We are the Galactic Federation

Greetings Dear Ones…

We come to you today with an important ascension update. Dear Ones, the energetics hitting your planetary system at this time have been designed to dismantle all current distractions to your spiritual evolution. What is no longer a vibratory match to your rapid expanding frequencies, are currently undergoing a paradoxical shift.

It is your free will to accept this shift or to disregard this opportunity. We ask that you remain in 0 point balance during these weeks to come. Many debris from your past and parallel timelines will rise to the surface for an opportunity to be felt, understood and finally healed. By mastering these energetics, emotions and transforming anger, hatred, and pain into higher qualities, you become the master of your own domain and no longer allow manipulative energies to sabotage you. The time for you take back your personal power has come.

We thank you for giving us the opportunity to connect with you at this time.

-Galactic Federation,