Energy update / Ascension Update:

Breaking away from old timelines, feeling not to great, how to navigate through this.

Dear friends, love and light family,

The cosmic upgrades are pushing us out of our comfort zone. The old timelines are falling away and we step into the new divine supported timeline.

The uncertainty and unknown path can feel strange as the new is unfolding slowly. There is also much resistance of the 3D world towards all who try to stand up for their beliefs and speak their truth, the ones that are ascending already and move to the 5th plane choosing soevereignty and love.

The old world tries to take back control in any way they can, I don’t have to explain as we all see and feel our civil rights are being taken away right under our nose.

As we continue our path and move away from the old duality timeline old shadow energy comes to surface from the collective and this feels very unpleasant for many including myself. It seems the old world is getting louder and louder to distract us.

The old control cords, old soul contracts with people no longer serving our highest and best interest we are breaking free from. In our ascension process we see and feel not loving people that choose 3D life still projecting their fears and frustrations onto us. All doubts, of who we are, what we are doing much is from the collective that feels lost. Yes they feel we are breaking away and the split of worlds is happening.

The overwhelming negative thoughts, feelings, energies of the old contractile world we pick up we need to let flow through us so meditate, let it go, do not hold onto it or fight it, only calmness, stillness of the mind, love and light can shift this. Be in nature, let it all go, relax, do anything that might help you to be in harmony, at peace, in your passion. We can do this, love already won. Being patient is hard now, being the observer helps.

Be proud of what you are doing, you answered the soul call of Source / God to bring heaven to earth and it is not an easy task for sure but we are not alone, we are supported by source, the universe, our galactic family, the angelic realm and our divine team.

This prayer will help protect / clear you and navigate through this.

Clearing & Protection Prayer – Affirmation:

Dear Universe, Archangels, God, Spirit, The Ascended Masters & My Highest Light Team. Please clear & protect me, my home, my workspace and my family from all negativity, entities and blocks to positive expression so I can be my true self, move forward, shine my light and share my love & gifts with the world.

Much love, take good care of yourself, do not watch negative news dark films or tv series, connect only with uplifting and loving, supportive people, be in nature, exercise, read a good book, listen to beautiful music

David Alexander Lightfoot