance for the shadow. To be aware of the “Presence” and being that “Presence” which is never antagonistic, never separated, is the essential thing, and knowing that understanding and love are its highest achievements in human life. 

 Do not battle with or struggle with ethics, virtues and their opposites. If we battle against error longing for virtues we are caught up in both. Most people hack themselves to pieces with vices and virtues. If our desire is the pursuing of happiness, then the perfume of understanding is to lay the emphasis on the essential. The “Presence” is the only essential, It Itself is freedom, unlimited expression, in this lies our happiness and freedom. Wisdom gilded by Love is the perfect expression of the “Presence” in us all.  To theorizing there is no end. Anyone can invent theories. Many books are filled with them, about the Spiritual Life, about Truth. Theories are inventions of the mind and are not Truth. Neither should we be interested whether one is a Christian, a Jew, a Hindu or a Mohammedan; these are but patterns to which the human mind conforms, that which you worship destroys your power to think. It is people that live, not theories or divisions! 

 Is it not true that we have created a social structure, which demands, adaptation and conformity and thus we are caught up in the net of our own creations, the outcome of our own desires and illusions. 

  We have become mere cogs in a machine because we exist without

the ecstasy of living in the “Presence.” We are forever suppressing and           destroying our own creative understanding, hence the utter misery and chaos in the world. 

 It is not what I say or what another may say, that enables you to arrive at the truth, only by your own discernment of that which is utterly false. Freedom and happiness is within ourselves and we can find it by true examination, by being impartial, free from beliefs and prejudices. 

 We must use our inherent gift of pure thought, if, we are to accomplish the so-called impossible—the ecstasy of complete freedom. When you cling to your divisions, your ideas, you call it your path or my path. The division of “your way” and “my way” is born of ignorance and illusion and we make our choice with a mind that is attached to a particular idea or system against others who are doing the same, thus we create prejudices, antagonisms, and you will observe that this is not thinking. Only when the mind is entirely free can we recognize the intrinsic value of any idea. 

 Love and Wisdom cannot be understood through division, through systems or creeds or distinctions. If you look into a mind that is attached to any of these you will see how rigid it is in its beliefs, this is truly ignorance. 

 The idea of tolerance is but an invention, which covers up the conflict arising out of false divisions. Where there is real affection, real understanding, there is no need for tolerance. 

 True Spirituality is dwelling in the “Presence” in our daily living, freed from all separation, ideas, theories and beliefs, by living in the Presence, the Presence which in Itself is all complete, expressing Itself in the full. This Everlasting Reality can only be understood in the fullness of the present, not past or future, but by allowing the “Presence” to express Itself without hindrance. NOW.  “I am the Life.” 


          O, Eternal Presence of Wisdom and Love, we attune ourselves to Thee and our Life is one continuous inspiration! 

 Thy Fountain of Eternal Bliss intoxicates us night and day, and as we dissolve into Thy Presence of endless beauty so do we inhale and exhale Thy Divine Breath of Love and Wisdom. We have discovered the false things that hid Thy face from us, and now that we have found Thee at last we shall forever taste of Thy Sweetness, yes, forever and forever. 



Yours sincerely, 


November 1948

My dear friends,

 You will be glad to know how your work in the Sanctuary is progressing.  Over a thousand names have been added to the Sanctuary Register this month for healing. Your efforts are crowned with success. Little do you know how much good you do when you tune in to the Sanctuary at the hours mentioned. The result of the work done is seen in the following letters, a few of the many hundreds of letters received this month alone.

 From England this letter comes—“Without my knowing my brother gave my name in to the Sanctuary; from that time a miracle happened. Although  I was bedridden through a motor accident, I got up one morning. I could hardly believe myself—that which had previously weighed me down had gone.  I got into a bus and went over to see my brother to tell him what happened. It was then for the first time I learned about the Sanctuary. God bless you and your work.”

 From Pretoria this letter comes—“I wish to thank God and you for the wonderful help given to my nephew. I was desperate when I phoned you. When you told me what the trouble was he was rushed to hospital. The doctor had not then decided yet what to do. His progress was so rapid and when I asked the doctor he said he realized that medical science was not responsible for his recovery. It was miraculous and beyond understanding.”

 From Barberton this letter comes—“You will be pleased to hear that my healing is 100 per cent. Two specialists who examined me could hardly believe it possible, yet it is true. With ever grateful thanks.”

 From the Gold Coast this Letter comes—“You will be pleased to learn that wonders are being performed through contact with the Sanctuary of the Silent Healing power. My son who was reported to be backward in his studies is doing creditably well and has also a marked desire for learning. May I also therefore give the following names to be placed in the register for Divine help.

Grateful thanks.”

 This letter comes from Togoland—“Thanks goes out to our Heavenly Father that we were led to you. Firstly I must tell you that the Monthly Letters are wonderful and of great help to us. My daughter whom you had on the


Sanctuary Register for swollen feet and swollen hands has been completely cured and my own illness has gone entirely. God bless you and your work.”  From Bloemfontein this Letter comes—“My husband and I wish to express our heartfelt thanks for helping us through a very anxious time. We thank God for his Goodness in restoring our daughter to us. I was convinced from the first that the Sanctuary could help us. Also thank you for the wonderful

Monthly Letters. God bless you and your work and for answering our call.”  These are a few of the many letters received this month I wish to thank you all for sending in these letters telling us of the wonderful results of our work in which we are all partners.


 This is a subject of immense importance to everyone and no regular set method can be devised as a means to an end. But what I have to say in this letter will help you to use a method that suits your own peculiar make-up.  In the first place I will enumerate the ways most people use up their time on earth.

 Most people are struggling through life trying to make ends meet. Some accumulate wealth and lose their health in accumulating it, because of the emotions generated by gain and loss.

 Some haphazardly waddle their way through Life, as long as they get a bed and three meals a day they are satisfied, a newspaper, a novel and a love affair thrown in, this is the sum total of their existence. A life without accomplishment.

 Some practice asceticism in some form or another, by doing so they think they can gain the illusion they call happiness, thus some dawdle their life away in useless dreaming.

 Only by a full active life achieving the highest that is within us can we say we have done anything in life. 

 Much is said against building castles in the air and the trouble with most people given to this building, is that they do part of the work, a very necessary part, but fail to do the other most necessary part of producing, establishing and achieving.

 Many think but never act. You must both think and act. These must be joined in your creative ability to manifest.                                                                 

  There is a great law which few people comprehend, that is that we are continually attracting to us from both the seen and unseen conditions most akin to our thoughts. This law is continually operating whether we are conscious of it or not.

 Sow an act reap a habit, sow a habit reap a character, sow a character reap a destiny. This is the procedure we establish in ourselves one way or another. The discerning of our thought habits is essential if we are to build that which we truly desire.

 Habit is a powerful influence in our lives. Some are aware of this and some are not, but all know that when a habit is established how difficult it is to rid oneself of it.

 By repeating the act the habit is established, it has passed from the conscious realm and has taken up its abode in the subconscious, there to build the character.

          An honest person is one who has established the habit and the opposite is one who has also established the habit. Imagination is a powerful weapon in the building up of character. When one imagines himself acting in such a way he will generally do so. 

 The qualities of true character are equality, love, kindness and honesty. Equality enables us to view life as it really is. Equality is an admirable quality which one rarely sees; it engenders the true relationship of one to the other and creates a feeling, of kindliness. It is the fragrance of the beautiful rose that gives it enchantment, so it is with one who has the quality of kindness. Should this be missing, the character lacks fragrance.

 Courage is a quality that all should cultivate for the amount of courage you have so will be the amount of power you will get. This is very important and is well worth remembering.

 Here are a few questions you can answer for yourselves. Are you poised and calm under all circumstances? Are you swayed or influenced by what others say, against your own better judgement? Can you decide to do that which is best even if it meant a loss to you? Do you place more value in material things than you do in spiritual things? Can you sum up a position quickly and make quick decisions guided by an inward sense of unselfishness and justice?  Perfect judgement is the result of a brilliant mind free from selfish interests. Think of yourself in the most difficult position acting with calm and efficient accuracy, with your mind alert ready to act when an emergency arises.

Have you studied the best and quickest ways of doing the things you do daily or do you just drudge through life haphazardly?

 Have you confidence in your ability to accomplish or are you afraid to do anything lest you make a mistake?

 Is your knowledge born of experience or is it purely theoretical?  Make it a daily habit to establish in yourself the characteristics that are the foundation of a successful life!

 To have initiative and originality is the secret of genius. If you follow the beaten track you will generally arrive with the mob, but if you explore off the beaten track there is no knowing what you may find.

 Genius means new ideas, new methods, new experiences and new accomplishments!  Are you a rule of thumb person or are you game to come out in front and have the power to go forward against all criticisms? Only weaklings are baulked at the first cry of the orthodox critic, the armchair philosopher or the cannot-be done drone of the stick-in-the-mud.

 If there is a tendency towards retreat remember that your roots are in the Infinite Mind and the Infinite Mind is expressing itself through you, then if you believe in God you can always believe in yourself, because God and you are one, and cannot be otherwise. The Infinite Mind of God pours forth into the mold that we prepare for it. This was the dominant thought of the Master and it should be the same with you.

 Jesus said, “I have glorified Thy name on earth.” In other words, I have shown what Thou art to all men.

 Become one-pointed in regard to life and identify yourself with it and this verse sums up the question beautifully:


 The song of life has its chords and notes,  Rhythm and volume on the ether floats.  Every atom and cell shall surely vibrate  With love and joy as you create with faith.  There is peace within and peace all around,            Discord has vanished and cannot be found.  You always feel happy and free from care, For the Song of Life is everywhere.

If you are truly seeking Truth you must identify yourself with Reality, which is not dependent upon any person however far evolved.

 If you try to adjust yourself to the type you think has evolved you will only find illusion. Truth is beyond all persons, beyond all stages of individual development. In the self alone can be found that which is real and supports all other selves, the Presence is not afar off but actively present within each one. The Kingdom of God is within you.

 It is this that I want to make you conscious of. When you are actually conscious of this you have reached the point where all is possible. In other words, “You have been given dominion over all things.”

 When you see that the happiness you are seeking is hidden within your own limitation, to expand that limitation into the unlimited which is within yourself is the only way of realizing pure life.

 There is no mystery to anything which you understand. But those who make mysteries of what they teach do so with the obvious intention of mystifying you and is proof that the truth is not understood by them.  I am making this effort to enlighten you of the truth that will make you free from all limitation.

          These few paragraphs are signposts on the way and I would ask you to study them carefully so that the true meaning will be established in you.

  1. The voice of the Christ is far-reaching. It reaches far and near, for it is the omnipresence, wherever the Father is, so am “I.”
  2. The power of The Christ in you is developed through first recognition then realization followed by a period of quiet to become more aware of the Presence of the Lord thy God.
  3. You must come out of your material or business life to rest awhile in the Kingdom of God, knowing that you are steadfastly growing and unfolding the true life and power of The Christ that wants to manifest in your life.
  4. This state is not one of blankness or a state of nothingness as advised by some, neither is it one of strain in trying to force acceptance upon the consciousness without understanding. These extremes must be avoided.
  5. Hold in your heart a stillness that is alive with true understanding, that there can be no separation between you and God. Say in your heart, “It is the Father that ever remains in me, is doing the work.” This unites your individual consciousness with the omnipresence.
  6. Hold the attitude in all you undertake that God never fails, it is He

Who worketh in you. In this realization all is possible to you with God. By yourself you are nothing but with God you are everything. I and the Father are one.


 O, Thou are rarest of Souls, Thou didst suffer on the rack of ignorance. But thy Infinite Love overcame all and showed to all on earth the way to the heart of God.

  We try to follow in Thy footsteps yet often lose the way through the blindness that besets us, and as we feel Thy hand stretched forth to aid us, we know that all is well.

  Although the road is beset with rocks upon which we stumble, the fact that Thou hast reached the Green of Peace and Plenty in the Garden of our Father, and Thou hast said, “where I am so shall you also be,” gives us the strength and courage to go forward.




Yours sincerely, 


December 1948

My dear friends,

 This last year has been a wonderful one for the Sanctuary. Many thousands of letters have been received asking for help and many thousands have been received raining blessings and thanks on the Sanctuary for help received, health restored, homes reunited in happiness and problems solved.   All this has been done with your help and co-operation in tuning in and giving out your love and healing to all the world.

   Here are just a few of the letters received this month:

 “Many thanks for your Monthly Letters. I read them every day and grateful thanks for the wonderful help given to my son who is now well. May God bless you and your work. E.L.F.”

 “Your wonderful monthly letters are a great source of happiness and inspiration to me, my family and friends. We eagerly look forward to them and are thankful that so many are healed. God bless you all. Most sincerely, M.T.”  “I do not know how to express my gratitude for the goodness you have shown me in responding so generously to my appeal for help and freedom. To my great comfort I soon felt a great wave of peace flooding my body and the distressing symptoms disappeared. My doctor was quite startled to find that my trouble had completely disappeared, a trouble which is considered incurable. L.E.”

 “Thank you most sincerely for your kind and loving help for your lovely  letter full of understanding and assurance. Our little animal for whom I asked your help has recovered wonderfully. I must thank you with all my heart. M.R.T.”  “It is with deep and heartfelt thanks that I write to you. My little son who was on his back for over two years has now the use of his legs. It is our great joy to see him getting about and he is now such a happy boy. May God bless you and the Sanctuary for your wonderful work. Mrs. B.”

 “I wrote you recently to put my name on the Register for Spiritual aid to get a good position. You will be pleased to hear that I have now obtained a very good position as mine manager. Very many thanks and with all blessings to you and your work. H.B.”

 “Thank you ever so much for your advice and help when I phoned you on Friday. Immediately afterwards the disease was checked before it could become dangerous, and I am now 100% again. Thank you and God bless you for what you are doing for mankind. E.W.”

 These are just a few. I wish I had space to print many more. Those who have written to me, I wish to thank you very much, the fact that you have taken the trouble to write gives me great encouragement.


(Time passes on, but “I AM” Ever-present and Timeless)

 We measure time by the repeated cycle of each year and now we are in the beginning of another cycle of time. Yet it is our measurement of time that makes us look into the past and try to scan the future, while the only real thing is the Ever-present.

 For centuries we have been ordering our lives by devices for measuring time. Clocks have been invented to regiment the hours. It is obvious that this orderly regulation of human activities is a necessity, otherwise chaos would result  in our world.

 But within each one there is that “Reality” that Creative Consciousness that is not confined to space nor has It ever been regimented into the physical order represented by the clock. This is that timeless Birthless and deathless Spirit of God manifested in the flesh as the Christ of God. This then is the Ever-present key to all our problems past and future yet few can comprehend it. It Many fear the future because of the past failing to realize that the “Ever-present” Creative Power of the Spirit of God is the only Creative Power there is.

 You have only to compare one hour of distress or worry to an hour of pleasant relaxation and concentrated thought on the power of this indwelling timeless Reality to realize Its Omniscience and Its Omnipotence. 

 You will have already discovered by human experience that your mind is governed mostly by the clock and moves in the direction of things external to the self. But the mind is also capable of functioning in God’s timeless time which is Ever-present and which cannot be bound by clocks or cycles or any other physical limitation.

 It is common knowledge that a state of mind affects your health your environment and conditions. If you are thus controlled by time your state of mind  is not conducive to a perfect state of the body, yet if you will give full mental co-operation to that which is forever present and perfect in Itself, the state of mind will be one where all is possible.

 When you are completely lifted out of the conception of physical time and mortal belief and make direct contact with the Christ within—the Word that was with God, the Word that was God and the Word that was made flesh, you would be healed, lifted out of your physical boundaries of time and space, You would discover your own wonderful Divinity through the recognition of this truth, knowing that the Word that was made flesh cannot be subject to any condition except you believe it is subject to conditions and limitations.  By earnestly seeking you can make contact with your Christ-self, the Spirit of God manifested in the flesh, and thereby transform your vehicle of flesh by the Divine Energy that is limitless, and only hindered because of your misunderstanding of the true nature of things. For this Divine Energy is not subject to time, space or condition. Although you cannot comprehend what It is, yet It can accomplish instantly what no human aid can accomplish.  No matter how long you have been captive to your burden, no matter what man-made concepts say about your condition, you can be helped and healed. For you will know that you have touched the hem of the garment of that Divine Energy from within.

 You reach the peak of your understanding through self-illumination, and this makes you the omnipotent onlooker upon the appearances and limitations of human concepts. You will function in God’s timeless time, for God is always present every moment of time. You will bless every atom of your body with the inrush of His Divine Energy, to be renewed by that timeless presence of the Christ from within that sees and knows God the Father to be the only Living

Being therefore never separated from Him, “I and the Father are one.”

 “The Word was in the beginning and that very Word was with God and God was that Word, the same was in the beginning with God, everything came to be by His hand and without Him not even one thing came to be that was created. The Life was in that Word and this Word is the Light of man. This Word is the true Light that lighteth everyone who comes into the world.” “Call no man your Father on earth for One is your Father which  is in Heaven.”

 This is the blessing that I give you at this time, so that time will fade into nothingness and the Eternal Ever-present will take its place. With this realization your healing will not just end in being healed, but all those who look upon you will see the radiance of the Spirit of God shining in your countenance and all can share your good by acknowledging It.

 You can rend the clouds that hide the Face of God from the eyes of the downcast. You will help to dissipate the ignorance which causes sorrow in the world. For when one has seen the perfect vision he cries aloud in his heart, ‘Behold the Word of God has been made flesh, the Christ is the only begotten Son of God who dwells in every living soul.’

 With this true vision thousands, yes millions, are lifted from depressed conditions of war, strife and misery for their thoughts are turned into higher channels and their burdens are lightened.

 Live with the beautiful side of human nature and your own life will grow more and more beautiful until you become an inspiration to the world.  Look for the good in all things then you will find God in yourself and when you find God in all things and in all people like yourself, God will be with you in all things and He will speak to you from the souls around you.  Know that you are strong within no matter how the body may suffer, it is but crying out for its Savior. You will speak to the body about the true state of your Real Self and what you say from within with conviction so shall the outer take on the reflection of your inner conviction. What you realize today in the inner will be expressed in the outer tomorrow,

 “For lest ye become as a little child ye shall not enter the Kingdom of Heaven.” Let us all then become as little children seeing no evil, thinking  no evil, hearing no evil. “for only the pure in heart can see God.”

 No one can teach Christ when they have evil thoughts about others in their heart. “You hypocrites, take the plank out of your own eye before you can see how to take the splinter out of your brother’s eye.” A poisonous tongue poisons the soul which wilts in the darkness of its own iniquity. Your virtue is not increased by your condemnation of others.

 The statements of Jesus who revealed the Christ of God were never spoken from the personal, only from the Impersonal. For no truth ever sprang from the personal, only from the Impersonal Divine Mind of God wherein the Absolute Truth can be found.

 When the personal mind can merge in with the Impersonal, only then can it speak the truth. “It is the Father who ever remaineth within me is performing His own deeds.” “I of myself am nothing, it is the Spirit of the Father within me that doeth the work.” “I am” the doorway into the All-Impersonal Loving Father of all Wisdom and Power. The “I am” must see itself united in the Father as one, then all that is guile and limitation will be discerned and dissolved away. Through the door of the Christ of God—the Spirit of God manifests in the flesh, through this door alone can you enter into the vastness of the great Universal Storehouse of God. Then do not do your work for the praise of man, but do it for the Love of God.

 To what then shall we compare the kingdom of God within and with what parable can we picture it? “It is just like a grain of mustard seed when it is sown in the north, the smallest of all seeds on earth, and when it is sown it springs up and becomes greater than any plant and puts forth large branches so that all the wild birds can roost under its branches.” This means that when the seed is sown it grows while you sleep and puts forth its shoots in all directions, for seeds sown in Divine Mind grow apace. With this very apt saying of the Master I leave you to think it over in your own mind and heart, and although each year comes and goes time and space merge into each other and disappear for in God there is no time or space, we are all united in His Mind, and live and move and have our being in Him, expressing His nature, this is our Eternal Reality.

 My earnest prayer for you in this year of l949 is that the greatest blessing that can ever come to man—the realization and recognition of the oneness of all—may be yours. Refuse to be caught up in the net of race thought, nationalities, creeds, politics, disease, ignorance, separation and death in which the masses have been lost, thereby losing their Divine Power over the things of this world.  Meditate daily saying in your inner heart of hearts, “Mind be still, let that which really “Is” take its true place in my consciousness,” and pray in this manner:  “Great and Mighty Eternal Father, Thou art the Creator of all things. This is Thy Holy Temple, Thy perfect dwelling place from which radiates Thy

Love, Wisdom and Healing to all Thy Children. I am filled with Thy Mighty Healing Power, Thy Inspired Wisdom and Divine Love and I am glorified by Thy Radiance in me.  

 “My eyes and ears are open whereby I see and hear and my mind receives Thy Eternal Truths, for Thou hast proclaimed me Thy perfect instrument for Thy great and glorious work, that Thy Will which is done in Heaven will also be done on earth. Amen.” 


Yours sincerely,