The Future and the New Earth

The Earth is changing. We are changing. The big questions that arise? What is the 5th dimensional version of Earth and how do we transition? There are many theories that contemplate how we make the quantum leap forward into the so called New Earth leaving behind the old one. This article today should by no means be solid proof for what is to happen but instead to examine the theories that are already presented to us to help piece together what lies in store for us in the future.

Dolores Cannon’s work talks much about the split between the old and new Earth which is separated by dimensions or density. One is third density based and the other 4th/5th density based. The vibratory changes align to the difference in our chakra energies, transitioning from a 3rd chakra dominated society to a 4th/5th chakra society. The third chakra represents the energy centre of our solar plexus and expresses how we use personal power to establish individualism but also to maintain control in our physical surroundings. This gut based consciousness is more strongly tied to the masculine energy and in doing so it has leaned towards the unbalanced service to self-attitude that has gotten us into some pretty sticky situations. 4th density consciousness is tied to that of the 4th energy centre in our chakra system; that of the heart. 4th density individuals have woken up to the reality that a being possesses a power and presence beyond that of their physical body and the person starts pursuing their path towards obtaining higher states of consciousness. At this stage, the person adopting this density state is aware that vibration is the key to enlightenment and that through an opened heart chakra, they can connect to all things in the universe to see beyond purely the physical constructs of the 3D.The heart chakra conforms to the purer energies of love, compassion, harmony and cooperation. Some theories suggest that the 5th density will transition from the heart space consciousness up another notch to align with the 5th chakra. This is the level that we express and can manifest our thoughts instantaneously through the fifth dimension. It is where we can materialize and dematerialize going from our physical body to our light bodies and vice versa. This is how the Annunaki were able to change form and how the wild Egyptian stories of these beings changing identities could hold much truth and validity after all.

So how do we shift? Again, there are some people that theorize that we will be born into a completely new world, vastly different from our current surroundings. However, I personally think the shift will be much more subtle than we would like to anticipate. Rather than having a drastic change between a dystopia and a utopia in contrast, I see the split coming in the form of a duplicated canvas of our current Earth. Just like how a cell divides naturally through mitosis, I see two identical canvases being birthed initially only for the two worlds to change as we decide which one we want to live in. Living in a parallel world separate from one another would be my understanding of it. As part of our evolution, it is up to us how we want to transform the world and so we won’t just wake up in some magical paradise. Our current reality is presenting us with the catalyst for change; giving us the choice to choose between the old and new Earth, separated by the frequencies of fear and love.

The next four years are particularly vital as to what version of Earth we decide to live in. It doesn’t matter about your past but what you are choosing in this now moment moving forward. This is why Dolores Cannon is saying we have the ability to release all karma as long as we drop our fears and let go of any negative attachments we were previously holding on to that was causing us trauma. Trauma is essentially fear stored within the body. These next four years will be really testing us as a global species in how we respond to darkness and low vibrations. When we choose to forgive and move on from all the negativity that our world has been flooded with for thousands of years, only then can we move past our traumas and start rebuilding again from that of a blank canvas. This is what our bodies have been preparing for over the last several months and years; to hold higher levels of light and consciousness that will keep us strong and centred when all of the nasty truths of the world are revealed to the masses. We would only seek to repeat the negative cycle of retaliation if we were to fight negative with negative energy. This time we are given the option to move past the corruption through unconditional love or to keep feeding the beast with its own energy. Understand that, responding with lower vibrations to anything at all, regardless of the situation at hand, is actually keeping off planet entities which control our matrix system alive. The more we hold the light, the quicker the waveforms of the planet rise and expand, resulting in a much faster change in alchemy of the darker energies. The choice is yours in every now moment. Every negative choice keeps you attached to the old Earth and dense energy system. We must learn that we are constantly flicking channels from the old and new Earth all the time depending on our current state. We are essentially training to consistently keep ourselves in the higher timeline by always responding with love. It is really as simple as that.

What we are currently experiencing is known as a Pluto return in astrology. Pluto is the planet of secrets but also represents death both physically and symbolically. In our solar system, it is the slowest planet to complete one full cycle around our sun and takes approximately 250 years to do so. Why is astrology so important in all of this? The planets in our solar system are the energetic tools that govern our consciousness to transcend us into higher density beings eventually. The Essences in the Bible were astrologers and quoted in this famous text ‘the wise man follows the star’. Pluto, when it comes back round to its native point in its full cycle orbit creates what we could call ‘break up, shake up time’. It reveals secrets so we can alchemize change and learn from what experimentation of the past that did not serve us so we can rectify our mistakes. It is all a learning process in our evolutionary consciousness as a modern human race.

As you could probably tell, we are in these break up times as of now. The last Pluto return occurred when the declaration of Independence was formed after the war between England and the States around 250 years ago when Pluto was sitting at 27 degrees of Capricorn. As of Monday 22nd Feb 2021, we are currently at 25 degrees of Pluto in Capricorn meaning we are a couple of degrees away from the biggest truths coming to the surface for all to see.

The Pluto return that initially formed the States, occurred because the wealthy banking families of the R0thsch1ld$ and R0ck@fella$ had a bust up over the horrendous taxation in England and sort to move away from the tyranny of the Roman Catholic Church. Funnily enough, if you go back 250 years prior to these events, you also had the split up of the protestants and Catholics. Everything works in cycles and it is as if history keeps repeating itself like a constant carousel ride. The ride only stops when you realize you have to jump off. To get off the ride is to not keep yourself from spinning round and around on the wheel of karma. This Pluto return is a big one in establishing who will graduate to the next stage in our evolutionary process and who is choosing to stay ignorant or continue on with learning and experiencing the 3D reality. David Wilcock is suggesting that these dualistic loops works in 26,000 year increment cycles with us being at the pivotal stage of the processional equinox. He suggests that those left behind would have to wait until the next cycle to complete in order to ascend. Dolores Cannon apposed that this was not the case and that those choosing not to go on to the higher realms of existence will play out the rest of their karma on other third density planets in their journey of the soul.

After the next four years, Pluto moves into Aquarius and stays there for 20 years. This is the rebuilding stage where it is likely that free energy for all will surface and all debt and homelessness will be abolished. We will start to move closer towards group mind thinking and eventually become an all connected social memory complex that looks out for each other’s best interest. This is the new Earth period where we will reshape and mould the foundations of the future. It is an absolutely amazing opportunity to be alive at this time to be a part of this extraordinary recreation process. Those who look through the eyes of fear at this stage will only experience turbulence in their own minds because they cannot see the bigger picture. Negative always leads to positive.

Those choosing the pathway of the heart will be protected on their ascension journey. As the body transitions from carbon to crystalline, this lighter form of matter won’t be affected like our old biological systems when the new Earth increases its vibrations. The heartbeat of the planet measured through the Schuman Resonance has recently risen as high as 8.50hz after being kept at around 7.83hz for thousands of years. This has demonstrated that not only is the love expanding on our planet but time is also speeding up too. Even though we still conform to 24 hour clocks, the actual time when measured to the frequencies of the past is more likely that we experience 16 hour days. The shifting of timelines has already begun. The Pleiadeans have said that the acceleration via the frequency of the planet started in 1987 and continued up until 2012 in what they call this timeframe the ‘nano’. This helped us shift into a parallel reality which matches up perfectly with the Mayan Calendar and prophecy.

As there wasn’t really any physical signs or evidence that we had changed worlds as such, it seemed like nothing had happened. The dawn of a new era was born in 2012 even though we had no clue what was going on. CERN technology that was being harnessed and implemented by the darker forces to create new portals in aid of controlling our universe, was flipped on its head when the Creator switched the channel on those beyatches! The new age was born when this secretive plan suddenly diminished allowing for the people to eventually gain back control of their planet in the time since that reality change. These darker forces have nowhere to hide now that their technology is useless in relation to their main agenda. They can only attempt to control the population through fear but they all know deep down they’re all screwed as they’re being backed up into a corner with no exit route.

The timeline split seems to come down to the choice between organic ascension through doing the work on yourself or, taking the shortcut route through that of transhuman integration. It is a decision in whether to keep your already divine form or to go down the route of becoming a cyborg. The artificial intelligence mainframe would connect you up to a separate consciousness grid that would access your soul or take it from you if you were to choose this reality for yourself. Worlds split by consciousness and perception and splinter off through the biological decisions you undertake. Ascension can only be achieved with pure biology. The 666 number that is referred to as evil is a representative of your carbon based molecular structure. The density of our atoms carry within them 6 protons, 6 electrons and 6 neutrons. By keeping you in a carbon based body, you cannot ascend out of the third dimensional plane so other entities can keep feeding off of your energy and integrate you into their own consciousness grid of denser matter. The inoculations rolling out currently are the first stages in stopping you from developing crystalline bodies, conforming to this satanic agenda. Hence why they call it the mark of the beast 666.Those who choose to become cyborgs will be letting go of their divine essence and choosing to get locked into a deeper level of the matrix programming (a matrix within a matrix infiltration system). Those choosing the path of love and light will start their journey from 4th density into 5th density when the education systems are reformed after the collapse of the old societal ways in the next few years. Creativity and spirituality will be at the forefront to develop a soul’s growth. There will be a much greater emphasis in helping the human race evolve to its final stage where we will all eventually transition into the 5th dimension when these systems solidify themselves in our new societies.

The new Earth schools will teach you how to become masters of your multidimensional selves that will allow you to eventually switch between physical and non-physical forms. It is said that in order to do this, one must go through 5 initiation stages. The first initiation is the controlling of the ego within the physical body. Additionally, we must learn to not give into temptations like alcohol consumption or excessive eating and other temptations that may plummet our vibrations. This is really the stage to master the physical body. The second initiation teaches students to control their astral body and will learn how to integrate this one with their physical body so the being is best ready to serve his or her fellow companions. Upon demonstrating this new skill, students will be given the secret of the sea astral light karma. The third initiation stage is all about learning the laws of creative thought building to manipulate matter. This can only be achieved when the foundation of the physical and astral bodies can be controlled to allow these new psychic faculties to open up on the sublevels of the mental plane. Fohat’s secret will be gifted to beings that pass this stage of learning. The fourth initiation is one of immense sacrifice that devotes the individual’s attention to a greater capacity for learning of occult wisdom and the studies of the cosmic plans at large. The individual at this stage develops 4th dimensional vision to be able to see further possibilities constraining to time and becomes more attuned with a greater understanding of how sound and colour are used to heal as well as create. The secret of polarity and universal sex for all kingdoms are revealed to students after this commitment of study has been acknowledged and thoroughly demonstrated to the ascended masters. The fifth and final initiation consists of mastering the sixth mental sub plane and the final secret of the ‘three fire types’ is gifted to those that have become true masters of themselves. Once all these 5 stages have been completed, humans would then be allowed into the higher dimensions and can either choose to go on to explore other avenues of creation or decide to stay as 5th dimensional entities in the new Earth. The New Earth creates itself when we choose to create it. The time is now. The 9D Acturian council want to remind us that we are not limited to laws, money in the bank nor our geographical location. It is only when you change your vibration that you change everything. It has never been about a change of scenery (the new Earth) but instead a change in you as your internal world reflects how you perceive your outer world. Worlds split by agreements and beliefs. The Pleiadeans stress that what you are invested in, can build millions of worlds and not just one. It all comes down to if you believe you can do this, since everything is just thought and thought is infinite. This is the power we hold in the form of probabilities within quantum mechanics. Set your intentions all the time as this is how you take control of the matrix and recode its information field to manifest the world you want to see. This is a skill that we all need to practice. Focus on what you want, rather than what you don’t want and this is how we all shift!

To be continued in part 2 of this series.

Jamie Phillips