What Happen when you Die

What happens when you die? – (Part Two)

The review is a process that every human soul has to face once it dies in its physical form on the 3D Earth plane when making its journey back up to heaven. There is no judgement here. There is no one sitting up on a throne deciding your fate based upon your actions. In fact, it is the opposite. The only one that judges you here, is you. You hold what is known as the law of light within you. When you come up to heaven, you exit the character you were playing and you can see all for what is from an objective, unbiased perspective. Here is where we hold our vibration for everything we do, there is no surpassing it. The law of light cannot lie to itself. Your vibration is bound to your core at all levels of existence including the plane of existence you just exited. A board of elders and ascended masters whom have ascended from the Earth realm gather with you for this life review. The ascended masters like Jesus and Serapis Bey for example congregate with you at this time of your review to help you better understand where you made negative choices. Their stance doesn’t derive from whether you are a good or bad person as duality in these higher realms is understood to be just an illusion to test the soul within the matrix. Instead they want to help you and prepare you for the next life with the karma you have attained from your last existence. The Creator will always forgive you, but karma will not.

In this review you are shown every moment of your life that flashes before your eyes. It’s a strange sensation as the playback allows you to understand all your memories at once, like having a supercomputer of multiple brains connected, analysing and absorbing the information simultaneously and condensed down into a single thought form. The review is a process of understanding how to love yourself and others fully and unconditionally; to remind you the light is always inside you and to spread that light to others. Apart from the present councils members that are with you, you are joined by all the other beings who were also involved in your life story including that of your family, friends and perceived enemies. It even includes the old lady down the street you smiled at on your way to work. They were all supporting actors in the big play you agreed to exercise out amongst yourselves. Not only do you watch back the theatre play of the roles you all partook in, but you also have a discussion between yourselves and amongst the board of elders on how best to settle the karma you all collected between the parties involved in your next attempt on Earth. The movie of your life being shown back to you isn’t just a spy cam that watches everything you do; it also shows you the internal playbacks of the people you negatively affected in your life too. The movie is also shown to you through their eyes. Here, you experience the other person’s emotions in attempt to show you how you made others feel as a consequence of your own actions and choices. It’s very common for each person in this review to say ‘I didn’t know I hurt you like that’. Again, this isn’t shown for the sake of blame but instead to assist you in learning for the next time round. You do this with all the people who you had influence over within your life and they do the same with you too.

The review prepares you all as a soul group for the next lives ahead back on Earth. These groups will share a level of soul karma in which all of you must work out together to clear these debts as one. Families are a common one, as you are all placed together for a lengthy period of time and are often bound to one another throughout each individual’s life. This is why it is important to be of service to others, so you can all heal as a group. You may choose to swap the roles between these groups in order to best clear the negativity that occurred in your past lives together. By doing so, it also gives the other souls in the group an invitation to mix up new perspectives and a new set of experiences with opposing identities. If two souls were originally involved in a parent-child relationship dynamic, you might decide this time to reverse these character roles. In essence, you’re rewriting the script of your group movie and assigning souls to new actor/actress posts to help everyone improve upon their karmic lessons this time round in your new lives. Many people believe that an entire soul goes into one body but this is not the case. Due to the density level of the human form, only a fragment of your soul could possibly inhabit within a physical body. A soul by itself would contain too much light and literally explode your three dimensional self if it entered into the human vessel in its full power. Instead, your soul is like a diamond in that it has multi facets that spread out amongst not only other people in the 3D reality, but also into other dimensional versions of you. That means there are others walking around right now who are another piece of your soul but you aren’t aware, because your consciousness remains within a single being, for this existence that is. This is where the concept of soul mates and twin flames sharing the same soul comes from. The classic runner/chaser dynamic comes from a part of your own soul that hasn’t healed and so you repel each other until you both find peace with yourself.

The ascended masters and other worldly beings train you for your next role on Earth in which you will immediately forget once you incarnate back into the third dimension through what is known as the veil of forgetfulness. This happens so the experience not only comes as a challenge to you, but so you also perceive everything as real again. Your subconscious will hold onto this training and slowly awaken your soul to its true identity if you pass the tests you failed in the previous incarnation cycle/s. Some individuals are given what is known as imprints when training in the astral realms before their rebirth entry here on Earth once again. This is simply a false or artificial memory which is implanted into your consciousness that you will regard as your own once you take physical form again. It is a set of experiences taken from other beings previously within the Akashic records to help you understand how to get through your Earth education on whatever part of that learning journey you are finding difficult to overcome. It’s similar to reading from a book; it’s not your research, but it saves you time in having to gather all the information together through various sources. The imprint is the same thing except the experiences aren’t all yours. That is why this is called The Great Experiment. We really do know nothing about how reality truly operates until we awaken to the full power of ‘I am’ through the sacred union of both masculine and feminine consciousness within our own self.

Most people have signed up for the full Earth experience to become Earth masters of energy so they have had many incarnations to get to where they are now, on the brink of ascension. There are some star seeds however who have volunteered themselves to help Earth in this big transition of energy, bringing the Earth back to the fifth dimension. A lot of these beings have ascended themselves and decided to come back to Earth for a single life one more time to show humanity the way forward. There are many others that heard the call from Earth in other dimensions to come and help but have never experienced being in a human body before. Depending on the individual’s soul contract, some of the first timers have a protective coat as it were which stops them from inheriting any negative Karma into the afterlife so they won’t be bound and trapped in the third dimension after this particular existence.

Thousands of people worldwide have been regressed back into these scenarios and memories before, describing their in-between lives and past selves through a form of specialised hypnosis called QHHT. Through tapping into the subconscious or super conscious mind, these individuals through manipulating their brainwaves into a theta state, are able to switch off the neocortex, the conscious part of the brain. This deeper level of trance allows them to access parts of their higher self and past life memories that are stored in the subconscious throughout the duration of your entire soul’s journey. If you want to find out more, I would recommend looking into Dolores Cannon’s work both in written and video content formats. Hope this helped expand your consciousness and awaken a new path of exploration on your spiritual journey. The path to ascension is within touching distance. Take care, much love and namaste.