How Christ Consciousness got corrupted from its ancient roots-(Part Two)

How Christ Consciousness got corrupted from its ancient roots-(Part Two)

Magic is just science that we already know about. In part one of this article I discussed the Christian God being linked to the direct representation of the Annunaki God, Anu. In both Sumerian and Akkadian mythology, it is said that Enki was the son of Anu who created modern man. The fusion of chromosome two baffled many scientists for decades, struggling to contemplate how such a process could be achieved beyond the natural laws of nature. Thanks only to recent discoveries in science have we revealed how this phenomenon successfully manifested within our own genetic fabric many years ago, through CRISPR-Cas9 technology that we now have access to today. We can now successfully replicate the same process that the Annunaki implemented into our cellular memory thousands of years ago. In November 2018, a Chinese scientist, He Jiankui of Shenzhen shocked the world by going under the veil of secrecy, publicly announcing his success in using CRISPR technology on human embryos to create genetically edited babies that were resistant to HIV. This newly modified strain would prophetically change our future generation’s genetic codes through this miraculous scientific breakthrough.

Why was our genetic blueprint manipulated with in the first place? Firstly, evolution of a new species takes a very long time to develop organically. The native reptilians to Earth (not Draconians) had arguably 50 million+ years to evolve their own species before enhancing their own genetics through artificial engineering technology about ten million years ago. The Galactic Confederation wanted to speed up the process of our evolution by letting the Annunaki alongside the Arcturian’s help, artificially reengineer the newly modified homo-sapien. What has this got to do with ancient Egypt? Ptah in ancient Egyptian texts is described exactly like that of Enki. It is said that he fused chromosome 2 that would allow us humans to have heart and brain coherence and essentially be given souls in human form. The real Adam and Eve simply became ensouled with the spark of life. He did this to make our body a more conducive vehicle for the ascension of our soul. This was a benevolent act, not a malicious one.

Ptah described this act as a journey from the physical to transcend into the afterlife by opening up a rusty valve in our pineal gland. Our soul is attached to the pineal gland through a little stargate and when fully activated, your body and soul are said to have come together and you gain the ability to command physical matter as well as dematerializing, bilocating and flying; all the abilities the Egyptian gods themselves were proclaimed to have. This full activation is the trigger for ascension, gaining access to the higher dimensions whilst getting a huge upgrade in genetics. The Ankh’s ‘Knot of Isis’ represented through the female genitalia in the top of the symbol is also a direct interpretation of the physical form of the pineal gland itself! Interestingly enough, as Christ consciousness became that of the classic cross later on in our timeline, that part of the symbol has been withdrawn. Maybe this is a sign that modern Christianity doesn’t want us to awaken through these pineal gland activations.

It also raises eyebrows as to why governments class natural substances on Earth such as the likes of psilocybin mushrooms and ayahuasca as illegal possessions? Is it because of their connections with the other side? What’s even more hilarious is that dimethyltryptamine or DMT which is naturally produced in our pineal gland is classified as a class A drug here in the UK. It carries an imprisonment sentence of up to 7 years if caught in possession of this substance. We all must be guilty then, lock me up!

Ptah also referenced to the knowledge that our genetic structure was a digitized form in which a physical body could transcend into a non – molecular light body where our consciousness could be copy and pasted to somewhere else, another dimension perhaps. Ascension is also heavily referenced in the paintings, texts and hieroglyphs surrounding the Egyptian god of resurrection, Osiris. We see him depicted on his feathered throne, the ascension throne; the flying Merkabah which to me is the same type of vehicle of light which the Pleiadeans use to travel between worlds and other dimensions. Those that had completed the ascension process were seen to be riding ‘the ark of the million of years’ or alternatively known as the ship of eternity. The same throne is depicted slightly differently in other cultures such as in Buddhism where instead they refer to this vehicle as the Lotus throne. The wisdom and knowledge taught by the Egyptians and many other ancient cultures were merely transcribing the teachings of the Cosmos in their own ways.

Many people label the Annunaki as evil beings. I assume some think this way because there are narratives of these extra-terrestrials causing cataclysmic events such as great floods to wipe out humanity. They are also heavily referenced in regards to our creation as a more compliant slave nation for their mining operations after the Igigi rebelled against their so called masters. This part is true, but it is only part of the truth. There were some Annunaki that wanted humans to mine for gold so they could use the nano particles of this particular mineral to repair their atmosphere from the high levels of radiation encompassing their home planet of Nibiru. There were other Annunaki who had conflicting ideas on how humans should develop, evolve and what their roles should be here on Earth. These Annunaki beings were benevolent and protected humans, seeing them as their child race in which they would transcend their genetics and teachings through. The Annunaki were the gods of ancient Egypt and records show their arrival on the planet a staggering 450,000 years ago written in the Sumerian King’s List, much before the time that the Atlantean civilisation was formed. The quarrels between the Annunaki brothers Enlil and Enki, seem to have the same dualistic nature as that to Poseidon and Zeus in Greek mythology and Osiris and Set in Egyptian mythology. These beings like mentioned before, had the genetics consisting of supernatural and transformational abilities. Could these entities be the same brothers fighting one another throughout history just in different forms? It’s still a mystery.

The corruption of Christ consciousness was originally manipulated in the Atlantean era through selected royal bloodlines. The rivalry between Enki and Enlil caused a divide between the pair when humans were given permission by Enki to start their own civilization for themselves. This could possibly also be an interpretation of Adam and Eve being cast out of the garden of Eden, following the wisdom of the serpent in Enki. Enki was one of the benevolent Annunaki to take a group of humans away from the slave mining territories. The Atlanteans refer to Enki as Thalan who took 12 families from these working colonies to Khefu or what we refer to now as the Canary Islands. The 12 families would individually be encoded with genetics from each part of the main constellations of the universe that make up the Zodiac into the waters of their blood. Thalan teamed up with the Arcturians to accomplish this task. The 12 families would be the blueprint for humanity as they could download information coming in from each of these 12 constellation portals so they had a structure for how humanity should progress and evolve successfully in The Grand Experiment. Higher consciousness was entrusted to these selected bloodlines to act as a catalyst for a peaceful but well organised civilisation to follow.

There were three main islands in which families grew out their first communities on. Those were Evonoh, Ekaron and Khefu. Thalan protected this civilization from the negative Annunaki through shielding the waters of the Atlantic ocean from unwanted intruders. Thalan is also the being we interpret as Poseidon. He had superior technology that could manipulate the waters and cause dramatic turbulence within the waves as he changed the tides, therefore stopping the malicious Annunaki from crossing over and trying to kill the humans. His trident was a part of this mysterious technology. These families on Green Cape were taught by the Arcturians that consciousness is power and weren’t allowed to expand their civilizations across the globe until they were ready mentally, physically and spiritually. Once they were allowed to gain more territory across the planet, these families wanted to conquer the Annunaki who wanted to kill them originally; the ones who were still in charge of the various slave mining colonies. The negative Annunaki used their own human slaves to fight their battles against these new bloodline’s armies. In the end, the negative Annunaki were imprisoned underground by the Galactic Confederation for meddling in the grand cosmic plan to create a perfected human race. Some also went underground because they couldn’t adapt quickly enough to the fast changing climates of the planet.

The Atlanteans stemming from these selected bloodlines dominated much land including that of Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Jordan, Arabia, Egypt, Iraq and many more countries before battling with the Lemurians for a portal in the mountains of the Himalayas. This is where they used sound, vibrational technology called Protiktah to defeat them. This vibrational technology could turn people and cities to dust, it was that powerful. The remnants of this last bit of energy lives on through the Ark of the Covenant which was later found in Ganga in south Egypt which is now called Ethiopia. The radiation it emits still to this day has given some of the Egyptian priests guarding this sacred technology cataracts disease. The Protiktah technology is actually referenced in some biblical stories like Gomorrah and the destruction of the cities of the Middle East by vibration.

The Atlanteans got power hungry after their victory over the Lemurians and pushed the vibrational technology too far. Scientists tries tapping into more concentrated energy by focusing the energetic charge of giant crystals downward towards the centre of the Earth. It proved to be too excessive and as a result, heavily distorted the magnet fields and the grid of the planet. Disasters such as earthquakes and giant tidal waves manifested across the globe as a result. Much land became submerged under the water due to this catastrophic event and the shifting of the Earth’s poles. Lost cities told in mythological stories have recently been detected by sonar technology proving that the tales are actually true about Atlantis.

The 12 selected bloodlines who were supposed to be responsible for the civilizations of the planet became too domineering and tyrannical in their ways which lead to the fall of Atlantis. The descendants of these royal bloodlines are not aliens but they hold the consciousness of the universe and share a more in tune consciousness with the Annunaki to that of a regular human. Unfortunately, rather than benefitting society for the purpose of good by providing an equal share of resources amongst the masses, they have chosen to keep their knowledge a secret and exploit others through a disproportionate wealth distribution. These beings also have control over the portals of Earth and their knowledge has managed to live on through the cataclysm of Atlantis which killed 80% of the world’s population at the time. Through these portals they can communicate with other entities and because of their greedy and selfish behaviour, they have traded material gains with negative extra terrestrials in exchange for imprisoning the planet to harvest energy for their reptilian allies in the 4th dimension. Some are even said to be working amongst them that disguise themselves in human form through a fake holographic projection.

The dollar bill contains the Illuminati pyramid and the all seeing eye representative of those first selected bloodlines chosen to rule back in the times of the early Atlantean civilisation. ‘Novus Ordo Seclorum’ labelled under the pyramid on this bill translates as ‘new order of ages’ and the top half ‘Annuit Coeptis’ means ‘God has favoured our undertakings’. There is nothing new about the New World Order; it stems from the beginning of modern man in Egyptian culture but the plan got corrupted and mistranslated as a right to rule and enslave. ‘God has favoured our undertakings’ simply is a reference to when Enki gave man power in the past but used their authoritative roles for malevolent purposes, rather than for the good of humanity.

Sorry I didn’t get to cover the Archon’s plans in this part, I got carried away haha! It will definitely be in part three.