Why spiritual empathy and especially awakened souls are very selective in people they closely interact with or people they keep in their close group?

1. Awakened souls and many empaths energies carry higher pure vibrations. Which heals and raises others emotionally.

2. What others don’t realize is bringing self to interact with people who don’t practice any spiritual practice brings the energies down and sucks the reservoir from the ones who keep their energies sacred.

3. Awakened souls and some empaths can read you completely. Without need of any cards, janampatri etc. If they don’t find your intentions and thoughts clean they will choose to pull away from you. That is why, after awakening you will have to choose a new tribe or will find yourself completely secluded rarely interacting with others.

4. Is crucial to be careful who you bring close to you as their energies will impact yours greatly. And if it’s someone who is integral part of your life then you have to create a system to manage your energies in recognizing the time to remove yourself from their presence and thoughtful of keeping your energies high when you see triggers in the environment.

5. Empaths and awakened souls find many people react negatively instantaneously towards them as they cannot handle the presence of light and purity and don’t know how to manage themselves in presence of light.

As empaths and awakened souls can read them clearly.~Paramahansa YoganandaniEmpaths did not come into this world to be victims, we came to be warriors. Be brave. Stay strong. We need all hands on deck.~Anthon St. Maarten“

You must be the change you wish to see in the world.”~ Mahatma Gandhi Quotes

Accountability and self-responsibility are critical to our success in personal, professional and public life. However, we often look for those character traits in others, rather than inculcating them in ourselves. ~Vishwas Chavan,

Vishwasutras: Universal Principles for Living: Inspired by Real-Life Experiences Learn to love your self from the inside and you would not need others to love you from the outside.~Efrat Cybulkiewicz Alchemy, the masters teach, is the process of linking the spiritual to the material.

The alchemist is the bridge between the worlds. It is a process of working inside a mirror, knowing always that in the end, the part will reflect the whole. As inside, so outside. ~ Thomas Lloyd Qualls, Painted OxenIt is in no way, shape or form your cosmic duty or responsibility to take away the pain of other people. This is because by absorbing the pain of others, you are depriving them of a vital element of their spiritual evolution and karmic responsibility. ~ Mateo Sol, Awakened Empath: The Ultimate Guide to Emotional, Psychological and Spiritual Healing

The power behind taking responsibility for your actions lies in putting an end to negative thought patterns. You no longer dwell on what went wrong or focus on whom you are going to blame. You don’t waste time building roadblocks to your success. Instead, you are set free and can now focus on succeeding.~ Lorii Myers Empaths may hesitate to save themselves first because they think that doing so is selfish, which is not the case. If you’re an Empath, know how important it is to take care of yourself first in order to be able to help others. Sometimes there is only so much you can do for others; you might even be doing everyone a disservice by stepping over boundaries. ~ Catherine Chea