The Ancient Secrets That Will Help Us Build The New Earth (Part Three)

Today I will be talking about the power and technology behind the pyramids. They are the key to restructuring the energetic grid of the planet and hold the template to building and re-establishing the 5D consciousness network across the world. The Great Pyramid itself is the scale of 1 by 432 of the Earth and it also resonates at 432hz; the same frequency as the heart. Each of the pyramids, not just the ones in Giza, were designed for different energetic purposes to help both man and the planet maintain its harmony and rhythm by aligning with the frequency of nature. The pyramids around the world were designed for a multitude of reasons. Some acted as specific healing chambers and were used to align vibration within the body and expand consciousness through heightened spiritual experiences. Other pyramids like the ones on the Giza plateau would open up portals as well as serve as power plants of free energy coming from the ionosphere. They also played a vital role in projecting out high vibrations into the environment to harmonize the surroundings and create positive brainwaves for Earth’s inhabitants and intelligent life to consume in what we could call a 5D consciousness grid.

The Bosnian pyramids and more specifically, the pyramid there named the ‘pyramid of the sun’ has been visited by many researchers and avid explorers where they report of feeling amazing sensations whilst being in these sacred surroundings. These type of pyramids contained healing chambers that were said to not just heal people mentally and psychologically, but also physically too. People who have visited these sites before that had asthma or respiratory issues claimed to have had seen a significant improvement with these conditions with some reporting that the physical restrictions had lifted completely after leaving these pyramid sites. This was backed up when scientists measured the first underground chamber in this particular pyramid, measuring the concentration of negative ions in the atmosphere. The results detected a whopping 43,000 negative ions per cubic cm which in our terms can be translated as an atmosphere that was 200 times healthier for us compared to our average suburban environment. These pyramids were specifically designed to accommodate humans and support our health by repairing our genetics and upgrading our levels of consciousness through holding higher vibrations within this sacred space.

The shape and construction of the pyramids themselves identifies with what its specific purpose was. The angle of the slope indicated what it was there to do. The steeper pyramids like the ones angled at 72 degrees were designed more to shoot energy up into the atmosphere and send information out to various obelisks whereas the more flatter ones like the bent pyramid of Dashur in Egypt were channelling energy down into the ground and stabilising the soil to support vegetation. The Great Pyramid in Giza is actually a balance point between the two at 51 degrees so it neutralises the energy in its environment between the air and earth. This balance in atmosphere is how we can restore all the natural frequencies back to planet that have become distorted; especially through this rapid influx in satellites that are now blanketing the Earth. These pyramids were projectors of high frequencies which not only benefitted human consciousness but they protected and helped sustain the life around them.

Not only does the vegetation in the surrounding area grow much greener and healthier but it also protects the environment within a certain radius of its designated location from disasters such as storms, earthquakes and volcanic activity. They can also cleanse the water of toxicity and negative vibrations both outside and inside of these structures so the water holding distorted information could purify. Just one millilitre of stored water in a large pyramid could be fed to prematurely born babies and they would have almost perfect restoration of physical health whereas otherwise they would be terminal. This is the reason why we have carried through the tradition of cleansing in holy ceremonies like baptising babies. Churches/cathedrals that hold these ceremonies have carried forwards these pyramid like structures in the form of steeples built into the architecture to create positive magnetic fields that could radiate into the building and create heightened spiritual experiences.

To create these super positive magnetic fields you would have to have placed these pyramids in specific locations to harness the most amount of energy coming from the planet and the atmosphere combined. The Great Pyramid itself is located at the exact centre of the planet at the intersection of the longest line of latitude and the longest line of longitude. This actually creates the symbol when mathematically mapped out that mimics the infinity sign to represent the constant flow of energy by utilizing the infinite source that can be harnessed through the balance of the Earth and air itself. The location of the Giza pyramids and their water tunnels and chambers connected to the River Nile that also divert off to various other pyramid sites were also strategically plotted out along the lay lines of the Earth’s magnetic grid. Here is where there is a greater connection to ground the energy and concentrate the charge differential between sky and Earth.

The Queen’s chamber in the Great Pyramid was a power collector which prevented electrical particles being drawn from the atmosphere from escaping. As the apex section of the pyramid collected the electrons from the air via it’s crystal and gold mineral structure, the white limestone in the Queen’s Chamber had tremendous insulating properties and being piezoelectrically charged, it allowed those electrons to funnel through from the top and then further pass down to the permeable rock structures below in the lower underground chambers and into the Earth itself. This allowed for the balance of concentrated energy coming from both the Earth and air to pass through the architecture stabilising the environment whilst collecting energy in the process. It would essentially create a constant flow of energy between the two elementals and act like a continuous lightning bolt with a regulated voltage between the negative and positive polarities. The Great Pyramid indeed represented the floor plan of a gigantic floor battery network with its underground water tunnels linking up to the other pyramid structures to create one big circuit board. This was fundamentally what Nikola Tesla tried recreating.

The gradient of the pyramid is directly correlated with the concentration of drawn in magnetic energies into different areas of the structure which again created a flow of energy from top to bottom and vice versa. The broader and lower portions of the pyramid would contain and hold the lower frequencies and the narrower and upper portions would occupy the higher frequencies. It is a direct representation of our own chakra system starting from the earth star to root chakra and then up to crown and beyond. This flow system helps bridge the vibrations between the energies passing between the Earth and atmosphere acting as a coupled oscillator. Not only is the angle of the gradient important, but also the significance of the pyramid shape itself. The pyramid shape is the key to our own life system as the fractals of the universe all are made up of triangles representing the trinity of mind, body and soul as well as love, wisdom and will. These triangles are encoded into our DNA and form all matter through an expanding amplituhedron. Our body is therefore constantly creating and adapting itself through this pyramidal geometry which is changing through vibration that we emit and receive to hold different levels of consciousness data. Inside our minds we have pyramidical brain cells which connects us to the energetic grid of the Earth through these giant pyramid structures (macro to the micro). Not only is the visual representation of the pyramid itself important, but the geometry which is held within the materials of the stone structures is equally crucial to understand.

One of the minerals that can be found in most granite (used in the pyramid construction) is hematite which isn’t just found in rocks, but in our heads too. These hematite crystals take the geometric form of an octahedron which is two opposite facing tetrahedrons or pyramids. The significance of the octahedron is that it represents the two polarities of the Merkabah which is the geometry which connects all information to the unified field. This shape is also the blueprint of creation at it represents the seed of life through the mitosis separation process and also identifies as the middle section of the vesica piscis in its angular and basic form. This shape stands for consciousness itself which is shared between the vibrations resonating within ourselves and in the vibrations held within the minerals of these pyramid structures. Therefore, if these pyramids can emit positive frequencies into our magnetic field, we can pick up the same information into our consciousness through sharing the same geometrical structures.

The King’s chamber in the Great Pyramid is built from granite also, but a special type of rose granite which came from Aswan about 500 miles away from the Giza plateau. These quartz blocks were transported along a path adjacent to the River Nile using djed levitation and sound technology to get these minerals to Giza. These rocks were specifically sought out to be used in the construction of part of the Great pyramid because of their higher concentration of quartz at 13% as opposed to other types of granite that only held about 5-6% quartz within its molecular structure. This higher percentage of crystal content meant that more vibrational data and information could be encoded into the material to generate enough energy to open the Orion portal, the central gateway and transportation system to all the other portals in the universe for those who were to ascend.

Magnetite is also another mineral found in granite that has been discovered in human brain tissue which can orient itself to the magnet grid too. The magnetite and quartz with granite create a PH electrical effect which therefore creates an electrical environment in which information can pass wirelessly between two forms of matter.The pyramids were built with tremendous precision to the extend where you couldn’t fit a piece of paper in between each of the huge blocks of stone. The margin for error is less than 1%. This seems like an extraordinary achievement given that 2.3 million limestone and granite blocks ranging between 2- 80 tonnes in weight were used to assemble the Great Pyramid alone. The heights in which these extortionately heavy materials had to be lifted and delicately placed defies the theory that man power couldn’t have done this without advanced technology. Various extra-terrestrial species helped in the process of constructing the pyramids including that of the Sirians, Arcturians, Annunaki and beings from Vega. They used a very high vibrational form of technology to not only levitate these solid blocks but also to heat them to extremely high temperatures and vitrify these hard natural materials so they could be remoulded like putty and then slotted into place like a jigsaw puzzle.

This technology is called Protiktah which can be used for a multitude of purposes. It is also known to the South Americans as the Chakana. The Ark of the Covenant mimics the capabilities of this type of technology but was used for war purposes rather than building assignments when in the hands of the Israelites. The story of the fall of the walls of Jericho state that the Ark of the Covenant triggered the energy to collapse walls into a liquid state when certain sound frequencies were created in its presence via a horn instrument. The priests and priestesses of the early Atlantean times would have trained their voices and used various instruments too to recreate the same effects for moulding and levitating these granite and limestone rocks in the construction process of the various pyramid and temple structures within Khem.

To be continued in part 4. Apologies I didn’t get round to some of the information I said I would at the end of part 2. The information just comes out so that knowledge will follow as I continue to write more in this particular series. Thanks for reading.

Much love.