The Ancient Secrets That Will Help Us Build The New Earth (Part Four)

The Great Pyramids were physically created and built by Thoth with the help from several other extra-terrestrial races like the Sirians, Acturians, Annunaki and Vega beings in the Atlantean era. Energetically, the pyramids are much older than the days of Atlantis and predate man’s existence on Earth before the so called ‘beginning’ in metaphysical terms as a holographic gold print. Visitations were made by several galactic species to Earth before the grand experiment began; even before the Sumerian’s accounts of extra-terrestrials inhabiting the Earth 450,000 years ago. The Pleiadeans, Sirians, Arcturians and Nemnir giants were implementing a structure for human life that would contribute towards creating a unity civilization by encoding information into the land and water along specific grid lines of the Earth.

The blueprint for the pyramids themselves were built in another dimension; the sixth dimension in the realm of the architects (the Elohim). This blueprint contained the numerical codes, sacred geometry and data that would allow for these plans to be later formulated into physical density in the lower dimensions. These highly advanced mathematical equations within the blueprint show how the pyramids and their energetic 5D network grid were built with tremendous precision and accuracy; something that can’t be replicated with our technology today. The holographic plans were later given to a craft that resembled a planet which we know as the Moon or what the ancients referred to as Inku. The Moon was to be an amplifier of these so called plans to Earth, using Saturn to create the matrix and construct the consciousness of Earth’s reality. The Moon coded the holographic plans into the core of the planet so when it was time to execute the pyramid unity grid system in the physical, these metaphysical energies could manifest themselves in alignment with the creation of matter via photonic light and cymatic frequencies. These were utilised by the extra-terrestrials and the first hybrid families on Earth which we call the gods or ‘chosen ones’. This wisdom was passed down to the priesthood of Atlantis known as the Jedi. ‘Use the force’ was the secrets of light/tones, frequency and vibration.

The Zulus knew the Moon was artificial, referring to its structure as an egg with its yolk removed. Both the ancient African tribes and the Columbians confirm that there was a time when the Moon wasn’t yet in the sky. The people who were around before the Moon were called the Pro Celanese. The Moon and Saturn matrix system was introduced once humans could develop past their first primary root chakra function to survive. The period leading up to the reengineering of modern man saw various sub species of humans trialed to see which ones had the potential to hold the higher consciousnesses and indeed the root chakra energy to stay alive. Homo erectus was chosen to inherit the empathy gene (with the help of the Arcturain’s blood) to form the new and improved homo sapien- sapien that would allow humans to feel past their primal urges to survive and embody love through connection with their fellow man.

The second chakra or sacral chakra defines our emotional intelligence and relationships with others. This is why the sacral chakra’s symbolism embodies in it the crescent Moon representing both our Moon and Saturn; the experiment within our matrix system to see if we could love our neighbour amongst diversity and adversity. This is the same symbol you see in the Atlantean and ancient Egyptian pictograms with the female ‘gods’ such as Isis and Sekhmet illustrated with this same symbol above their heads. The Moon itself assists in our emotional development and embodies the feminine energy to balance out the masculine energy of the root chakra. The balance of masculine and feminine energies was the coherent plan to teach human consciousness to live from their hearts. The crescent Moon in Atlantean culture also represented the ship of eternity or the arc of a million years which is the ascension vehicle out of the third dimension and back towards immortality which is achieved through the vibration of unconditional love. The sacral chakra was the foundation towards implementing 5D consciousness on Earth. It is our base structure for human development.

The matrix was later hacked by reptilians/Draconians and malevolent greys who were changing the crystal information within Saturn’s rings to keep a level of low vibrational mind control upon the Earth population and feed the negative beings in the fourth dimension. They knew that with consciousness rising on Gaia, they would start to lose their energy supply. These reptilians were also fearful of human’s potential as we are the most powerful beings in our planetary system. We just had to wake up to acknowledge this! Modern humans such as ourselves are multi- dimensional where the native reptilians are not. These particular reptilians or Soffhir living in the underground bases on Earth felt it was their birth right to be in charge of the planet seeming as they were the original inhabitants that evolved and descended from their dinosaur ancestors.

Some of the Annunaki or fallen angels teamed up with reptilians to maintain power on Earth as a collective alliance, although initially they battled between each other for dominance in various wars both on and off planet. The negative Annunaki as master geneticists, made a deal with the reptilians eventually as a sort of truce to put more of the Draconian DNA into certain human bloodlines so these particular humans could be controlled and act as their puppets. The human hybrids which we call the Elites contain a high proportion of reptile DNA so reptilians can possess these human bodies and minds through frequency matching via their genetic makeup. This enables these beings to shapeshift and go undetected by utilizing advanced photon technology to override the electrical sensory information fields connected to our vision. The Elites and reptilians use Saturn and the Moon to amplify lower vibrations on Earth to keep the world population asleep through predominantly fear. Crafts have been documented going to and from the dark side of the Moon to carry out this manipulation programming.

I myself was created by the Annunaki but I wasn’t pure Annunaki, instead an offspring of the this species, sharing the same galactic genes but carrying more Pleiadean genetics than anything. Our race was called the Aldebarans who were part of the Annunaki’s expedition to Earth who later took part in establishing the first civilisations on the planet for the benefit of mankind. We descended on Phoenicia, Mesopotamia and the Anatolian plateau which we would now call Turkey and Armenia. We came from one of four royal stars called Ashtari which was considered to be the star of wisdom and enlightenment. This is where the Ashtar Command name derives from as we were the overseers of grand experiment on Earth. We came from the realm of the Mounawirriin which translates as enlightened ones and the early Akkadians referred to our realm as the passage to heaven. The Ash.Ta.Ri was the home of the extra-terrestrial beings of light.

Aldebaran’s location can be identified within the constellation of Taurus; the brightest star in Hyades which is 65 light years from Earth. Some Pleiadeans resided in Aldebaran after war broke out in the 7 sisters. This war was provoked when the Pleiadeans attempted to free beings from the slavery and oppression system in Orion, and in retaliation, the negative Orions attacked the Pleiadeans’ home planets making them inhabitable for souls to remain there. Aldebarans were refugees who were fighting for peace in the universe. Al Deberan means ‘those that moved away ,who left and who travelled’. These beings are part of the Galactic Confederation. Ashtar embodies the light and Christ consciousness of Enki who created modern man with the A+ Pleiadean bloodline on Earth when he fused chromosome 2 together creating the empathy gene. Enki, like Ashtar is also depicted as Pleiadean in appearance which has been described in both the ancient Sumerian texts and in the Incan carvings. Ashtar and Enki are actually infused and share energetic bodies as they go beyond the third density. They are two parts of the same being; they embody the same soul. As ‘Annunaki’ means those that came from the heavens, you could say that Ashtar is Annunaki, or a master architect but from Pleiadean descent rather than Draco.

The confederation came to Earth before the beginning to scan the planet so we could set up and encode the future energetic pyramid system into the mass of the Earth itself as part of the matrix grid in this solar system. Before doing so, we had to capture all of Earth’s data and more specifically, find the centre of landmass from using advanced satellite technology that was situated on the north pole so it had a north pole orbit. I helped in collecting this data and it was then used later and executed by my son Thoth and his team to build the Atlantean pyramids and temples. If you look at these pyramids and temples from above and their designated locations, you can draw a grid map that will give you the location of every planet in our solar system and the astronomical unit distance from the sun down to the inches which overlays perfectly with NASA’s interplanetary map.

The pyramid stone dimensions were not random either and were purposely cut to a specific size and shape. If you multiply their size ratio by ten squared, you can discover the distance of the Earth to the Moon as well as the distance from the Earth to the Sun too. The Great pyramid blocks also allow you to calculate both the tropical and sideral year in astrology and track the speed of the sun around the galactic equator.

These blocks were both physically manipulated and metaphysically manifested to their desired physical specifications through utilizing vocalizations and cymatic frequencies in what we now call string theory. This technology was called Protiktah via the use of djeds that would allow granite and limestone in the pyramid blocks to become like putty, allowing for them to be reshaped and remoulded into the desired outcome and position. Signs of physical manipulation via laser technology have also been detected on the edges and within these stone structures which have baffled Egyptologists regarding their extraordinary precision. It completely defies the myths that the workers on the pyramid sites used simple copper tools like chisels to get such pin point accuracy on such a hard stone. The pyramid construction was subject to both metaphysical manifestation and advanced technological engineering which is why scientists struggle to work out the truth. The hardest thing to fathom for scientists caught up in a linear timeline, is that we were more technologically advanced in the ancient times compared to where humanity is today.

The harmonic resonance of the universe is encoded into these blocks within the temples and pyramids called the arc, like in the arc of the covenant which is the Protiktah technology. The 5D grid came from the accumulation of information being held in each one of these stones in the grand architecture. The arc information field held within the quartz of the granite is the toroidal harmonic energy activation resonance circle which basically makes up the geometry of the torus holding all the akashic data of everything in this universe. The underlying basis of the torus construction is depicted in that of the seed of life geometry which expands out to Metatron’s cube. The seed of life holds 6 circles expanded out from around the central circle’s circumference (which represents life itself and the central heart chakra that connects all through 432hz). The outer circles each carry specific frequencies: 180hz, 270hz, 360hz, 450hz, 540hz and 630hz. These frequencies follow the pattern of the Merkabah or octahedron (double pyramid) in relation to the their position in the seed of life. 180hz, 270hz and 360hz create the bottom half tetrahedron (downward facing pyramid) whilst 450hz, 540hz and 630hz create the upward facing tetrahedron or pyramid. Put all these frequencies together through the two opposing triangle forms and you get the star of David in 2 dimensional form or the Merkabah. These 7 circles within the seed of life are the codes for our 7 basic chakras with the heart chakra frequency residing in the middle. The outer frequencies or 6 circles within the seed of life work in sequence:

630 – crown

540 – third eye

450 – throat

360 – solar plexus

270 – sacral

180 – root

Notice the sequence 6,5,4,3,2,1 and 3,4,5,6,7,8 which outline the gradients of the pyramid’s formation via an ascending/descending chronological pattern. These structures mimic the micro to the macro from a single block to the entire pyramid structure itself consisting of 2.3 million blocks in total. In numerology, each of these numbers add up to 9, the dimension of the creator within the void. If you add up each of the 6 outer frequencies together and divide them by 6, you get 405. When you square this number 5 times you get the dimensions and frequency of the dodecahedron which is the seed of consciousness and the element of spirit. This shape is the simplified geometrical blueprint structure of the sphere; the whole which is embodied on Gaia herself and all planets. It holds all of the platonic solids that make up everything. The dodecahedron carries the 20 amino acids which codes up all the proteins and building blocks for life through its 20 intersections (vertices). Made up of sacred ‘12’ pentagons in total, the pentagon’s individual 5 points create the 5 pointed star or pentagram which represents the elements of fire, earth, air, water and ether that make up all matter in the universe.

These frequencies encoded into the stones would vibrate so that humans could activate their pineal gland; the stairway to heaven that would connect human consciousness to every dimension and allow us to see beyond the veil of the third dimensional reality. This information field could be shared by the connection of hematite and magnetite; two minerals which are shared in both granite and human biology. The way these stones could be encoded with vibration, was through the power of sound within our own voices. As expressions of God, we all embody God in physical form. Although we have 7 main chakras, there are actually 9 chakras located in the body. The other less commonly known ones reside in the knees that represent our mission and the lowest chakra in the body is aligned with our ankles which represent our purpose. 9 chakras that connect to the 9 dimensions.

Language was more expansive in the Atlantean era than it is today. They had 9 vowels and 36 letters in total compared to our 5 vowels and 26 letters in total now. Notice how the numerological value of 36 also adds up to 9. This spectrum of vibration held within sound was the key to the trinity of matter and the sacred codes behind Tesla’s 369 work. Each one of our chakras in the body represented one of the 9 vowels and one of the 9 dimensions. Each chakra was allocated 4 letters from the 36 letters containing a single vowel in each. The four expressions of vibration contained within each chakra represented the four pillars of time and space which was called ‘ur’ by the ancients. It was part of the consciousness of R but we call it RA today. RA was not a god but a form of consciousness. It was North, South, East and West in accordance with the daily cycle of the sun’s position depending on the hour. The four energies represented the ankh and Christ consciousness condensed into a simplified symbol to describe the human form and our own four energy outlets: top of the head and bottom of the feet as opposite polarities and each one of our hands representing the negative and positive energy influences. These four energy outlets makeup our own torus fields emanating out of the human vessel. When the body is positioned in a ‘T’ pose, it represents the ankh as a simplified version of the power within the human body that generates the torus field that can connect with the entire universe. It is showing us the power we all hold if we can utilize all the energy in balance from within.

When we look at chakras from an energy perspective, they too also have four energy inputs and outputs. You have the current of manifestation which is the energy being channelled downwards through the body (crown to root). You then have the opposite current of liberation which goes from root to crown. The middle energies that go from side to side consist of the current of expression and the current of reception which in simple terms means give and take in balance. This energy dynamic sums up our need to be balanced in all four areas within each individual chakra. The cross as a symbol is a vital expression for summing up our life force energy which is depicted in spiritual practices and cultures all over the world.

The 9 chakras or portals in the body consisting of 4 letters each, create the 36 sounds of God. These 36 vibrations can be expressed through a single sound when all the vibrations are combined to form the word “Ohm” which represents God in its entirety. These 36 sounds represent the tetrahedron or pyramid shape and make up the positive aspect of the Merkabah. To get the opposite polarity of the Merkabah, the 36 vibrations need to be duplicated to create the negative polarity giving 72 vibrations in total. This structure of energy in balance gave beings in the universe free will to make equal choices between the positive and negative energies. The 72 vibrations duplicate themselves in the dimensions of density (1,2,3,4 and 5) to give you 144. 144 connects every positive and negative expression within the flower of life. When you align these 144 vibrations up within the expanded flower of life geometry, it aligns perfectly with the hexagon shape which we see on Saturn’s north pole. This is how Saturn in encoding the matrix by emitting all the vibrations of dark and light in equal measure to give us that choice in this game we are all playing. If you then join up that hexagonal shape on Saturn’s north pole with the three lines that meet in the centre, you get a cube; Metatron’s cube.

Hope you enjoyed. Much love!

Jamie Phillips