The Ancient Secrets That Will Help Us Build The New Earth (Part Two)

The Atlantean blueprint was set out by Enki and the Arcturians for humans to create their own civilization; one that would create a world-wide grid of peace, prosperity and unity. Enki is most likely to be the snake in the garden of Eden story, the serpent named Sam-a-el which its definitions that include ‘(he who holds) the plant of wisdom of heights’ and ‘the bearer of the plant of understanding.’ The apple in the garden of Eden that the serpent ‘supposedly’ tempts Eve with represents the Akasha through the fruit of life coming from the tree of life. The apple is also a perfect representation of the energy flow of the torus filed which many of us know is the same geometrical structure that records all data of everything that was, is, and will be. In it’s simplest 2D form, the apple is representative of life through the creation of mitosis (the expression in which God separates apart from itself to observe itself).

The geometry that represents this duplication phase where two circles overlap is called the vesica piscis. Enki wanted to transcend his species’ genetics through the new human form so we could all become gods on Earth by showing us the wisdom from the tree of life. This was the knowledge to be free, by ruling ourselves from within. The garden of Eden was its own portal, the main portal connected to sun called Athura Mazda where all the spiritual information from the heavens could be downloaded in this region of the Persian gulf and Iran. This was essentially the birth place and testing grounds of the enlightened man who was being genetically prepped to go off and start civilization in its masses. Enki later took the modern Adamu blueprint from the garden of Eden which quite possibly could have been some sort of laboratory and created 12 initial hybrid human beings who were later developed in another lab in Eridu.Enki and his benevolent tribe took 12 families that were to be chosen to implement the ‘divine plan’ of unity around the world to represent the 12 different portals of the planet.

These beings would be direct channels for the grand experiment in which they could receive information coming from the main constellations of the zodiac whilst occupying different regions of the planet. The portals are separated through the 12 faces of the dodecahedron shape which is a simplified sphere built up of pentagons. These families were specifically encoded within their DNA to take Thoth’s blueprint of Atlantis (son of Enki and main architect of this unity plan) who helped construct the great pyramid with the help of the Sirian people, and replicate that structure all throughout the world. This was originally the New World Order but was intended to achieve global peace for the benefit of human kind under one unified high vibrational grid. These families were not sent to be rulers but were priests, priestesses and architects who rotated power depending on what information needed to be implemented on Earth coming through the galactic network via the four seasons of our yearly cycle.These 12 families were entrusted to protect humanity and to guide them through their spiritual teachings to exit third dimensional consciousness and enter 5D consciousness.

The normal humans were not given the genetic superiority that the original 12 were entrusted with. These highly advanced adaptations of hybrid man/women were called gods not only for their wisdom and their knowledge of ancient technology which would appeared like magic to an observer, but they also carried stronger and taller physical frames and physiques like their Annunaki cousin or brother race.The humans on Earth had to earn the right to become gods by showing responsibility in the universe by defeating the darkness to ascend into the light. This darkness was the process of fixing the issues of the universe within one body, one vessel on one designated planet. We call this the hero’s journey. The first twelve families were trained to create what you could only call a ‘mock’ civilisation on the Canary Islands (Evonoh, Ekaron and Khefu) before going out to explore other various regions of the planet to settle and expand. In the time of this ‘mock’ civilisation experimental process, the Canary Islands were a strategic place in which Poseidon (another name for Enki) could protect these families from the malevolent Annunaki who tried to get to them from across the Mediterranean sea. Poseidon was labelled protector of the seas, manipulating the tides via the Moon and using various djed technology in the form of a trident to create storms that would stop the negative Annunaki from crossing over.

Poseidon was seen as the protector through the Moon. In Atlantean times the Moon was called Inku which meant protector but also embodied the masculine and feminine balance of the subconscious mind. Poseidon encoded the information from the Moon into the 12 families’ blood on Earth through the water since water is the best element in which to hold information. Mind cannot exist without water. The Atlantean gods started civilization by encoding the first consciousness grid through the body of the planet. In order for them to open up the portals of space and time via Earth they needed to set up a network in which they could reach the balance of all energies within, on a smaller scale. This was like one central hub where all the information of the planet could then expand outwards to the other regions of the world. They chose the River Nile to do this which would act like one giant human organism in itself with the energies of the chakras being encoded down the spine of the Nile’s waters. It’s interesting too that the Nile actually embodies the shape of the side view of the human form in its skeletal structure. This region would be the place in which all beings could become enlightened and download all the information of the planet in what the Atlanteans call Tulfah which means ‘the great flow’.

The Annunaki had taught the Atlanteans the power of sound vibration which is what the they used to help mine for gold and minerals in that of the Abzu stone circles of South Africa. The priests, architects and the Sirians encoded the chakra sound frequencies through this Nile network not only into the waters of this great river but also into the minerals of the stone temples of initiation and the pyramids alongside the Nile that they were constructing. Although the Nile started in Uganda, the root chakra energy was encoded into northen Sudan whilst Egypt occupied the sacral to the third eye chakra regions (up to Israel) with the Mediterranean sea and Cyprus representing the crown. The Nile itself represented the snake and the Kundalini energy in which the elite priests, priestesses and architects were responsible for setting up as part of this consciousness grid.This grid which embodied the Kundalini energy was the reason why the Atlanteans referred to this group as the snake people. This is where history has become distorted for referencing these people as reptilians. Even the association to the term ‘blue-bloods’ doesn’t come from reptilian descent in this particular context, but rather from that of the blue figured Arcturians which gave their blood to seed humanity in the great experiment. These first upgraded Annunaki- human hybrid individuals were protectors of this ancient knowledge; the bearers of the kundalini wisdom that would benefit humanity, not seek to destroy them.

We see so much snake symbology is ancient Egyptian culture such as in the pharaoh head dresses which represent the cobra. The Uraeus snake which comes out of the forehead region of these head dresses representing the Kundalini energy and the awakening that comes through that brow region where the third eye is located.Mount Sinai in Egypt, also traditionally known as Jabal Mousa, contained the chakra energy of the third eye which is where you would go to become enlightened. The story of Moses in 1300 B.C becoming enlightened via the passing down of the 10 commandments in this particular region is significant to the awakening via this third eye portal region. For the record, the Bible redacted the original 42 laws of Maat that came from the ‘Egyptian Book of the Dead’ into the ten commandments of Yahweh which comes from the sixth dimensional Annunaki otherwise representing the Elohim.

The whole of the Nile would be an initiation path in which those seeking enlightenment would have to complete 33 stages to complete your ascension. This knowledge has been picked up by the Masons who also rank their top position as the 33rd degree. 33 is a master builder number which represents enlightenment and since the kundalini energy runs through our spine, there is no coincidence that we have 33 vertebrae too. The Sinai peninsula would be the portal where the spirit and soul would enter the body and the region that would connect to the pineal and hypophysis gland. This is why the Egyptian pyramid contains the all seeing eye which not only represents enlightenment, but also the knowledge that YOU ARE a part of the creator, that there is only one; god is within.

I AM. I am all. With this understanding you can contemplate that service to self is merely an illusion and that serving others IS serving yourself because there is no separation, only the false misrepresentations and ideas that the ego plagues on consciousness. Israel was the region that would balance the soul between life and death (Yeru Shaleim) and Lebanon in south Israel would be the door of the spirit towards the soul. This is why Israel is represented through the star of David or Merkaba which represents the two tetrahedrons in balance between the positive and negative polarities creating the connection with the heart. ‘IS’ in the word Israel stands for the feminine water energy of Isis represented through the Moon. ‘RA’ represented the masculine fire energy of the sun. ‘EL’ means truth through that of the divine. ISRAEL therefore equates to the balance of polarities through the divine truth through that connects everything back to the heart.

After the 33 initiations had been completed by going to the various temples to learn your spiritual practices throughout the Nile journey starting at the root chakra in Sudan, would you be invited into the pyramid on the Giza plateau in Ruhnilah. After your ceremony with the priests/ priestesses in the pyramid would you then be put to the ultimate test to see if you could hold your vibration from all your training to ward off the darkness for good. This was tested by casting you out into the desert by being alone with yourself without any resources in the region of the Sinai Peninsula. You would have to overcome hunger, thirst as well as physical, mental and psychological fatigue .Jesus was one of the initiates of the mystery schools that had to complete his training by proving that power came from within and hence why he spent 40 days and 40 nights in the desert. It was a true test of the soul to walk through the desert after the 33 paths of spiritual training. There is also no coincidence that he died at the age of 33.Matthew 4:1-11 – ‘At the time Jesus was led by the Spirit into the desert to be tempted by the devil’.

You discover in the Gospel of the Holy 12, Yeshua (Jesus) went to Egypt to live in Coptic Cairo. He was also have said to have spent time in both India and Tibet where he learned mystic arts and reiki healing with his hands, teaching reincarnation on his way back.

Jesus also performed miracles like raising the dead with the example of Lazarus. What people don’t know is that he had a magic wand to perform these miraculous ‘acts of God’ as did Moses who parted the red sea. This sounds a lot like Poseidon’s trident. Jesus was a man who was trying to show us how to unlock our powers, our dormant DNA but the church today paints Jesus as our saviour so we see him as something different to us. This was all so we would believe someone would save us in the darker times without doing the work on ourselves so the governing authorities stayed in power. I was the incarnation of Bartholomew, one of the 12 disciples that spread this word and hence why I was skinned alive for telling this truth. Anyhow…..back to the technology.

So what connection can we make between Poseidon’s trident and these magical wands? There is a strong correlation with the frequency manipulation device that was called a djed used in Atlantean times. It was an oscillating device that could have worked much like Nikola Tesla’s coil that utilized a concentration of electricity to manipulate the frequency of matter. Much like the thunderbolt of Zeus (which is most likely representing another alternative description of Enlil) we know Enki and Enlil had access to djed technology in the form of the ankh. The ankh is the key to life made popular by the Coptic Christians of Egypt but predates Egypt to beyond this planet and even dimension. The Sumerian cuneiform tablets refer to Enki and Enlil’s key of life as a Duranki which would allow you to move from planet to planet or between dimensions. This device was the secret to materializing and dematerializing between locations. This ankh was a djed pillar to which you could activate stargates if you matched the right frequency to ascend beyond the third dimension via a portal. The shape of the ankh is representative not just of the masculine and feminine gentilia meeting in equal union but it also takes the form of a simplified human body meaning, we have the same technology within ourselves through our energy fields if we can reach the correct vibrations.

This djed technology was also said to be part of the methods in which the high priests and priestesses of Egypt could levitate matter, but also manifest solid matter out of thin air through vibration. The mystery of how the pyramids were built comes right down to the breath-taking capabilities of this manifestation technology which was harnessed by frequency alone. To tune those frequencies to get the desired manifestation meant to master the right sound and pitches to match the resonance of the object and minerals you were wishing to manifest. This is why sound was deemed so important in the ancient times as language held the codes to unlocking supernatural abilities along with your tone of voice, and how you express language. Thoth talks about the power of cymatic frequencies which are hidden frequencies behind the ether of space time that literally jiggle matter into existence. It’s referred to as String Theory, using cymatics and photonic light to create such matter which together create the strings in ether in space time. He himself had the knowledge of these certain frequencies and vocalizations to build solid bricks and other forms of matter.

The Hebrew alphabet is a compilation of symbols that are actually codes for numerical frequencies to help humans understand existence through the vibration of sound. The letters in their forms represent a little quartile of the top hemisphere of the spherical torus which holds all the vibrations through the Akasha. It can be mimicked through hand gestures to establish which part of the torus you are representing. Each position would represent a different vibration. In religious texts like the Bible, the description of this code is fairly mystical and cryptic like a riddle as such, being portrayed as “Light in the Meeting Tent”. The letters of the Hebrew alphabet are formed by lighting a candle in the centre of a tetrahedron or pyramid shaped tent and the hand gestures which make a cupping ‘C’ shapes in various positions (representing the different aspects of the torus) create and project shadows onto one of the side planes of the tent. That shadow is then used to form one of the letters of the alphabet. It represents how DNA and creation encodes itself on a geometrical and numerical level. That the universe in its simplest form is just a bunch of numbers which form a matrix in the stage we all perceive as real. The atom in which we depict as spherical acts much like a compass. Matter is made up of five platonic solids when represented through geometry. The sphere of any atom is coded through the simplified version of the 12 sided dodecahedron shape that I used earlier to describe the Earth (macro=micro). That dodecahedron contains 20 points where the vertices intersect. These vertices represent different positions of the 20 amino acids which code all the proteins to build and sustain life.

The tetrahedron or pyramid inside the dodecahedron moves in accordance to the frequency it receives by pointing to a series of those dodecahedron vertices or amino acids which correlate to a specific pattern of code i.e 432 unique to that signal. This is the process in which DNA alters at every moment in so called ‘time’. Vibration is code, and that is how manifestation works. That’s why language is so important to manifestation. There’s a reason why within the teaching of language we label words SPELLING. Each letter has a vibration and each word has its own patterns of vibrations through this constant spinning of the tetrahedron. It’s knitting your DNA through a constant update of computer software within your own biology which condenses down at its base value to 1s and 0s representing the light and darker energies; the two components that create life.The Atlantean priests and priestesses could tap into particular vibration codes through the power of their voice alongside the use of these djeds to levitate and transport giant thousand tonne stones to build the pyramids which appeared weightless. Could this be the same technology used to have transported other huge megalithic stones around the globe such as at the historic sites of Baalbek, Carnac, Stonehenge, other temple constructions worldwide and even in places like Coral Castle in Florida which was constructed in 1920? Evidence seems to say yes as Edward Leedskalnin who built the stone structures at Coral Castle in the States said he built the structures himself through understanding the secrets of the Egyptians. The priests/priestesses in Atlantean times also used the high vibrations within their trained vocal ranges to encode frequencies into the minerals of the stones, water and gold within the temple and pyramid structures. That stored frequencies within the minerals would then project out a huge magnetic field of high frequencies to the surrounding obelisks in close proximity. These obelisks would transport the sound through the quartz in the granite structures to other obelisks via the ionsphere just like how the Annunaki used to transfer sound with their stone circle wireless network. It is the same technology except the sound vibrations were taken from the Earth in the Annunas case.

The pyramids were a sort of sonic speaker that would bathe all of the civilization in a base frequency that would effectively in train everybody into the same brain wave frequency. This is how you begin a telepathic network. You don’t need phones or the internet because you are all already interconnected. The ‘dark brothers’ that have lived on throughout the bloodlines of time dating back to Atlantean times have taken these technological secrets of the historic past and are now trying to replicate the same model but through the lower vibrations of an artificial intelligence network using satellites as apposed to obelisks.

The priests/ priestesses who were protectors of the djed technology were also known as Jedi. The corrupt Atlanteans that infiltrated upon these sacred practices and rituals used the knowledge and wisdom to contribute to humanity’s downfall. This came at a price of using the sound technology for war purposes that lead to worldwide catastrophes which are talked about in many cultures. This special energy that was used within the pyramids was called Protiktah or what the Incas call the Chakana. The ones using this sonic energy system to overpower other regions for selfish and controlling purposes collapsed the network grid by dipping the planet into a low frequency state and because they lost this disconnection with the Earth, the energy sent out to destroy their enemy targets (the colonies that rebelled against the corruption) accidentally rediverted the obliterating energy levels back on itself towards its own central hub which sunk its own empire as a result.

I will talk more about this later. Those responsible for this collapse were the secret societies that are running the world today and stole the secrets of the original Atlantean families. Back then they were called Sith Lords and the Brotherhood of the Snake. These dark individuals who survived the great flood cataclysms started their preparations to reclaim this New W0rld 0rder ambition once again via the Roman Empire which has trickled through to today’s societies. In the age of Gemini, the Romans helped rebuild the Egyptian temples and created a military force to take over the world once again. The Jedi vs the Sith. Light vs dark; now you get the Star Wars reference.

The vibrations held within the Nile and its expanding network were connected to underground passage ways that went underneath the pyramids and connected to other pyramids in various regions of the planet including Asia, Europe and various portals. The water in these underground channels not only held the vibrations of information of the divine, but also acted as a conductor for the information being sent to other pyramid sites around the world much like a circuit board. Alongside these huge and long underground networks of water were other passage ways that contained copper pipes as another means of conducting electricity and sending information to various locations too. Some of these passage ways run 7 levels deep on the Giza plateau according to the Egyptian Funerary texts but that contains its own fascinating story for a later date. It is these underground networks and particularly underneath the pyramids where rejuvenation chambers are found; places where bodies could be healed and even where consciousnesses could be extracted and put into other bodies known as sleeves. This was used by the Elites and the pharaohs of old to keep them immortal. These were units that not only contained clones but also ‘med beds’ which heal disease and defy the laws of aging instantly through specialised advanced vibration technology alone. It is said that these clones may be used as the number one surprise tactic to hide the identity of various elites today by transferring them to different bodies. Is this true? It is certainly up for debate. Underground bases of the ancient past are now referred to as the D.U.M.B.S in which they are holding the ancient secrets of past via Draconian military control.

I will talk about this in the next segment along with a more detailed description of the ankh and its relation to the human body, the fall of Atlantis, the science behind the Protiktah technology and how this sound tech correlates within the sacred geometry blueprint of Metatron’s cube.

That was long! Haha. Thanks for reading.

Much love!

Jamie Phillips