via Asara Adams, translation Erika Shanti′′ We’re here now. We love you all. We are you, from your future, to assist you in your path. Because everything is changing rapidly in the world, the only constant is your connection to the Source. What is happening on the world stage is constantly changing. Many are troubled and uncertain about current reality…Just remember that everything in the D world isn’t really ′′ real “.It is part of the ′′ matrix ′′ which is simply a reflection of collective and individual consciousness. This matrix responds to each individual’s thoughts, feelings, words and actions, as well as to humanity as a whole. The only way to change the reflection in the matrix and eventually leave the matrix in the upper dimensions, is to create a strong connection with the Source. The more attention you pay to your connection to the source, the less attention you will pay to the reflection in the matrix. The more attention you pay to your connection to the Source, the more you are able to feel the Divine Perfection of the Source. The more you feel the Divine Perfection of the Source, the more you can carry it into your emotional, mental and physical body. Once you’ve achieved this, start creating a powerful momentum that, in turn, will change your experience of the world. You are starting to change your experience from inside out in your reality. The more you radiate the Divine energies of the Source in the matrix, the more it starts to change. Eventually, the lower energies of the three-dimensional world will leave your reality, because they can’t sustain themselves in your superior vibrational energy field. Now you’re connecting to the superior dimensional reality and every day you make this connection stronger. All of a sudden they’re coming into your reality of new experiences and a superior vibration of Love, Joy, Ease, Abundance and Wellness. Without physically leaving your place, energetically, things start to move higher, your Divine connection to the Source grows stronger and you’re becoming a new person in a new reality. Welcome to Divine New Earth! We are supporting with you the vision of Divine New Earth and from our perspective it is glorious. We are with you, every step of the way. You are loved beyond measure. We stand with you… always. We love you all. We are you.


Thank you,

Pleiadian-Syrian-Arthurian Council of Light!

Via Asara Adams

“The Telos Channel”

Translation Erika Shanti