Of Mind & Body

The Jesus Lecturer


                                    Murdo MacDonald-Bayne


It would be impossible for me to explain how these talks were

given, for I would only be giving my opinion, which might be

incorrect; but I can tell you of the feelings I had.

For several months prior to giving these talks I would awaken

from my sleep at night hearing a voice apparently speaking to

I thought I was dreaming yet it was not a dream, it was a real

voice. Whether it was my own or another, I cannot say. The

peculiar thing was that I could hear this voice and reason what it

said at the same time.

After many of these experiences the voice said that special talks

would be given when the proper time arrived. The time did

arrive, and the voice spoke instructing that the talks would begin

on a certain night when those attending were all chosen. Thereafter

no one must be allowed in during the series of talks, and

these talks must be taken down in shorthand and recorded on a

wire recorder so that nothing would be lost.

When the night for those talks duly arrived I took my place in

the auditorium. I was quite concerned about what was going to

happen, when I felt as if 1,000 volts of electricity were passing

through me. I did not lose consciousness, although I became

aware of a magnificent power, a consciousness far above my own.

Yet we seemed to be linked together in some mysterious way,

which I cannot explain because I do not know.

Then I could hear my voice, yet it was different, speaking with

great authority, an authority of one who absolutely knew. I

listened very attentively to what was said and could understand

with a clarity that I never had before. The language was perfect,

without a flaw, without a hesitation. For a whole hour this went

I was amazed because I knew that no human brain could

duplicate such a feat, yet this feat was repeated each week for

fourteen weeks.

Only when I heard the talks on the wire recorder did I know

that something had taken place. I wondered, and I am still



wondering, about the wonder of it all. You can read for yourselves

what was said, and if it gives you the comfort and satisfaction

that it gave me and also those who had the privilege of

hearing these spoken words, then they have not been spoken in


* * * * *

A few of the many experiences of the students who were

present have been recorded in the next few pages.

  1. MacDonald Bayne


Talks given through Dr MacDonald Bayne

Description given by Miss Bagot-Smith

A Transfiguration Experience Never To Be Forgotten

In the spring of 1948 a series of talks was given at ‘Escom House’

in Johannesburg, South Africa. To those who were chosen to hear

them, this was a unique and unforgettable experience. No one

who heard them could ever be the same again. They were hours

of the highest spiritual growth and understanding. It was as

though a veil were torn from our eyes and we could see clearly.

The veritable presence of the Master became so strong a reality to

us that it has never faded but grown in intensity and vividness.

And always, since that time, when we lift our minds to spiritual

things, suddenly we know the Master is beside us, the Power of

the Father is within and all is well.

It was not the actual words that made these lectures so amazing;

it was the way they were delivered. The words themselves

will ring in our memories forever, but the greatest Truth was

shown to us without words, and no description could ever convey

the tremendous force of the presence of the Master, and,

through Him, the Love of the Father – distinct evidence more

real than anything physical around us.

As the lecturer entered, he was the kindly, smiling man we all

knew so well. After a pause of silence, he seemed to breathe himself

out of his body in a sudden gasp, leaving it swaying and

without control. Then suddenly an amazing change took place: a

short, sharp intake of breath; and the very Master was present; in

the same body, but utterly different. We knew perfectly well that

the lecturer was still the man we had all known and respected for

years, but at the same time he was someone completely different.

The change was so startling that our benumbed senses could

scarcely credit it. But at the same time it was true, and we knew

it was true. The man before us now appeared unusually tall,

much taller than the lecturer himself. Words cannot tell the


Talks given through Dr MacDonald Bayne

strength of this astounding truth – but it was so. We were forced

to believe it beyond the evidence of our ordinary senses.

Here now before us was a man, commanding of aspect, austere

and of great authority, with brilliant eyes and an assurance of

power. Straight and tall He stood before us and with deep solemnity

He pronounced His regular greeting:

“My Peace I bring to you.”

As the speaker progressed and we became more understanding,

the greeting changed to “My Peace and my Love I bring to

you,” and later to “My Peace and my Blessings I bring to you.”

The blessing was given with the two first fingers of the right

hand raised in the manner of a king, and low our hearts bowed

before its majesty.

A quietness spread through the hall: a vibrating power like a

stream of warmth passed through our bodies, burning whatever

part was imperfect, and healing as it flowed.

As one talk followed the other, we could feel our own vibrations

raised and our understanding clarified and lifted to a plane

far beyond our everyday life. In dawning comprehension we listened

to truths greater than any we had ever heard; and yet – to

our wondering astonishment – we realized they were the same

statements we had heard and read since infancy. But only now

did we understand their meaning. Suddenly the lightning truth

flashed into our minds and at last we knew the power of what the

Master first said so many years ago. And then His truths became,

for us, Reality, part of our very being, to be held precious in a

golden silence from now on into eternity.

Each word fell deliberately, with never a moment of hesitation,

almost like drops of water or jewels falling one after another into

the pool of silence deep around us. Each sentence was of perfect

construction, spoken effortlessly and with no pause for thought.

Gradually we came to know quite simply and without wonder

that we were not the only people present. Among us were those


Talks given through Dr MacDonald Bayne

whom we loved, who had passed on ahead; while beyond them,

in ever-widening circles, ranged thousands of higher entities.

The Master would address us all together and then, in regard to

the deeper things of life, we would be given just what each could

grasp. We in earthly bodies were addressed as, “You of mortal

sense”, while the Master would raise His eyes and speak directly to

those who had lately passed on, as to minds who had gained in

breadth of perception, who now knew the joy of a plane more spiritual

and lovely and infinitely free. And then in awe we listened

while the Master spoke to those who had more nearly approached

His highest perfection. High above us we felt them, and far behind

us, row upon row; but no one moved or turned a head as our eyes

were held by the Master. Our bodies had long since faded from our

senses – they were simply in abeyance, glued into immobility, as it

were, and it would take a definite effort to move them in any way.

The Master would bless us each in tum, first us ‘of mortal

sense’, and then the Spirits advanced so high above us – and His

voice would warm to their greater perception. In us He perceived

a rooted sense of separation, in them a unity that was a relief and

joy to Him. How small we felt – how utterly unworthy! – tiny,

lowly people, almost infants, reaching up uncomprehending

hands to what was still a mystery. But gradually we grew in the

stature of our own minds and our own self-respect. In daily life

we found ourselves leading where before we had stepped diffidently

back – our voice came with unexpected assurance and

authority. We too seemed to grow taller and to tread more lightly,

as if the spirit-self were growing stronger than the physical self.

Some of us saw glorious colors behind the lecturer – waves

of purple and gold so glowing that it almost hurt the eyes. To

some a slantwise cross was visible, to some a thick shaft of brilliant

white light pouring into the top of his head, while many saw

the long red-gold hair and beard, and heavenly music and bells

were heard in the background as he spoke.

It became increasingly clear to us that the Master had come to

give us His age-old message: “I come to show you the Father.”


Talks given through Dr MacDonald Bayne

How often we had heard it before, but with blinded senses.

Now we began to understand.

We learnt of the Master Jesus, Himself a man as we were,

highly sensitive, developed, perceiving, aware, as we were not, of

the wonder of the Christ within, the Son of the Living God. He

and the Christ and His Father were one Being. Of Himself He

could do nothing; but, identified with the Christ, one with the

Father, He could do all things and have dominion over all things.

As the talks commenced, His voice was always grave and austere,

as from a distance, sure and firm as a great leader speaking

to followers searching for knowledge. But, as He talked, His voice

warmed to us, His eyes shone with lovingness and delight in our

response and our understanding of His Spirit.

The listeners grew more and more numerous. And now and

then, in speaking of the Father, He would be overcome with His

own emotion of the love so aroused. His voice would fade away

and, entirely forgetful of us, suddenly He would so lose Himself

in the Love of the Father that it was as though an actual Being

was between us. He spoke to one much nearer than we were –

to someone so close as to be ‘nearer than breathing’. He would

stand wrapped in the glory of the Godhead. He would murmur

directly to His Father. Sometimes we heard the words, “Father I

love Thee, I love Thee, and I love those that Thou hast given me

– Thy children. I thank Thee for them.” In the pause, His face

was lit with a love of ineffable tenderness: a light of pure ecstasy

transfigured His features, almost blinding in its intensity – our

eyes could not bear the brilliance that shone from His face. It was

as though He had entered into some holy Temple of Love such as

we could not comprehend. In awe we gazed – the presence of

the Father so strong, so tangible, so vivid, as to be far more real

than the people around us. They faded; He was there, strong,

powerful, in glory beyond glory.

And we too began to know the Father – an actively loving

Being, no mere passive Godhead but a Father, powerful in guidance,

in achieving all the Son could wish, a loving Father with


Talks given through Dr MacDonald Bayne

arms around Him, sheltering Him in an ecstasy of peace.

A love shone through His presence, embracing all of us, impartially,

universally, forcing us to realize the Truth as a Truth real

beyond anything that could be touched or seen – the Truth of the

presence of God, a loving, active, positive, dynamic Father, a

silent partner, at our shoulder always, a God who travelled home

with us, came in at the gate with us, protecting us so that evermore

no fear would enter into our homes or lives. The Love of the

Father became an unmistakable reality. No words of the Master

gave us that realization; it was His own intense, burning, joyful

love of the Father that forced this knowledge upon us. And

because of this belonging to the Father, the Son was filled with a

peace and a glory of happiness that was eternal and infinite.

And as He ascended again to His Father, He called us His disciples

and He left us with His assurance:

“My Peace, and my Love, my Blessings, I leave with you to

remain with you.”

At the time, we felt that that was the end, and we longed for

the wonder of the talks over again. But twice more He came, with

a space of several months between.

At these times He spoke differently, bidding us search our

hearts to see how much we had progressed along the path of

Love that He had shown us. He asked us: “Is your faith so great

that now you too could walk upon the water?” And again, “Does

your love for the Father order all your thoughts and deeds?” “Do

you live in Love to the exclusion of all else?”

How deeply shamed we felt at the little we had done, and how

unworthy we knew ourselves to be of the honor of His coming.

* * * * *

The speaker continues to lecture week by week, and often the

Master, quite visibly, takes over his body for an amazing moment,


Talks given through Dr MacDonald Bayne

just at the end to give us His solemn blessing. The transfiguration

is complete, with gown, face, beard and hair showing through the

brilliant light around him:

“My Love and my Peace remain with you.”

So, in daily life, we know that the Master is beside us, and reverently

we tread the Earth, we whom He called His disciples,

with the sure knowledge, in our hearts, of the undying Christ,

alive and present in the world today.

Mrs. Patterson says:

“Words are inadequate to express what I saw and felt when our

Master spoke to us through the Doctor. For a few seconds I was

aware of a silence, unlike anything I have ever experienced; it

seemed that I was suddenly transported into another world. Then

I saw the whole outline of the Doctor’s body change; his face took

on quite a different expression and beams of light radiated from

him. The face of the Master showed up clearly.

The auditorium was charged with Power and Light.

At the time I did not realize it, but a great change took place

within myself. I was left with a deep feeling of security in a

Living Christ, which is everything to me.”

Mrs. Gilbert, a medium who has travelled the world, states:

“I have been a medium for over thirty years, but I have never

witnessed anything like I saw with the transfiguration of the

Master. The light that shone from Him was so great that I had to

close my eyes. I have never heard music so clearly before. The

auditorium was filled with those who had gone on before us.

What joy it was to listen to the voice that was clear, distinct, without

a flaw or an error, for over an hour. No human being could be

capable of such oratory.”


Talks given through Dr MacDonald Bayne

Misses S.A. and E.A. Arnott say:

“The greatest thing in our lives has happened – that the

Master showed Himself. His face clearly shone forth, bright blue

eyes, with reddish auburn beard and hair down to His shoulders.

The light that shone from Him was more than our eyes could

stand. Then we got accustomed to the brilliant light and could

watch every movement. It was a thrilling experience we will

never forget. His words were perfectly formed and not a pause or

a mistake did He make for over an hour. It was this that amazed

us most. The form of the Doctor grew a few inches as the Master

overshadowed him. This was the first experience we ever had in

transfiguration, although we had heard much about it.”

Mr. A. Thomas states:

“I am a most practical and critical person, being an engineer. I

was always doubtful about what others saw and heard, and

although I have read much on the subject of mediumship I was

not convinced. But when I saw with my own eyes a light so bright

that I had to close them – for it was some time before I could

accustom my sight to the brilliance – then to see the face that is

so familiar in many pictures of the Master, I was convinced that it

was true. The Master’s voice and speech were more than perfect.

It is doubtful if any human being could perform such oratory.

Although the Doctor is a good speaker I know he could not

perform such a feat. My wife and her mother attended these talks

and they also saw and heard the same as I did.”

All present have testified in one way or another to the wonderful

experiences they had during these talks by the Master.


Talk 1

I Am The Resurrection And The Life –

The Love Of God

I am myself Resurrection and Life, he who believes in me will live even if

he dies, and no one who lives and believes in me will ever die.

  1. God is Love and Love is God, yet no one knows what It is

– we only know that It is. Perhaps you have been theorizing –

never do this! You must let the Truth unfold without suggestions

from outside, and you must not come to a conclusion, for this

closes the avenue to Truth.

  1. Love is the center of the whole Universe, and from this

center a continuous flow of Love flows through every soul and

through everything that lives. Through flowers, through animals,

through human beings and angels, this same Love flows continuously

from Its Central Font, forever expressing Itself in Its true


  1. Love is the affinity in the minerals; Love is the essence in

the flowers; Love is expressed in the animal nature. In man Love

is expressed in affection, and, when fully realized, the whole

being is filled with It and, every cell in the body becomes vitalized.

  1. There is no other Power in the world but Love; It is the only

true Power in Heaven and on Earth, for It is eternal and ever present

everywhere. The outer will pass away, but Love shall forever

be, for It is the Omnipresence of God.

  1. Theorizing on Love is but a mental aspect of It. To theorize

on what Love is, is to lose Its power. You are the Creation of the

Infinite Life, which is Love; and Love expresses Itself in Its true

nature when understood and realized in this way.

  1. All great souls upon the earth are expressing this Love in

different ways in different parts of the world.

  1. Suggestions come from outside – but you cannot understand

the Truth from suggestions that arise from outside yourselves.

Therefore do not come to any conclusion in regard


I am the Resurrection and the Life

to the Truth, for the Truth is unfathomable and eternal I am

ever-present, expressing myself in my Divine Nature, which is


  1. You must accept this, yet you must not come to conclusions

of what It is, or what It is not.

  1. Remember, this mighty power is waiting to unfold in you;

you are the vehicle prepared by It; your soul is the vehicle through

which It will flow. To be conscious of this is the secret of the


  1. What is space? You are now learning the rapidity of

thought transference, which is between you and the mind which

is influencing you. These thoughts know nothing of distance.

  1. Nathaniel asked, “Whence do you know me?” “Even

before Philip called you, while you were under the fig tree, I saw

you. Truly I say to all of you that from now on you will see the

Heavens opened and the angels of God ascending and descending

to the Son of Man.”

  1. You have already witnessed this Truth. All are angels in the

making; you are born angels, the angelic birth exists in you. This

is the Love of God. Some angels now existing are those who once

lived on one planet or another.

  1. The whole Universe is one complete whole, expressing the

Divine nature of Love. Love is the holy cohesive quality, the only

power that can sustain all things, and is bringing about Its own


  1. There is never anything wrong where Love exists, for It is

complete in Itself.

  1. There is nothing that can interfere with the current of pure

thought directed from Life, for really there is no distance; the only

necessity is a condition of receptivity.

  1. It is now possible to receive this wonderful gift of the

Father that is being poured out eternally. You can experience It for

yourselves by opening yourselves up to It. You do not receive It

from the external; only know that It is eagerly waiting to express

Itself from the very center of your being.


I am the Resurrection and the Life

  1. You must become consciously aware of It, and, when you

are consciously aware of It, then you will experience It in every

cell of your body, in your surroundings, in your friends, in your

business place, your home – all can be filled with It. And there

is nothing that can withstand It. It is so solid in Its nature that It

interpenetrates every single particle of substance that exists in the

Universe. It supports the whole Universe, and It gives breath and

life: “I am the Life and Love.”

  1. All your thoughts of Love and Healing sent out even without

any special direction are caught up in the stream, and they

help All Remember, nothing is lost in this world of thought

charged with Love.

  1. Space is a wrong idea; it belongs to separation, but in

Reality there is no separation.

  1. Let your hearts and minds rest undisturbed in the realization

of the Omnipresence of God. Even the child will come to

know that there is no space or distance, for you all dwell in God

and there is absolutely nothing outside God.

  1. By my own experiences I have found that the flesh changes

through the conscious awareness of the Divine Essence of Love.

It is the Power that creates all things and attracts everything

to It.

  1. For God, who made the world and all things therein, and

who is the Lord of Heaven and Earth, does not dwell in temples

made with hands; neither is He ministered unto by human hands,

nor is He in need of anything; for it is He who gave Life and

breath to all men.

  1. And He has made of one blood all nations for to dwell on

the face of the Earth, so that they should seek and search after

God and find Him by means of His Love and His Creations.

  1. He is not far from anyone of you. For in Him all live and

move and have their being, and, as some of your wise men have

said, II all are His kindred”. Yes, when you have seen me you have

seen the Father.

  1. There is no mystery about these words when you thoroughly


I am the Resurrection and the Life

understand them. The mystery disappears when they are understood.

  1. There cannot be one particle of substance that is not of God.

Every particle in the whole Universe must be of God, for it is God

alone who is expressing Himself; and I and the Father are one,

there is no separation between us.

  1. Now therefore, man, being of the family of God, is not

bound to worship resemblances made of gold or silver or stone

shaped by the skill and knowledge of man into resemblances of

the Deity. Yet, when men heard of the resurrection of the dead,

they mocked.

  1. Understand that the great Truth of the Omnipresence, the

Omnipotence, and the Omniscience of God, is complete. Know

that it is He who lives, and He alone lives, in every living thing

because He created all of them and He could not live apart from

His Creations, for He is omnipresent.

  1. If His Creations were in any way separated from Him, He

could not be infinite in nature, He could not be complete in

Himself. Every Creation was created with the fundamental principle

of Love harmonizing every action, bringing into manifestation

His Divine Nature. And when man becomes aware of

this Truth, then shall man create in himself the reflection of that

perfect Divinity which will bring about his Heaven on Earth.

  1. And they mocked because they heard of the resurrection of

the dead. Yet how could there be anything dead in the living

Universe? How could there be anything dead in the Eternal

Living God? Admittedly there is change taking place everywhere,

but there is nothing dead in that change; every particle is a living

particle which changes from one form to another. What ignorant

man sees is death; what the enlightened man sees is the action of

Life. Ignorant man does not understand the law of transition

from one state to another; therefore man creates in his own mind

the illusion he calls death.

  1. Not one particle of the whole Universe is dead; every

particle is alive, existing in God. Every particle, even in its process


I am the Resurrection and the Life

of change, is a living expression of Life. And the fundamental

principle under it all is the power of Love flowing from the

Central Font of Love to Its smallest Creations.

  1. Your sense-mind would cloud or hide the vision, the vision

of the completeness of that which is Divine in nature.

  1. But now you are in the secret place of the most High, and

He shall wipe away all tears from your eyes, and there shall be no

more death, neither shall there be any more pain, for the former

things pass away.

  1. “I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end; I will

give freely of the fountain of living water to him who is athirst. I

am in myself the beginning and the end. I am He whom the

prophets have spoken of, I am the Lord, the Christ that dwells in

each and everyone of you, and there is no separation between us;

yet you have placed me so far away beyond your reach.”

  1. In your own minds you have thought me unattainable, yet

I am living in the secret chambers of your hearts urging you continuously

to recognize me.

  1. This is the Christ that is born in the human family, the

Christ that is born in every babe. It is the Christ that is eternal and

lives after so-called death. It is the Christ in you that shall live


  1. Even as the rivers flow out and refresh the earth, so can you

release that stream of Eternal Life into the outer. The unseen

Spiritual Substance is alone substantial and is the only Reality

that can be expressed in your personal life now.

  1. Your consciousness is the reflection of It; your consciousness

in the material or physical is the reflection of this Eternal Life

expressing Itself; and as you become more aware of It, It becomes

more real to you.

  1. The brain, the nervous system, and the flesh of the body

become filled with It. It raises the vibration of your mind to a

state beyond your earthly existence. Yes, in time It will transform

the body to make it that perfect instrument, for the Divine in

nature is the only Reality.


I am the Resurrection and the Life

  1. Use every opportunity to express that which you know. Let

your love flow out and bless every brother, every sister, so that all

your divisions will be swept away by the ocean of Love welling

up in human hearts and lives. When you bless a brother and a

sister with this love, in and out of your own being flows the

Christ Life and Love.

  1. Do not in any way disregard the Truths that are written in

the New Testament. If you express that which is true, you will

also become true. Your true nature is Divine: let this nature

become yours now, because now is Eternity, every moment of Life

is now. Therefore remember not the past, nor be anxious for the

future; the future is taken care of, by you living now.

  1. You must all come to the understanding of the Omnipresence

that fills all space, knows nothing of past or future but is eternally

present – the same yesterday, today and forever.

  1. When you begin to know that all time is the present you

cease to “long”, you cease to long for things to come, and a great

strain drops from you. How many of you are straining today?

Because you are not living in the Omnipresence that is omnipresent.

You live in a past and a future and miss the glorious

expression of the Divine Life now.

  1. Peace will come into your souls; things that troubled you

before will no longer beset you. You will not be burdened with

the things of the world because you will know that all that is

mine is thine.

  1. Spirit is all power, and directs all things; but if you stand on

the outside looking in, then there is no possibility of your ever

partaking of the feast spread before you; but if you will come

inside, you can partake of the feast now and there will never be

any other time but now.

  1. When you gain this understanding, you eager souls – who

feel that you must accomplish so much in a given time – will

come to know that Love and service are pleasure and rest.

  1. These words seem strange to you at first because you do

not understand them. To rest in the Lord means to be always with


I am the Resurrection and the Life

the Lord; and as the Lord is the supreme expression of the

Almighty, knowing this, there is no fear, there is no doubt, and

Life becomes a joy.

  1. Only when you are burdened with the cares of the world is

there sorrow. Lift up your hearts and rejoice in the fact that your

Father knoweth what you are in need of and has prepared everything

for you; the table is already set. You can come into the feast

now if you will, and partake of all that you are capable of; the

only thing that is necessary is your capacity to receive.

  1. You will renew your energies and unfold wider avenues for

further experience, with a sense of peace and quiet that comes

from that which does not consider time or space as an essential

factor; for It knows no time or space, being ever-present and


  1. To live in the spiritual is to live in Reality, not spasmodically

and in limits. How can there be any time or space in

Infinity? Know that you live in the Mind of God that fills all

space, for there is nowhere where It is not.

  1. If you truly know that you are the Christ of God that exists

eternally and is ever-present, the animating and Creative Power

within the mind, then there can be no time or space.

  1. You can reach the state where there is no time or space and

enter into the completeness of the Lord thy God, that dwells in

your soul; the Lord is the only Power there is. I am the Lord.

  1. “Love” is the eternal ever-present and glorious Life now,

which is a rest and a joy, a satisfaction too full to make you look

backward or forward when you know that Love is the ever present

Life now. The soul who has realized this moves in the

sufficiency of the Presence, that is ever active in the present and

never in the past or future.

  1. Think over this carefully, so that your joy may be full.

“I am” the ever-present Love. It was this Love that I saw so

clearly. I knew that God was Love, and to be His Son, then I must

be Love also. I found there could be nothing else for me but Love,

and no matter what was done to me, I still knew that I must


I am the Resurrection and the Life

remain the Son of God, the ever-present perfect LOVE that knew

no past or future, no sin or death.

  1. “Lazarus come forth,” was to speak from the Spiritual

plane, realizing only the ever-present Life. If you can understand

these words, you will realize the Life that is eternal and ever present.

You can also speak the Word, if your consciousness can

grasp the Reality of It; and what you speak shall manifest because

it is created in the now.

  1. You are affected by suggestions that come from without,

suggested by the conditions surrounding you; you believe in

death and decay; but in Reality there is no death nor decay, there

is only change, and this is Life. If you could see this ever-present

Life behind all change and become consciously aware of It, then I

say that every particle of your whole body would be filled with It.

  1. “I am” the Lord, “I” change not. Open your eyes and see

within yourselves this mighty Truth.

  1. You can be just as much of God as you are prepared to

manifest. Christ, the Son of God, in the heart of humanity reaches

out to man, urging him to awaken to his Divine Consciousness:

for the Christ in each and everyone is alive forever. There is

eternal peace in the heart as you recognize this Truth.

  1. “I am the Lord thy God. I am one with the Father, the Father

and I are never apart, we are always working together in you.”

  1. The seven acts of Christ become actual to you now, at this

moment, instead of belonging to a past period. The Christ experiences

the birth of life in the temple that is not made with hands.

  1. The symbol of the divine child in the arms of Mary, the

Mother, is but the symbol of the Christ being born in every babe.

The Father is individualized in each and everyone, thus manifesting

the birth of Christ the Eternal Son of God into earthly life.

  1. Look around you and look at each other and say, “Whence

did you come?” Only the Father knoweth.

  1. The anointing is the consecrating of the life to God. Then

cometh the awakening of the Christ in the temple that is made by

God alone.


I am the Resurrection and the Life

  1. According to your realization the Christ manifests in you:

so do you consecrate your life to God.

  1. Then comes the temptation. Temptation was in the world

for Christ to overcome: “I have overcome the world.”

  1. The crucifixion means that everyone is crucified. All must pass

through their own gates of Gethsemane; some pass through it one

way, some another. Thus you are purified through your experience.

  1. The greatest of all experiences was that I could lay down

my life through the crucifixion to take it up again, not for my own

benefit but for the benefit of all who live. ” … And those who

believeth in me will never die,” for they have already found the

secret of Eternal Life.

  1. Then comes the resurrection, the resurrection of the soul

out of this mortal body. The Christ is the spirit of God manifesting

in the flesh; the ascension is the true recognition of this

Reality, the true realization of the Eternal Christ.

  1. The Christ is in you, and nothing can avail from without;

the evolution of the one Soul exalts the whole Race, that they may

all be one.

  1. The complete understanding of time as the only present

factor, with neither past nor future, would remove false ideas and

inherited ills. Only the good that man does has any vitality. Then

cease to uphold the working-out of ignorance and sin, and things

of the past.

  1. Most people’s minds are overburdened with the power of

sin. The ignorance in the world and the sin in the world are all

they can see. You cannot see the Christ through ignorance and

sin. You can only see the Christ through the Love of God; the

complete and perfect expression of the Father of Love is His Son,

who lives forever in the present.

  1. I am the Son of God through Love. So also must you

become the sons and daughters of God through Love. In no other

way can you become true sons and daughters of God.

  1. You are born sons and daughters of God because Christ the

Spirit of God is in you. When Christ is realized you will know


I am the Resurrection and the Life

yourself to be. Then the flood of Love flows through the heart that

understands; this is beyond the conception of any human soul

that has not yet awakened.

  1. In your physical sense you make both good and evil seem

of equal power. This is but theorizing with mortal sense, it is not

the truth of Reality.

  1. In God there is neither good nor evil: God is the complete

perfect expression now. If you say that the omnipresent God is

good and that evil exists also, then your reason is at fault – how

can evil exist in the omnipresent good?

  1. Your misconceptions cause you to believe that evil exists.

Do not theories, but allow the Love of God to express Itself

through you; and you will find that that which makes you fear,

that which hinders your true expression, will dissolve away into

nothingness – where it belongs. Think, and you will see that it is

in your own mind that you are creating fear and evil; for it does

not and cannot exist in the Omnipresence of God.

  1. Love is the only reality and is ever present; then realize that

this Ever-present is Eternity, free from all conditions.

  1. Darkness is but the absence of light. When your hearts are

full of Love there can be no darkness in the soul, for Love is the

Light of the world. Truth is the search for the Light of the world;

“Love” is the first Cause, and when you find this Truth you have

found everything. As Love casteth out fear, so does Love cast out

all that is contrary to the true nature.

  1. Fear is a thought-power generated by the self through lack

of understanding and has the temporary effect of interrupting the

flow of Life through the soul and body.

  1. Would you fear if you knew that you were the Lord? Would

you fear if you knew that the Christ was your Real Self? Would

you fear if you knew that God alone existed and it was He who

was expressing Himself, and that you, His Creation, could never

be separated from Him?

  1. Look to the Cross and see what lesson it brings you. Would

you deny the Father, even though you were scourged and crucified


I am the Resurrection and the Life

with nails through hands and feet? Your only strength lies in Him

who is with you always, who created you like unto Himself –


  1. Fear has the effect of changing the body through clericalization;

but to overcome these conditions you apply the antidote

of Love, the only permanent power in the Universe.

  1. Every thought, every movement, every action has a chemical

change upon the body. You are continuously changing your

body structure through fear and anxiety; this is inharmony. But

Love is harmony and healing for soul and body.

  1. Love is the power that overcomes all things and is working

through all Nature. God is expressing Himself, sustaining the

body, the temple not made with hands.

  1. When you let go of your fears you will find that your

God-nature will bring back the normal state of the body, which is


  1. Nothing has been brought into being except through the

Christ. As John said, the Word was with God and the Word was

God, and the Word was made flesh; and only through that Word

did everything come into being. I am that Word, I am the Word of

God, I am the Life, I am the Lord.

  1. See clearly this truth in yourselves, knowing that that

which is possible to me is also possible to you if you will believe

in me.

  1. Peace and calm will come into your hearts when you know

that you are passing through all the stages of the Christ from the

birth to the Ascension.

  1. Love is Power and Life’s true expression. Love pours forth

from Its fountain in one continuous stream and is the only Power

there really is.

  1. Love is the Life Energy passing through the body. Love is a

passion of great power in the heart. Love is the protective agency

in every living soul. Love flows through all planes of being; Love

is the foundation of all Divine action and is the salvation of the



I am the Resurrection and the Life

  1. When you realize that this Love is within yourselves, then

the mighty Power grows from within you. No Power comes from


  1. Love pours forth from Its Source in one continuous stream

and is the only Real Power there is; the soul, and body, are sustained

by It.

  1. It is the rapture in the heart, the protector of the soul and

body. All Divine action is based upon the Love of God.

  1. All are subject to the Divine; the more you know this, the

more like God you become. All are subject to the same power, for

there is no other power but the Power of the Infinite Living Life.

Therefore the Omnipresence of His Divine Nature is a Reality.

  1. Love is the only Power that exists in the whole Universe:

everything responds to It. Flowers, animals, humans and angels

all respond to Love’s adoration.

  1. Love being God, It must be the greatest power there is.

Love harmonizes everything. Love cannot be separate from anything

in Nature, for It is the cause behind all true manifestation,

and will remain when all other conditions are removed.

  1. Do not think that the Father has left you when you find

yourself in distress. He is making you more perfect, a more

perfect instrument through which He can manifest His Creative


  1. Ignorance has no principle in itself, just as error has no

principle. Mathematics has a principle, but error can have none;

for when the error is corrected it disappears, therefore you learn

that ignorance and error have no power of their own.

  1. The Prophet wrote in Proverbs, “My son, eat this honey

because it is good, and this honeycomb which is sweet to thy

taste; so shall the knowledge of wisdom be unto thy soul, when

thou hast found it; then there shalt be reward and thy expectations

shall not be cut off.”

  1. Love is the secret balm that all can use, the learned and the

untutored, the wise and the foolish. It speaks all languages, and

It is the soul’s heaven of rest.


I am the Resurrection and the Life

  1. The position you hold in the world means nothing. What

means most to you is your capacity to receive and give Divine

Love, the true expression of God Himself.

  1. God is Spirit, and Spirit is Life; Life is Love; and Love is the

vital force in all things; It is the harmony in all things; then we

must worship in Love if we would attain a consciousness of God.

  1. Idols and images are but symbols in the mind and we gain

little from them; we must realize the Love of God. Christ is the

Spirit of God, and has been given all power in Heaven and Earth

through Love.

  1. People are mystified by the healings that took place two

thousand years ago, but there is very little difference in the healings

that take place in your midst today; the only difference is the

fact that it may be a different personality used. But it is the same

Christ that heals.

  1. The Real is the Principle of Love. God made the Universe

by pure thought, positive and creative, which is the expression of

His Nature, “Love”. Then Love is the union between God and

mankind. This Divine Energy is the eternal link that holds us fast

to Him who made us in His own image and likeness.

  1. So mankind becomes the vehicle for the expression of Love,

and this is the true science of Living.

  1. As we gaze upon the Fountain of Love, God’s nature

becomes our nature. What I see the Father do, I do likewise. It is

no longer strange to you now, that my thoughts become the healing

power that changes the ether of disease and death to that of

Health and Life.

  1. By the power of the holy thought your bodies will also be

changed from carnal flesh to spirit form.

  1. All are sons and daughters of God by birth, and all become

sons and daughters of God through understanding and Love.

There is nothing so great in the heart of man as the expression of

his Christ nature: there is no greater power in all the world. By

Love I heal, by Love I live.

  1. Through true understanding the Truth is revealed – that


I am the Resurrection and the Life

we are all sons and daughters of God; and from this point alone

you become a greater civilization upon the Earth.

  1. The Love of God through the Christ must dwell in each

and every one of you. Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His

righteousness, and everything else shall be added unto you.

  1. And when you pray, believe you have received that which

you have asked for, and ye shall have it. When you ask, ask in the

Mind of God; it is then established in the Spirit, and what is established

in the Spirit must come forth in form, provided you make

yourself receptive to it through understanding Faith.

  1. You shall all gain your inheritance, even in the darkness

that surrounds you; for the Light that lighteth the world is within

yourselves and can never be extinguished.

  1. We are all joint heirs to all that is God’s when we attain to

an understanding heart full of Love. “Son, thou art ever with me;

all that is Mine is Thine.”

  1. Through my lips, to unawakened Earth comes the Trumpet

of Truth. The Lord thy God is One Lord, and this is the Infinite

Spirit within all mankind.

  1. I am the Light of the world; he who follows me will never

walk in darkness; he will enjoy the Light of Life.

  1. The Pharisees said, “You are testifying to yourself; your

evidence is not valid.” Is it not the same today?

  1. I replied to them, “Though I do testify to myself, my evidence

is valid, because I know where I have come from and where I am

going to – whereas you do not know where I have come from or

where I am going to. You judge by the outside. I judge no one;

and though I do judge, my judgement is true, because I am not by

myself – there is myself and the Father who sent me.”


I am the Resurrection and the Life


o Eternal Father of Love, we rejoice in Thy Presence.

We know Thou art with us always, and we can never be apart from Thee.

We are expressing Thy Life and Love.

Thou didst send me into this world to prepare others for that which is to come.

And they shall become Thy angels to administer to others Thy Love.

This is the joy of Life; let this joy be theirs, as it is mine for ever and ever.

Make it their watchword in the morning, noon and night, so that they shall

always be at peace.

Even if ignorance darkens the light of Thy Presence, help them see the Divine


“[ am the Lord; I have been given power and dominion over all things.”

Thy Peace [ leave with them, for Thy Peace is eternal, and as they seek It so

shall they find It.


(The Scribe’s Remarks:

This was the first talk to us by the Master. Those present were

amazed beyond words, for most had never before seen a transfiguration.

A shaft of light shone from above, lighting up the

auditorium, and the face of the Master was clearly seen; and

those who witnessed it were different henceforth.)