I come to awaken the Christed ones to a new opportunity

TOPICS: For the judgment of those who abuse children – The end of opportunity for some lifestreams – Have they overcome the abuse of power? – The cycle is coming to an end – Calling the 10,000 Christed beings 


Ascended Master Jesus, October 24, 2009 through Kim Michaels. Given in Jerusalem.


Why, my beloved, did I, Jesus, come to this place so many years ago? What did I come here to embody? What did I come here to achieve? Was it to raise myself up to be famous in history, to go down in history as someone who had done something for humankind? Or was it for an entirely other reason that few people have understood? 

A big part of the reason was indeed for the children, for the innocence of the children. Those who were born in a land of conflict and strife, who had grown up being the pure, the innocent, the holy—and yet had grown up in an environment of such anger and hatred and animosity, that they inevitably became tainted by this coloring of the anger, the hatred, the belief that some people by their different race, by their different religion, were somehow bad or unacceptable to God and would burn forever in some fiery hell, or however it was envisioned in their particular religion or culture.

Do you know how many times I looked upon these children during my ministry, and found infinite hope in their beautiful innocent eyes? For you will know, that there is one time in the Bible, where they came to me and I said “forbid them not,” but what is not recorded in the scriptures is indeed that almost every time I preached, almost everywhere I preached, there were children who found their way within hearing distance, often without listening to my words but listening to what was behind the words, the radiation, the love that emanated from my Being; the very love for the children of God.

For did I not say that the meek shall inherit the earth, my beloved? And the truth behind that statement is very simple; those who are the innocent of heart shall indeed inherit the earth. For the day will come, when those who are the proud – those who are the arrogant, those who have the superiority of feeling they are better than the children of God on earth – when they will have had their day, when their opportunity will come to an end.


For the judgment of those who abuse children
As part of coming here to minister onto the children, I also came to minister to them in a greater way than they could possibly understand, and bring forth the judgment of Christ upon those who have had long enough to abuse these children in various ways. For I can assure you, that there are those who have been in the earth for a long time – who have lost the connection to their higher selves, who have lost the ability to absorb light directly from within themselves – and who therefore must steal that light from others in order to continue to survive on this planet. And how do they steal it? Well, they do it in many ways but one of the first and foremost ways is indeed the abuse of the children. For the children with their greater innocence have more light stored in their chakras, and therefore there is more that can be spilled through this abuse.

It can be sexual abuse, it can violence, it can be religious abuse of forcing the children into a mindset that is so far from the innocent mind of the child, that the child at too early of an age is taught to hate, is taught to discriminate against other people because of their different religion—even though they are clearly no different from themselves. And I can assure you, that the children do not see the differences that the adults see. It is not a natural thing to look upon people who look exactly like you, and just because they are of a different religion, you then should hate them. 

This would never come from the child’s mind; it is something that must be forced on the child through violence. And I can assure you, that it is one of the worst forms of violence to bring up a child in this way of hatred and anger. The spilling of the blood in front of children, the teaching of children to hate, this is one of the worst crimes against humanity, and you see it going on throughout this world. 


The end of opportunity for some lifestreams
There are those who have had a very long time to abuse their power, even in the abuse of children, and their day has come to an end. For they have not been willing to transcend that consciousness. And you see this today in child pornography, in child abuse, sexual abuse of children, even the selling of children into prostitution throughout the world. And you see it in bringing up children to hate, both in this area with its conflict between Jews and Arabs, Christians and Muslims but you see it throughout the world as well.

Think back to the Second World War and before, when you had the Hitler Jugend, where children in Germany were brought up to see themselves and their country as superior and to worship this black magician, Adolf Hitler, who had no love for them whatsoever, but only desired to abuse them and steal their light, to use it for his own purposes. This takes many forms, it has taken many forms throughout the ages—but I can tell you that it is time for this to end. And thus, what I will tell you today is this: the opportunity has come to an end for 10,000 souls on this planet; 10,000 lifestreams who have embodied here for a long time, many of them not even originating in this sphere but originating in higher spheres and having fallen through one or two spheres before they ended up here.

When I came here 2,000 years ago into physical embodiment as Jesus, I came, as I said, for the judgment. I came for the judgment of another number of lifestreams, who had had their last opportunity in the preceding age. Those lifestreams were judged and taken. Some of them for killing me as the Christ, some of them for other crimes, for other misuses of power, but they were taken back then from the earth, many of them during my lifetime, some of them when their natural lifespan ended.


Have they overcome the abuse of power?
But there were 10,000 beings who had not descended into the same low levels of abuse of power as the ones that were taken. And after my resurrection and ascension, I vowed to give these lifestreams another opportunity for another 2,000 years. Where they would have the opportunity to see what life could be, when you espouse the principles that I came to bring through the movement that became Christianity—although it surely was never intended to become a formal religion. 

Yet, what you see is this: there have been 10,000 lifestreams who have embodied over these 2,000 years, in many different lifetimes, coming to great positions of power, many of them being the known persons who have had power in history. They have had opportunity after opportunity to have power, and they have been embodied in a Christian culture, where they had the principles of Christ. Yet have they been willing to embody those principles, to overcome their abuse of power and to use power wisely? My Beloved, indeed some of them have. 

Some of them have indeed transcended the abuse of power and have come to a point, where they have embodied the teachings I gave to such an extent, that they are no longer abusing power but have indeed reversed the downward spiral that the abuse of power becomes. Therefore, they have been able to start on the true path of self-awareness, some of them even rising to the path of Christhood, grasping the true principles of Christhood that I taught. 

From this perspective it must be said, that giving these 10,000 lifestreams an opportunity has been successful, in indeed empowering some to transcend the downward spiral of the abuse of power. Yet of course, as is usually the case, some of the 10,000 – in fact the majority of them – have not used the opportunity wisely. They have indeed even been able to take the principles that I taught, turn them on their head, turn them into a formal religion and again use it as a justification for abusing power. 

You saw this in the very beginning of the formation of the Catholic Church, you saw it in the crusades, in the suppression of knowledge, in the suppression of science, in the massacre of the Cathars; in so many other abuses—the inquisition, the witch-hunts, and so many examples of warfare between Christian nations or between Christians and non-Christians. Do you see, that a substantial portion of these 10,000—not only have they continued to abuse power but they have used the teachings I gave – the teachings that were meant to empower them to escape the abuse of power – they have perverted those teachings and used them as a justification for their abuse of power?


The cycle is coming to an end
Well my beloved, it is with great joy I can announce, that this cycle is coming to an end. It is coming to an end precisely at this time on this day [4:08 PM Jerusalem time, October 24, 2009], where I speak this in the physical. Thus, this judgment can be spoken by me, as indeed it was spoken by Maitreya through me 2,000 years ago although not recorded in the official scriptures. This is a momentous opportunity for the earth; it is of an almost epic importance in the sense that having this opportunity sealed in the physical is indeed a great boon for planet earth and for the raising of the awareness of humankind.

It is an absolute necessity, that someone in physical embodiment can hold that level of Christhood to hold the balance for the ending of this cycle. Otherwise it could not manifest in the physical at this particular time, but it would have to wait for some future time when people had again been willing to rise to that Christhood. 


Calling the 10,000 Christed beings
It is a law, that those who have abused power cannot be taken from the earth, until someone in embodiment has risen to a level of Christhood, where they can hold the position that these lifestreams held before they fell into duality. This is a law, and I can tell you, that there are 10,000 people – the 10,000 people I have spoken about since I gave the book The Christ is Born in You – there are 10,000 lifestreams who have volunteered to embody in this Age precisely to be part of this work. 

Those 10,000 are the ones, that I now call to awaken to their calling, to their purpose, and to realize that you are here to rise up and claim your Christhood, manifest that Christhood. For I tell you, that the lifestreams that are judged today will not be taken out of embodiment all of them today, but only as some of the 10,000 Christed ones rise up to the sufficient levels of Christhood, where they can then be taken and the earth will therefore be free from the burden of the downward pull of these lifestreams and their abuse of power.

When the 10,000 begin to awaken, you will indeed see, that some of the high and mighty that you have seen around in the world for many years – be it in the world of politics or in the world of finance, in the world of the military or in other areas – you will see that they will disappear. Somehow they will either be taken out of embodiment or be so incapacitated by having to bear the burden of their own karma, that they will no longer be able to abuse power. Or they will be exposed so that the people can finally see them for what they are—hollow shells that have no power, even though they yesterday appeared to be almost invincible.

Already, a cycle has started, of the public seeing through some of these people, seeing how they have abused and misused power for so long that it is time to say “Enough is enough!” I call upon all of you to remember at inner levels who you are. I call upon you to rise up and to acknowledge that it is time to step out of the shadows. It is time to stop hiding your light under a bushel. 

It is time to be who you are, to let that light shine from the housetops, where it can be seen, and where you become a magnet that opens the heart of others to the point, where they will be awakened as well. So that the millions who have the potential to pursue the path of Christhood consciously in this lifetime, will indeed be awakened to that calling, to that potential. Let it be so, let it be so this day, for I speak it with the full fire of my Being, THE FULL FIRE OF MY BEING, the Alpha and the Omega of my Being. And so it is manifest!


Copyright © 2009 by Kim Michaels



Before creation… the Christ walked with the Father God and Mother God in Akasha. 

 (The element ether, It comes first because it is the most subtle of the elements. Often referred to as “space,” it is the essence of emptiness. It is the space the other elements fill.)

“The Christ is son… the only son begotten by Almighty God… the God of Force and God omniscient, God of thought; and Christ is God ………..The God of Love.

Without the Christ there was no light. 

(So… the Christ must be the SUN….. ?) 

Through Christ  (the Sun) all life was manifest; and so through Christ all things were done, and nothing was done in forming worlds or peopling worlds without the Christ.

“Christ is the Logos (Greek: “word, or sound”)  Infinities and through the word alone are Thought and Force made manifest.

“The Son is called the Christ, because the Son … the Love … the universal Love … was set apart …… ordained to be creator … Lord, preserver and redeemer of all things, of everything that is, or evermore will be.

“Through Christ, the protoplast, the earth, the plant, the beast, the man, the angel and the cherubim took up their stations on their planes of life.

“Through Christ they are preserved and if they fall it is the Christ who lifts them up; and if they sell themselves to sin (ignorant or not nothing)            the Christ redeems.

“Now Christ, …….the universal Love, ………. pervades all spaces of infinity, and so there is no end to love.

“From the great heart of Love ……. A Countless Number of Spirits Were Sent Forth ……. to demonstrate the height …. the depth …. the width…. and  the boundlessness of this Love.

“To every world and star and moon and sun a Master Spirit of this Love divine was sent; and all were full anointed with the oil of helpfulness, and each became a Christ.

All glorious in his majesty is Christ, who spread the pure white robe of Love over all the planes of earth …..The Christ of earth ….. its heaven…. its graves.

“In  a course of time…… the protoplast, the earth, the plant, the beast.      man … sold out their birthrights unto sin (ignorant or not nothing who or what he really is and could only think of his self, selfish); but Christ was present to redeem.

“Hidden  in the holiest place in all infinities is locked the scroll that bears the record of the purposes of God, the Triune God, and there we read:

Perfection is the ultimate of life. A seed is perfect in its embryotic life, but it is destined to unfold, to grow.

“Into the soil of every plane these seeds, which were the Thoughts of God, were cast-the seeds of protoplast, of earth, of plant, of beast, of man, of angel and of cherubim, and they who sowed the seeds, through Christ, ordained that they should grow, and should return at last, by effort of unnumbered years, to the great granary of thought, and each be a perfection of its kind.

“And in the boundless blessedness of Love the man was made the Lord of protoplast of earth, of plant, of beast; and Christ proclaimed: Man shall have full dominion over everything that is upon these planes of life; and it was so.

“And he who gave the lordship unto man declared that he must rule by Love.

“But men grew cruel and they lost their power to rule, and protoplast, and earth, and plant and beast became at enmity with man; he lost his heritage; but Christ was present to redeem.

“But man had lost his consciousness of right;

he could no longer comprehend the boundlessness of Love;

he could see nothing but self

and things of self

 but Christ was there to seek the lost and save.

“So that he might be close to man in all the ways of life, that man might comprehend the mighty spirit of the Love

the Christ of earth made manifest to human eyes and ears

by taking a place of residence in some pure person, well prepared by many lives to be a fit abiding place of Love.

“Thus Christ made manifest Love’s power to save;  but,  men forgot so soon, and so Christ must manifest again, and then again.

“And ever since man took his place in form of flesh the Christ has been manifest in flesh at first of every age.”

December 21, 2012 …… The New Age of Aquarius Began.

We are 6 years into the age of Aquarius.


The Principle in which Man is Incarnated

Man was created by God.

The first—was God alone.

This is the first and only cause.

Out of Him and by Him all things are created

there can be no other source.

All was created by the Infinite;

and the Infinite saw that it was good.

The Bible reveals that the Earth, and everything in it was created first—ready—complete—so that man, when he came, could take control and run the world according to God’s law. Then God said, “Let us make man in our own image and likeness, to resemble us, with mastery over everything.

” Why “Us” when God is only One? Because the Infinite is Father-Mother-God, out of which all is created. The Father is the Consciousness—the will which directs.

The Mother is the Intelligence—automatic in nature, and brings forms forth. The Substance is the womb or vehicle in which the Consciousness and Intelligence forms its own creation. This Substance is also called mind. In the record of the Creation of Man—in Genesis it says: “Adam was asleep. God took from him a rib, and made a mate, and called the mate ‘Woman’.” The significance of this is the similarity with the Infinite, who creates within Himself, a spouse, through which the manifestation of His creation would take place.

The Spouse is the Intelligence and Substance, through which all forms are created, which was created out of the Infinite by the Infinite, for there is no other possible source from which it could come.

 Therefore, He calls Himself “Us.”

The dual aspect of mankind, is the same as the dual aspect of the Infinite. Man, in his spiritual state, is both male and female. The Father-Mother-God created you in His likeness, having power to create by means of the same Creative Power. Most people have missed the great point of the Christ power within. This power brings forth everything you need—health, happiness and excellence in life. What is it that man has to do?

Master himself in every way!

The principles in which he is incarnated are the principles that the Infinite created in the Spiritual Realms.

When the Consciousness is aware of Itself

When we understand the Spirit-Atma or Christ, we begin to realize what the Master could do and how he did it. He did it by a means of the law which is inherent in every human being because Christ is born in every living soul. And that is why Jesus said, “the Spirit of the Father within me doeth these things. I am in you and you are in me and we are in the Father.” Therefore there is no division anywhere. And because of this we see clearly, that this Christ within begins to know Itself. Then the outer self, which is the small self, dissolves away. “I of myself am nothing it is the Spirit of the Father within me that doeth these things.”

When the Consciousness is aware of Itself, that is when the Consciousness it no longer bound or limited through belief, creeds and the external. It is free and knows itself to be. Therefore it is a purifying process that the mind and body must go through so that the vital currents are no longer obstructed. What is it that obstructs the vital currents of the body? Confusion, of course. Confusion in the mind means confusion in the body. Because it is the body not mind materialized. Science has proved to us that matter separated from energy does not exist. This energy separated from an Intelligence does not exist because it performs certain activities and laws according to that complete state of Itself inherent within Itself to perform these things. It carries waves of any kind, which could be a wave of a thought, that is a wave of thought of happiness, joy, and peace. It will carry a wave of depression, of anger and hate. It will do these things because of it’s inherent law. The responsibility remains with you, what kind of wave you set out into the atmosphere. This subtle electro-magnetic power called “prana” is the agency of all motion in the Universe. It is the means through which all motion in the Universe takes place. It is the bridge between the Consciousness and the manifestation. So when the Consciousness thinks because the Consciousness being Creative, sets in motion electro-magnetic waves in the ether, and then we see the manifestation. Therefore it is the agency of all motion in the Universe, no matter what it maybe. It is a force when combined with thought and is as limitless as the Limitless Power of Limitless Thought. It responds to the boundless will which is inherent in man yet the uninitiated are unaware of it. It is as subtle as the Essence of Life, so terrific in its rendering power as to reach the stars. This force is not God but men have learned the secret of subjecting it to their will when necessary. For God has granted unto man the power to act upon this colossal and vast force which is behind all Nature. That is the Master. The Master then is one who understands the power of his own consciousness being created. He then knows what this vast colossal force can do, therefore he applies according to the Law. He knows perfectly well that ether will respond because it cannot help doing so. That is why it is there. It carries good or bad. It carries the thought ignorantly or knowingly, unconsciously or consciously. Ether responds to mind and forms according to the image in the mind. Ether is in the framework in which matter is built. The main physical center in the body is the cerebellum and the medulla oblongata* at the base of the skull, this center is the central switch where the vital centers of respiration, blood circulation, heart beat, glandsecretion, muscle tension and relaxation and many other internal functions of the body are situated. I showed you before, the other night, where this portion of the brain was, and those who attended my lectures on ‘How to Relax and Revitalize themselves,’ found this particular portion of the brain, the most important in their lives. Because if they thought a certain thing about the body, it passed through that portion of the brain in the cerebellum and passed out into the body according to the waves of energy set in motion. Then it also was the organ to receive messages back from the body. So when the body talked back to the body, this brain felt these feelings and gave to the cerebrum, the thinking portion of your mind, an interpretation of what that feeling was. If you accepted that as a Reality, then the vicious circle began in operation. You then felt these things and you believed them to be true. But if you knowingly, knowing that these things had no power at all except the power you gave them because you were the creator of them, no matter who you thought created them, who caused this upheaval in you, whether it was somebody outside yourself, it was your responsibility and your reaction. If you knew and understood you would not react the way you do. But because of the self because you are not free, therefore you will react to conditions. Only freedom will enable you to react wisely and with wisdom. Without freedom you cannot act wisely and with wisdom, for the simple reason, you are caught-up in the net of the self. You are caught-up in all your emotions, ideas and beliefs. These beliefs are not true, they have no existence in Truth but are a belief in your mind. What is in your mind is self-created. What was beyond your mind is not self-created but it is Creativeness in Itself and that for the Consciousness IS. And when the consciousness becomes aware of IT then consciousness becomes Creative. And it knows clearly and distinctly that all is reactions and conditions of the body and mind is its own responsibility. No matter who put the blame on external to yourselves, you are the one that reacts, you are the one that is caught-up in your reaction, you are the one that feels. You are the one that creates those conditions and no one else. You are alone responsible.