How Christ consciousness got corrupted from its ancient roots – (Part 3)

In part two I explained how the royal bloodlines of Atlantis corrupted Earth’s plan to create a global civilization that could hold all the information of the universe whilst acting as one cohesive, loving network worldwide. Unfortunately, this didn’t go to plan in accordance to the cosmic objective to create a perfected harmonious species. We also cannot pass the blame entirely onto these royal bloodlines either. These initial pioneers of the modern genome who were a template in which others would follow, may have let their universal knowledge get into the hands of the wrong people irritating the natural balance within early human civilization.

The Atlantean priests were the first people down from the royal bloodlines entrusted to keep this sacred knowledge of the stars safe so society could maintain its harmonic balance. Priests, due to both their maturity and loyalty had also been given the responsibility to pass down their inherited knowledge to keep the priesthood alive through the next generations to follow. It was the judgement of these priests that would select and initiate new members into this sacred group to hold this confidential information for the good of humanity. Some of these new members got corrupted by the power of knowledge and used it for their own benefit, creating new secret societies that would shift the balance of wealth and energy to the detriment of everyone else in their communities. History is much more complicated than it seems and we cannot underpin just a single group of individuals for the collapse of Christ Consciousness, particularly around the time of Atlantis.

Christ consciousness didn’t originate from Atlantis. Egyptian culture echoed the aspirations of the divine. It is simply the universal plan of balance through an even split ratio between service to self and service to others, accompanied by an even divide in masculine and feminine energy within a being. Anything that tips the scales of balance is simply a distortion of the Christ consciousness blueprint. Many of us here have signed a soul contract to be a part of the Earth game in restoring Christ consciousness back to Gaia. We are here to transcend the planet from 3D into the fifth dimension once again and break the matrix mould by fulfilling this plan of action. The biggest attack on Christ consciousness came before the planet inhabited any life at all. This assault came from reptilian consciousness that some of you may refer to as the Archon mind. The universe was corrupted by the Archons before we even incarnated into the first human bodies here on Earth.

For those of you familiar with the term ‘The Grand Experiment’, the Galactic Confederation and Council of Light proposed a project to the darker forces in the Universe. Our universe has been subject to back and forth dualistic battles between positive and negative energies for eons now, repeating the same catastrophic mistakes that has caused a miserable cycle of pain and suffering through lower forms of consciousness such as dominance, destruction and bitter revenge. The Draconian/Orion wars saw many species like the Lyrans, Sirians and Procyons subject to being killed or tortured for adrenochrome, provoking a vicious chain reaction of retaliation in attempts to restore justice for the wounded souls involved. The Galactic Confederation outlined an objective proposition to all those representatives in the universe. Rather than police these tiresome wars throughout the galaxies, let all the issues fought between interplanetary species in our universe be consolidated onto just one planet with a conglomeration of all of our seeded genetics combined. That planet is ours, the blue pearl. This is why the Earth has so many problems and is really amplified in its diversity amongst a single species.

The experiment got the green light from both sides to seed a mixture of genetics into this newly reformed species we call man and to see with both the spectrum of light and dark vibrations available within the third dimension, which frequency these humans would embody within their physical vessel through choice. The dark and light divide that spawned this great experiment simply comes from a disagreement in how best to utilize energy to open up new portals for further expansion of existence. Through generating the right amount of energy to create such a portal, you could create new timelines or travel between other dimensions. The Draconians penetrated our universe by using specialised technology to concentrate a huge amount of electrical charge into one specific spot that would allow entry into our universe. These beings originally came from another universal bubble from the omniverse or multiverse.

The Council of Light tried to convince the negative entities that these portals can be opened up from the inside by unlocking the universe from within ourselves. The reptilian Archons vibrating at the lower end frequencies of energy were dismissive of this idea and stood by the ways they have always done things since they are so attached to the third dimension. They were adamant of stealing and harvesting enough energy from others to create these portals for themselves, using other souls like batteries. It was a conflict between the external and internal consciousnesses. Christ consciousness embodies that everything comes from within and we can connect to everything that exists by tapping into our own intuition and heart through heart brain coherence. Christ consciousness is unity consciousness and external influence in the material world carries with it separation consciousness. It is the battle between connection and disconnection from yourself. That is why many that choose to vibrate lower are often considered lost souls. Along their journey, they got cut off from themselves, from Source. Light is information and darkness is the absence of information. The test on Earth was to see which consciousness would prevail.

When we get caught up in the Archon influence, we are choosing to give into fear and we submit our energy over to help them build their portals and prolong their survival at our own expense. Since both the dark and lighter forces are involved in this experiment, we can pick sides through the vibration we choose to emit. Since we have free will in this world and there is a mutual agreement of non-interference in place by all these outer worldly beings, the illusion that the dark consciousnesses creates, is simply just an artificial hologram that deceives us in the matrix. It’s like black magic tricking your free will to voluntarily give up your power. When you’re awake, they can’t convince you anymore because you can now see beyond the veil.

When you awaken out of the dream, no matter what horrifying scenarios are going on around you in the external, all you are seeing is others falling into the trap of a fake reality. The Archon influence on us is merely a choice but to those still in the dream, it is perceived that certain negative agendas are fixed and destined to happen. If we vibrate high, they cannot touch us since they are repulsed and fearful of the light. Have you ever wondered where the word energy vampires comes from? Vampires only come out at night as they get burnt by the light of day. We are all affected differently based on the vibration we put out.

People throughout our history have fallen short to the Archontic influence which has caused a negative ripple effect on humanity down through the generations. Since the law of non-interference means that these beings can’t force us to do anything, the Archons offer power to individuas through their matrix simulation in exchange for the suppression of others for their harvesting operations. The beings that readily accept this offer think they are free, but instead become soulless puppets to help sway the balance out of alignment to that of negative vibrations again. This is why accepting this bribe is often referred to as ‘selling your soul to the devil’.

The people placed in power throughout time have desperately tried to tear down anyone who has threated their position through these Archontic forces. Some of the most potent knowledge depicting the descriptions and intel on the Archons came from the Gnostics. Gnostic comes from the word knowledge itself. After the great cataclysm that caused global disasters worldwide about 11,600 years ago in Atlantis, the royal bloodlines and secret societies that survived these tragic events moved out of Sumer and Babylon and started new civilizations elsewhere around the globe. Manipulated by the reptilian consciousness, they spread out to gain other territories in the middle East as well as revamping civilizations in China and establishing Empires in Europe too. As 80% of the world population had died in these great disasters, the secret societies saw this as an opportunity to bury the truth for good as a lot of the previous evidence had been destroyed previously in the floods. The Roman Empire was notorious for being ruthless in their attempts to cut down anyone and anything that would sabotage the Archon’s plans.

Most of the Gnostic texts reciting knowledge from the old Egyptian, Sumerian and Babylonian scriptures and tablets were destroyed by the Roman church. Famous examples include the siege of the castle of Monstsegur in 1244 and the attack on the Royal Library in Alexandria which was estimated to have had half a million scrolls holding knowledge of humanities’ history to date. What was interesting was that some of the Gnostic texts actually survived from the Royal Library in Egypt when examined on closer inspection. Nag Hammadi was the place in which these sacred texts were rediscovered in 1945, about 70-80 miles from the Luxor in the Nile Valley. What is found in these Gnostic texts is the Archon’s creation of our fake holographic reality to enslave and deceive humans. The texts also confirm their plans to suppress us even further through introducing another virtual reality on top of our current one, making us live within a matrix of a matrix. The good thing is though, a spiritual awakening gives us our power of choice back. We actually hold all of the cards and always have done, but thousands of years of subconscious programming has manipulated us into believing that we didn’t. All we have to do is say NO!

In part four, I’ll be diving really deep into the trickery of the Archons so you won’t ever be fooled by them again. I will explain exactly how they manipulate and distort your perceptions and how the actual matrix is formed through the Saturn – Moon satellite holographic projection. Although this stuff is dark, it is important to know so you can keep holding and shining the light for the collective. Do not fall into the trap now that you’ve come this far. The light has already won and lives within you. Don’t dampen that spark! Thanks for reading.