Galactic Federation Of Starseeds And Lightworkers

  Greetings Dear Ones,

We are the Pleiadian Council. We come to share with you today the Sacred energetics of the 11-11 Stargate portal. As you cross the thresholds and spiral higher into the 5D Earth frequencies, you embody powerful 5D Angelic frequencies and you are the transmitters of the codes that you carry.

You will also learn that these frequencies carry powerful healing energies, and you will become aware of how to work with these energies and codes to bring healing, balance, and manifestation for yourself and those around you.

On November 11th, the 11-11 ascension portal opens to higher, ascended realms at zero point. It is a powerful day of Spiritual Mastery, when many souls awaken to their true divine essence, as Star Beings of the infinite Light. As you step into the cosmic 11-11 portal, you experience a divine unification with your higher god self and soul family. Many of you will connect to the future ‘Ascended You’ in zero point energy, in the infinite Now. It is a powerful seeding moment that is designed to activate your Divine Soul’s ascension path and life plan.

Now is the time to open and align all of your Energy Vortex through various sound frequencies, meditation, visualization and intention for preparation the 11-11 Cosmic IAM Portal. 11 signifies Mastership representing manifestation, divine knowing, intuition, yin/yang sacred counterpart union and enlightenment. As you connect to the 11-11 gateway, you are becoming the Master of your own destiny, developing more soul embodiment, alignment with your inner child essence, and inner guidance. You are becoming more aware of your true self, purpose and your destiny.

11-11 is peeling away the layers of denial and lack so that you can emerge from the dense darkness into original authenticity. Many of you will experience heighten states of consciousness, psychic-cosmic awareness, effortless manifestation, unconditional love for self and the world around you, while you bask in coherent crystalline energies.

You are becoming more aware of your true self, purpose and your destiny. 11-11 Stargate activates the harmonious resurrection spiral of the masculine/feminine energies within your heart. As you become more balanced, your heart flows with sacred union and opens to the 5D field of Love.

We Love and Honor each and everyone of you.

We thank you for allowing us this opportunity to connect with you in the Now moment. –

Pleiadian Council