Who steps forward with a message?

Greetings Dear one,

it is I your Lakshmi with you once again to discuss Ascension. As more and more of you move towards that Light more and more is/will be brought up for release. As so many of you are receiving and integrating the new energies without fail, I need not say better than expected but just to say Wow! Thick has been the programming for so long and dense has been the energy holding you all down/back. Liberation is at hand and Liberation is what is occurring throughout your World and in so many diverse countries. All is to be brought up for review and cleanse. Nothing can remain hidden in this new reality where all is unveiled.

Lakshmi why such violence in some places and what do they expect to achieve? The violence is simply part of a long simmering pot of inequality and injustice and as it boils over some will get scalded, some will transition but most will feel the release of so much that has been out of balance for so long. From the ashes will rise the phoenix and with that comes the new beginning with balance as its foundation and abundance for all and not just a few.

Why the killing of so many leaders of countries?

There is no one reason each is such that their contract, their pre-life mission was and is to create change even if it means their transition. All are potential’s contained within the records and as conditions align so due to potential’s of murder. Again from the ashes rise the new and latest scenario of potential’s all leaning toward the Light. No one wants to continually struggle and fight for the basic necessities and it should not be that way.

Earth/GAIA has all that is ever needed to support Humanity as well as all other plant and animal life. Only those who want to control or manipulate said resources are to blame for the perceived scarcity. As Humanity rises up from each experience a better view is established from which to work from. So as the incremental steps towards Peace are achieved and Harmony and Understanding take old it is best to continue to hold the Light for so many to help see the way. Remain calm and balanced in your approach towards your fellow man and encourage all to look within for the answers they seek. For there is nothing that cannot be inquired of or reviewed it only takes silence and intent.

So as has been said quite often and bears repeating once again. Utilize the power of the Violet Consuming Flame to rid your life and your world of all unneeded baggage, situations and conditions that are not of the Highest and Best for anyone being or group and witness the emergence of all that is good and loving instead of more of the same.

This is a pivotal moment for Humanity and it is only a matter of time before the Lights go on and all is revealed. So continue to promote the Light and remain neutral in your view of others. Let them play out their final roles in this game and let them experience what they have chosen in this free will game of Life. So call out to us and look for the signs to help guide You home.



Transcribed by RJS