know yourself from the get go; at least, you must know your right towards freedom. The power in your choices or in walking your own paths is incredibly unlimited. As an awakened, understanding basic principles of consciousness by realising that you create your own reality is the most intelligent path of your strategy to bring mastery to the duality. This part of the realisation at first, feels so contradictory to what we were already taught and told.

A s c e n s i o n 1 0 1 : As it is.

Unfortunately, most people never grew out of it; they stay stuck in the ‘helplessness’ mentality of waiting on something or someone else other than themselves to help themselves. This is foundational of course. As a baby, you had a whole sets of rules in helping you to make the most of life by those who were responsible for you. But as you grew up, the rules never grew up, so you became stuck with the idea of always having someone (or something) in front of you. This have automatically and almost naturally dictated the terms and conditions of your own awareness without you ever being able to perceive this restriction which is limited towards your own self realisation.True awareness cannot be influenced by separation; It is a oneness to itself. Awareness that does not include the realisation of these childhood conditions is restrictive in seeing the whole or bigger picture. Deprogramming includes coming out of this mental frame that have kept you in check within the three dimensional mental construct.We have been indoctrinated to feel love (or solutions) only outside of ourselves. This takes responsibility away from the experiencer. Without the love of self, true freedom only seems impossible since Love and freedom must go ‘hand in hand’ together in order to represent the free will we have within the parameters of this existence. We must simply grow out of this ‘Tell baby’ mentality; we must become self responsible for our own truth. You simply must become it through embodiment.Remember, “You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free.Truth is your nature. There cannot be another way but to eventually aspire to your ‘God-given’ right towards Love and Freedom. Truth leads to Freedom therefore, discover your own.May the joy of knowing yourself be with you always.

Eternal peace.