Archangel Michael –


Dear ones!

Continuing to talk about the exploration of Gaia. So as I said, in the previous video, there were crystals and minerals, very interesting for the beings that arrived here. And by the size of the planet, by the size of what was here, they planned; “Well, here we stay, because it is interesting for us, to make a great base on this planet, and to have materials for our ships, for our weapons”. And so it was all happening. A lot of advanced technology is involved in these processes. A lot that remains hidden, due to the holograms that are created so that you don’t see them. No, it’s not that the machines are in another dimension and you don’t see them, because they have this property, you don’t see them because everything is masked; everything is very well hidden, through the holograms. Realize the following, all these perforations are not made in places that you can easily fly over. The vast majority is done in places with very little or no access, so that they are not disturbed. Often, you get to places where you shouldn’t be. You start to climb certain mountains, bringing a certain …, not danger, because you are not a danger to them, but bringing a certain threat due to the imbalance that you could cause in that hologram. What is a hologram? It is a reflected image that shows an environment, or something, but if you penetrate through it, you will see that there is really nothing there, that it is pure illusion. So many accidents, many; many avalanches; many landslides, out of nowhere, are caused by exactly this form, so that you don’t have access to where you shouldn’t go, causing you to practically give up accessing such places. It’s my brothers, there’s a lot on your planet that you don’t know. There’s a lot that you don’t know. In the previous video, I briefly talked about the ends of your planet, which due to the low light coming in, it is not actually light, it’s the heat of the light coming in with little intensity, they have a big ice cap, which you call polar ice caps. I can also say that there is a lot to discover there; there’s a lot to discover. It is a great advantage, this particularity of your planet at that spot, because many military bases were made there, exactly because of the great difficulty that you have to remain there, or to go there in this human guise. These are extreme situations, which your bodies would find it very difficult to remain there. So there is a lot of stuff hidden there; there is a lot abandoned there. The temperature of your planet is rising. I will not deny that much has been caused by you, by the very heat that you cause in the atmosphere of the planet. But understand this: all the light that is coming from the Photon Belt is a revealing light, it is a light that brings the truth, it is a light that removes everything that is hidden, even if it is in the deepest position. Thus a good part of it’s glaciers are melting. Yes, so that a lot of truth comes out. Everything is part of this process. Much will be discovered there. All governments that own that space, know this. This was discovered a long time ago. I say to you that all governments, from all countries on this planet, are aware of our existence, the existence of beings of very high energy, and beings of light that represent us there on the planet. We have beings of very high light incarnated at this moment, who are our representatives with the leaders of this planet. There is no way to say, that your leaders do not believe, because evidence has been shown to everyone so there is no doubt. So everyone knows about the existence of extraterrestrial beings and about this whole process that is happening. Nobody was deceived. Everybody knows. Only, for the governments of all countries on this planet to take action, I can even say that it is an event that will never happen; because they always think that we are bluffing; that we’ve been here for so long, and nothing ever happened, why would it happen now? They still think that we are threatening just because they are threatening. We are not threatening as you understand a threat. Our threat is to stop their people suffering, that there is equality throughout the country, in all countries, that there is no hunger, no suffering. There is a deadline that has already been given to all leaders, and they simply ignore what we are talking about. The answers are always the same: “We are unable to do that. If you want to help the people, create the mechanisms for doing so ”. That is the answer we receive from the vast majority of leaders. “Since you want to help, create the situations yourself, give us money so we can do that.” It would be really interesting if we gave a lot of money to each leader and they really cared about the people; because if this were true, we would have done it a long time ago. Because not all countries on your planet have financial problems; and those who don’t? Why are there people who are still hungry? Why are there people who are still out of work? Why are there people who do not have the same conditions as the rest? They live almost in extreme poverty. If the country is so rich. So this is a big lie on their part and we know it; so we never did anything about it. So the big process now, it will be the other way around. We are going to overthrow everyone’s wealth, and then yes, they will realize who is right; who is speaking the truth; and that it was not just a warning. Everyone knows what is going to happen. Everyone knows and nobody believes. Everyone thinks it’s a little story on our part; because if we’ve never done anything, it won’t be now that we’re going to do it. So my brothers, getting back to our subject. The exploration of Gaia continues for as long as you know of the planet’s existence. And you might think, “Are Gaia’s reserves inexhaustible?” No, they are not inexhaustible. Only Gaia is very large, and due to the planet’s structure, some minerals are being formed again over time. Today, you have a black ore that comes from the bottom of your oceans, which practically moves your planet: oil. Oil is nothing but garbage, from the whole transformation of Gaia, which is being formed; because every process always leaves a residue. So it’s like a garbage produced by Gaia. Due to the minings, this liquid has been discovered. And today it is there all over the planet. I tell you that this great reservation is ending. You have already consumed practically all the oil that Gaia has. You are already trying to find new alternatives. Because a lot of people know that this is at the end, and that it is time to use nature to create new fuel sources. Everything that happens on your planet, right now, was fostered by these beings. I remind you again, and let this never be forgotten: evil has never triumphed here. Yes, they created a great shield around your planet, supposedly not allowing us to reach you. Because it was a large energy network that prevented energies from reaching the planet. But it is not the energies of light beings, the energies of the Universe itself. But all of this also coincided with that long period when you were outside the Photon Belt. Thus they knew, that they would be the owners and powerful of the planet for a long time. And they also knew, this day would come. They would say with rather barbaric feelings. “Well, we explored this planet for a long time. We got what we needed from here. We kept the planet in the Third Dimension and we achieved our aim ”. Then they started fomenting wars across the planet. First World War, where many succumbed in exchange for power. But that was already the plan of these beings, more and more incompatibility between the countries of this planet. There was always that feeling of power, of wanting to invade the other; of wanting to be more than the other. Because great leaders were strategically placed as head of countries. Their leaders, incarnate, totally resonating with their energy. Then came the First War and what started to happen? Nuclear energy is not an energy of this dimension. It is a wisdom that comes from outside, that comes from High Dimensions, because the substances used in nuclear bombs are extremely potent and generate a lot of energy, but not the energy of evil, they are used to generate natural energy, without harming the planet. Only they realized that they could use the same energy to destroy. They created the great powers, one on each side of the planet; and fomented more and more wars; backstage wars, military wars; where the people had nothing to do with it. It was all promoted among the leaders. And here comes the Second World War. Bombs were dropped. The man first knew the power of nuclear weapons, and this was the trigger, so that a good part of the leaders of your planet, would be entitled to have identical weapons; always with that old maxim of “I have to protect myself”. Yeah, let’s say we believe that. And the bombs were spreading across your planet. You have no idea how many nuclear weapons are scattered on your planet. When the Second World War happened, a red light went on in the Universe. Other planets felt the imbalance that was happening here, and everyone was on the alert. From then on, an entire process was started, of observation and caution, regarding this planet. The Universe is immense; the Universe is infinite, but the explosion of a large planet like this, would cause an immense imbalance in the Universe. It would not be just this planet that would be hit. Anyone inside your galaxy would receive the waves from the explosion; and the imbalance would be immense. How many people would be destroyed, just because of the explosion of a single planet? So we started to organize ourselves to keep this whole planet, because their big idea was to destroy planet Earth. The idea was that there would be a Third and Last Great War, where all countries would drop their nuclear bombs destroying the planet; because Gaia would not endure so much aggression. Because the bombs are installed in very strategic positions within the planet. So it would be like a domino, in which when one was launched, all the others would explode and Gaia would be blown up. Then, from there, a whole process started. We started to observe, and little by little, we were destroying all the nuclear weapons that they have. Today many governments say they have many weapons to defend themselves. I tell you that they have none, because they are all destroyed. They don’t believe that. They think they can still continue using it. And you have already had evidence of weapons that have been launched and were destroyed from nowhere in space. Coincidence? No. Each weapon that is fired, will be eliminated immediately. A New World was starting; a new era was starting from there. A new moment was beginning on your planet, a moment of great caution, a moment of much observation to see how far they would go with their weapons. So, tomorrow I’m going to start the story of how this whole process started. How everything was organized. how everything was planned. And you will understand a lot. No, I’m not finishing the story yet. I will still go back in many stories. I will still go back in time many times. Do not worry. I just want to explain to you how it all started.


And here I am, ready to try to explain to each of you, the truth of what really happened, and is happening.

Anjos e Luz Terapias

1.He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.

2.I will say of the LORD, “He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.”

3.Surely he will save you from the fowler’s snare and from the deadly pestilence.

4.He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.

5.You will not fear the terror of night, nor the arrow that flies by day,

6.nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness, nor the plague that destroys at midday.

7.A thousand may fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand, but it will not come near you.

8.You will only observe with your eyes and see the punishment of the wicked.

9.If you make the Most High your dwelling– even the LORD, who is my refuge–

10.then no harm will befall you, no disaster will come near your tent.

11.For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways;

12.they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.

13.You will tread upon the lion and the cobra; you will trample the great lion and the serpent.

14.”Because he loves me,” says the LORD, “I will rescue him; I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name.

15.He will call upon me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honor him.

16.With long life will I satisfy him and show him my salvation.”
