Time To Step Into Action!

DIVINE LIGHT is Coming into the Planetary Realm with more POTENCY Constantly Performing UPGRADES and DOWNLOADING of Information into our DNA Residing in each Cell of our Being.

WE Do NOT Need to Know how to Act.

Our HIGHER SELF has Given Permission to CHANGE our Consciousness.

Our NEW ORGANISM Does Everything by ITSELF.

Previously. . . WE were Responsible for our Actions. . . from NOW ON WE Learn to BE Responsible for our Thoughts and Emotions.

If our Thoughts and Emotions are CALM and POSITIVE. . . the Water in our Cells has One Formula.

If they have Changed dramatically. . . the Formula instantly Becomes Different. . . and the ENTIRE Structure. . . Biochemistry. . . and Metabolism of Cells IMMEDIATELY Morph.

That’s Why Medications can Become Poison.

Words and Thoughts Affect DNA.

The swear word (and thought) cause a Mutagenic Effect. . . as from strong radiation exposure. . . killing the water inside the Cells.

Hence are All diseases. DNA Wave “Ears” instantly pick up the Emotional Coloring of the Voice. . . and in response emit a Photon of LIGHT.

DNA is like a Beacon. . . it Translates Emotions. . . and WE ARE Deeply Understanding each other.

All matter is Super Condensed LIGHT. . . and it is run by the Consciousness of the DIVINE SOURCE. . . Co-Creators . . . and us. . . Men.

NOW WE Are Learning this through a NEW AWARENESS.

The transformation of our Body into a Crystalline State or Manifested LIGHT. . . sometimes extremely painful:

cardiac arrest. . . high fever. . . insomnia. . . loss of appetite. . . apathy. . . depression. . . It’s just the Formation of NEW Organic Matter. . . the Action of NEW Hydrogen in Cells.

The Center Sun of the Galaxy Generates and Emits Powerful CODES. . . Making our DNA Soft and Malleable to Upgrading.

Our Perception CHANGES and WE again BEcome those Multi-Dimensional BEings that were originally Conceived by the DIVINE SOURCE.

And this is ONLY a Small Part of the MIRACLES that Await us in the Very Nearest Future.

So. . . Let’s Stay Well-Hydrated. . . Relaxed. . . and in Full Alignment with the DIVINE Presence Within us at All Times!


Pars Kutay