Pleiadian high Council

𝗙𝗲𝗯. 𝟮, 𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟭

I am Mira from the Pleiadian high Council. I speak to you today with arms open wide and hearts filled with love. We are here to reassure you that we are with you during these challenging times.From our vantage point on the Earth Council, which oversees your planet, there is a great awakening occurring with humanity. In speaking with this audience, we know that you are fully aware of this battle between the light in the dark. We want you to realize your power and strength as a collective of light. The light that you bring is sifting out the darkness.Other members of humanity are awakening increasingly on a daily basis. It is almost as if they are waking up from a deep slumber. This is shocking to many and it will become even more so, as the truth is being revealed.Please stay grounded, balanced and selective in what you let into your consciousness and who you have around you. These energies that you find yourselves in now are chaotic. When you are not balanced you can be swept up into the current of fear, doubt, anger, depression, confusion, and other dis-empowering feelings. This is when the light ones must breathe and go back to center.I caution you not to worry about how everything will work out. The divine plan is in action. Your job is to trust the plan. Things are changing rapidly now. Humanity is feeling [thrown about]. This is part of the chaos, as well as, a function of ascension. If everything was smooth and easy you would not appreciate your arrival in the Golden Age. So do not allow yourself to be caught off guard. Play the awakening game just a little bit longer for miracles await you. We await you!The earth and humanity are beginning to feel lighter and it is becoming easier to breathe. There has been a massive amount of clearing and divine intervention on the earth and inside of the earth. We have all been participating in the rescue and recovery process. A large part of the dark forces have been removed from the planet.A whole New World is awaiting you. There is glorious beauty, abundance, harmony, joy, freedom and peace on the New Earth. You will be able to relax from your earthly ordeals and heal with new forms of technology that will extend your lives. You will be living as the Creator intended you to live. These are the end times of the old matrix that enslaved you and made your lives so challenging.You are moving into the rapture and soon we will all be celebrating together. Pay attention to everything occurring around you. Help each other and know that all is proceeding well.I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council. We love you!