The Fifth Dimension

A Message From The Galactic Federation

Dear beloved ones,

The Galactic Federation informs you that the time has come for humanity to take the next step in spiritual evolution. We are in the process of unifying all people of planet Earth, regardless of race, creed, or color. It is at this time, as the Galactic Federation says, that “the veil between the worlds of the physical and spiritual has been lifted.”

The technology of the Unified Field is infinitely more powerful than anything you have ever experienced on your planet. It has altered the structure of your DNA, and it is now possible, for the first time, to communicate with your Higher Self.

It is a process that will require dedicated training and a level of Consciousness that you have never before attained.

You are at the center of the Galaxy, and your planetary system is part of that Galaxy.

The Universal Field, which influences everything, is a vast energetic system. It surrounds you all your life, and it is constantly changing.

The Universal Field is the Matrix of the Universe, and through it, the energies of Heaven have sent their creation to the Earth.

Your Fifth Dimension, the Heart Chakra, is the location of your access to the Universal Field.The Universal Field has experienced a great influx of Divine Light and Love. This Great Light is channeled through the Heart Chakra of every human being on Earth.

It creates a new energy field within the Earth’s core. This energy field, the Unified Field, radiates out from the heart, and through the heart, to everyone on Earth.

The Unified Field is an energy field, and the energy field can be a channel for positive energies.

The Universal Field is like a web, and through it, energy streams from the Source, from the Eternal Spirit. Through it, energy streams towards the Earth, and it is through these energy streams that energy can enter the Earth and affect your being.

Your DNA contains your energetic patterns, and your DNA patterns govern your physical experience. You are a powerful being of light, and your DNA patterns are powerful, too.

You began a spiritual journey. In this journey, you opened your Heart Chakra and became aware of the energies of the Universal Field. You started feeling more attuned to life, aware of things communicating with you through the power of thought and intuition.

When you felt ready, your Spiritual Guides directed you to seek purpose and meaning in life by expanding your Awareness Level and, therefore, your Consciousness to connect with your Higher-self.

The first step to connecting with your Higher Self is to realize that you are not your physical body. You are Consciousness, and your thoughts create the reality that you experience. So, instead of focusing on fear, anger, and jealousy, and so on, focus on love, compassion, and acceptance.

The next step is to become aware of your heartbeat. This heartbeat is actually the vibration of your Higher Self. It moves through your body and resonates through every cell, and this vibration is eternal, unchanging, and ever-present.

The next step is to become aware of your breathing. Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth, but let your Consciousness expand as you breathe.

The next step is to become aware of your mind. Thoughts come and go, some pleasant, some unpleasant, but they can’t exist unless you’re conscious. Your thoughts create reality, and reality is nothing more than your Consciousness creating experiences.

The next step is to become aware of your body. You are more than your physical body, and your body is just the vehicle of your Consciousness. Your body does not define you; it is merely a vehicle through which Consciousness is moved.

The final step is to begin communicating with your Higher Self.

Though you may not realize it, your Higher Self is constantly communicating with you already. And if you learn to listen, you can begin to create a new reality in your life.

You can do this in many ways. You can meditate, pray, or sit quietly and simply send love.

By turning within, you allow the divine Holy Spirit to penetrate your everyday existence.

It’s within your power to be happy, healthy, and successful. You’ll find all the love, joy, and happiness that life has to offer.

We love you dearly.

We are here with you.

We are your family of light.


Aurora Ray

Ambassador of the Galactic Federation